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Brian's offer

"You got the evolution gem". This notification is so different from any other notifications. Mark sees the information about this evolution gem.

"Evolution gem is used to upgrade any plasma soul to its next level. This is for one time use."

Mark is now so happy because he can upgrade any distorted plasma soul into an upper class soul. But he is still not deciding which plasma soul he will upgrade. On the other side it all spreads into the arena to kill Trade. First match was between David Augustine and Trade. That's why there is a crowd gathered in the arena and the media is also covering it. All of them occupy all the exit and entry gates so that Trade cannot go outside once he enters. Suddenly David Augustine enters the stage and sees around for Trade. After some time a man with black armour appears on the stage. David Augustine welcomed him and told Trade that today you are here to fight with the president of the alliance. What are you feeling right now? Trade says that I am feeling so good but after sometime you will not feel comfortable and good. After saying this, Trade ran towards David Augustine. David Augustine stops Trade and says that I am giving you a victory in beg. After saying this, David Augustine withdraws from Divinity bout and Trade is finally in the final. Trade is highly shocked by this decision of David Augustine. The second match is between Evelyn and Max. After five an hour finally Evelyn defeats Max and she is the last finalist. After an hour the battle between Evelyn and Trade is started and Evelyn runs towards Trade with a poisonous distorted dagger but Trade holds her hand and puts her neck into the middle of his hands. Trade tells her to surrender and starts grabbing his neck tightly. She felt difficulty to breathe. That's why she decided to go back from Divinity bout. Trade is now the winner of the Divinity bout and he is qualified for the global Divinity bout. David Augustine came on stage and gave the prize of Divinity bout to Trade. After that a notification popup on Mark's power screen.

"You got the distorted plasma soul of Mountain lizard"

Mark now decides to go back but he sees that the arena is empty and all the members have left the arena. All the exit and entry gates are closed there and there is no way to go out. David Augustine tells Trade that now you have no chance of escape. That's why you will be killed today. Trade says that Mr president you are acting like kids. After saying this, Trade calls his invisible plasma soul and disappears from there. David Augustine says that there is no other way to escape. Mark jumps behind the stage where no-one goes. Mark starts saying something. After sometime a portal opens in front of him. Mark enters the portal and leaves that arena. This is the special word's effect that was written in that mysterious book to directly enter into the plasma sanctuary and come back into the alliance. On the other hand, in the arena everyone is waiting for Trade to reach there but they don't get any response from Trade. After waiting for two days they all leave the arena and go back to their work. David Augustine and everyone don't know how Trade escaped from there because all the exit and entry gates are fully closed by them.Trade again returned into FAMAS shelter after three days and heard that the global Divinity bout will be started after a month. That's why Trade decided to go for a hunt for some basic creatures to fulfill his basic core points tally. Mark comes out from his room and he finds that Brian Turner is waiting for him outside in his room. Mark says that what happens brother? Please let me go for a hunt. After saying this Mark goes towards the exit of FAMAS shelter. Brian starts following Mark and says that I am waiting for you for 3 days. You know that Trade is so powerful and defeats everyone in this shelter and I heard that he will take part in a global Divinity bout with spirits. Mark says that I knew it. Brian asks in a mysterious look that how can you know about this because you were not in a plasma sanctuary in the whole Divinity bout. Mark says that I read it on Dear-Date, you fool. Brian says that oh! I understand it. Mark leaves the FAMAS shelter and comes into the garden area but he sees that Brian is still following him. Mark ignored him and he exited the main gate and he stopped there. Mark says without turning that what do you want Brian. Brian says that actually I want your help. Mark says what type of help. Brian says that I want help for some basic creatures hunting. Mark says that you are working with Evelyn's gang now then why should you need my help. Brian says that they will give me only 5-10 percent of loot because of my given information. If you will come with me then we will distribute the loot into 50 percent each. Mark thinks for some time and decides to go with Brian. Mark asks Brian that what types of creatures they're. Brian says that they are bugs of small sizes. They drop the armour plasma soul. Mark asks where those bugs are. Brian says that they are on the mountain of Rushmore. Mark says what you are saying. That place is situated near smoke valley. If we go there we will be attacked by those invisible creatures. Brian says that those invisible creatures were killed by Trade a month ago and smoke valley is empty now. Mark says ok and brings out his ride and goes towards the mountain of Rushmore. Brian also follows him. After a day, both Mark and Brian reach the mountain of Rushmore. They are not attacked by any other creatures in the way. After some hours they are on the top of mountain of Rushmore where he sees that some golden bugs are coming out from a crack in the field of top of mountain of Rushmore.