WebNovelMega gene37.50%

One more trouble

Those bugs are golden in colour. They look like a circular ball. They have only one eye in the middle of their body. Brian says that this bug is more costly than other basic creatures because its golden shell is used in alliance to obtain gold. Mark says that but we can't take anything out of the plasma sanctuary that belongs to the plasma sanctuary. Brian says that a guy named Sander has a special plasma soul which is a bag. He can take out anything outside the plasma sanctuary that belongs to it. Mark asks what is the class of that plasma soul. Brian says that this is not any class, it's interesting. Mark asks where he found that plasma soul. Brian says that he found that plasma soul near a half-kilometre desert after killing a cat. Mark remembered that he had also got that plasma soul near a half-kilometre desert. Mark then sees towards that crack from where bugs are coming outside. Almost 10 bugs came outside but they started cutting the stones. Brian says what is happening bro. Why are they cutting that stone? Mark then sees with a telescope and says that they are not cutting the stones. They are eating those stones. Brian again sees that using a telescope and says that you are right. Brian says when and how we will kill them. Mark takes his bow out and a titanium arrow and points it towards a bug. Brian says that they are 300 metres away from us and you cannot hit that target. Even Max can't hit that target from this distance. Mark ignores Brian and pulls the string of the bow tightly and leaves the arrow. A black flash goes towards lightning speed and penetrates one bug's eye and sticks him onto a rock nearby. All bugs starts wandering around them to find the murderer but they found noone there. This is because Mark and Brian are hidden behind the stone. A notification popup on Mark's power screen

"Basic creature golden bug hunted. You don't get its plasma soul. You can consume its flesh for 0-10 basic core points."

Brian asks in shock that how can you do this. Mark says that you know me friend I was best in archery in our school. Brian says that but how. Mark says that my fitness level is 9. That's why I can pull the string of bow maximum and that bugs are still in a place and they are not moving. That's why the target is easy. Brian asks nothing after this and Mark again fires an arrow towards another bug. Again another bug sticks near the first bug on that rock. All the bugs stop eating stones and they start seeing everywhere and they see Brian hiding behind stone there. Mark then sees that all the bugs start coming towards them. Mark thinks that how can those bugs know that they are hiding behind the stone. Mark then sees that Brian's hair is not hidden behind stone and is exposed outside. Mark says that you make them alert by exposing your hair. Brian says that then we have to run otherwise we will be killed. Mark says that there are only 8 left. We can counter them with close combat. Brian says that have you go mad, there are 8 basic bugs. Mark says that yes they are only basics not distorted. That's why we can kill them. Mark asks that Brian you have a distorted class plasma soul. Brian says that yes I have a distorted class dagger which was awarded when I joined Evelyn's gang. Mark says that ok I have a spear. That's why you will distract them and I will kill them. Brian says ok and he comes out his dagger and starts distracting those bugs. Mark started killing those bugs by his spear. He cuts the bodies of bugs into two pieces with that spear because that spear is of distorted class. After killing all the bugs Mark got no any plasma soul but the luck of Brian is so good because he kills only two bugs but he got it's plasma soul. After killing all the bugs, Brian says how we can divide this loot. Mark says that I will give you 20% of loot. Brian says in shock, ``What are you saying.'' Why can you give me only 20% of the loot? Mark says that this is for your information and those bugs were killed by you is yours. I will give you all the golden shells for free. Brian says that please give me at least 30%. Mark thinks for some time and give him two and a half bug and says that this is more than 30%. Brian takes the bugs and tells Mark that you are cheater. Mark says that how could I a cheater. Brian says that I wishes that you will give me at least 50% of the loot but you gave me only 30%. Mark says that I have given you double than your gang. Mark says that you got a plasma soul but I cannot. That's why you have to be happy. Brian says that when I will come to collect golden shells. Mark says that I will give you on the first day of next week. Brian again says that what will you do with 8 bugs. Mark says that what do you mean. Brian says that I will sell these with Samuel with high rates. Mark thinks that he will get core points from only two or three bugs and his pet is not interested in basic creatures. That's why he decided to gave 5 bugs to Brian and says that I want 90% money otherwise I can never join you in any other hunt again. Brian says ok and packed all bugs in his bag and both started walking back into shelter. Before they could step down from the mountain, suddenly the land on mountain starts sliding. Due to its impact Mark and Brian falls on the ground and after some time they heard some voices coming from the cracks made by those bugs.