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Next level bug

Mark and Brian turn back and see that the crack starts growing and it widens for 100 metres. Both Mark and Brian hides behind a big stone and start observing what is happening in the crack.  Brian says what is happening brother. Mark says that something is making his way to come out. Brian says that it seems that is too dangerous. Mark says that we have to go from this place otherwise we will fall into a big danger. Brian says that wait Mark first of all we have to see what is coming outside. Mark says that you have gone mad. If that will be of distorted class or upper class then we will definitely be killed here. Brian says that wait for a while brother, if I feel that anything is dangerous then I will run from here first. Suddenly an explosion takes place in the crack and a deeply golden bug comes out from the crack. Mark says that this is a distorted class. Brian says that yes brother. That bug sees around and sees those blood's. After that, the bug starts roaring with a loud voice. Mark and Brian feel that their ears and body will explode soon. Cracks start developing on the rocks behind them. Mark observes cracks on rocks and says in Brian's ear that this bug is of the upper class. If we are still there, then we will be killed very soon. Brian agrees with Mark's words and they slowly start slipping out from the mountain. They were on the half of the mountain then they heard voices coming close to them. The height of the mountain is not so high. That's why both take down from mountain in next some minutes and ran into the jungle nearby. After reaching 100 metres a sudden shockwave throws Mark and Brian 200 metres away in the jungle. Mark turns back and sees that a football sized golden bug is following them and throws many sound waves and shockwaves towards them. The speed of that bug was too fast. After that Mark brings out his ride and both of them jump over it and run into the jungle on a zigzag path to dodge the attacks of that bug. Mark angrily tells Brian that our present condition is because of you. If you cannot stop there due to your curiosity. Brian says that I am sorry but what will we do next? Mark says that I have an idea. Before Mark says something, a shockwave hits Mark's ride bloodlust hyaena and they are all thrown some metres away. Mark thought that his ride would be completely destroyed due to the direct hit of that shockwave. But Mark is surprised after seeing his ride because his distorted class ride is not destroyed, only some wounds came on his body which was not too deep. Mark thinks that how can this be possible because upper class creatures have different elemental powers because they already opened their Geno lock. But this bug's attack is not able to kill my ride. This means that something is wrong here. Mark comes out from his thinking when Brian slaps onto his shoulder. Before Mark can do anything, another shockwave strikes on Mark's ride and the wound is now deep and it starts bleeding from his ride. Mark knows that his ride will be destroyed very soon that's why he sends back that ride into his plasma sea of soul to recover. Mark tells Brian to run deeply into the forest. After running a kilometre almost at the end of the jungle, Brian stops and says that we can't go ahead. Mark says that what the fuck are you saying. Brian says that after this jungle, the slopes of butterfly mountain started. We might survive here but after this jungle we will finally be killed. Mark says that I have an idea. Brian says, ``What is your plan?'' Mark says that we have to run in opposite directions,so that anyone from us will avoid that bug and go into shelter for some help. Brian says that but no one in the shelter will agree for your help if I will escape from here. Mark says that ok if you will escape then there is no need for any help for me. I was telling for your help if I will escape from here. Brian says that but how can you manage if I will escape. Mark says that you remembered that day of our college when that monster boy was my opponent in boxing and I defeated him. This is the same situation. After saying this Mark ran towards the butterfly mountain and Brian ran towards the other side. That bug starts following Mark and Mark loudly says that I will come very soon for my money of those basic bugs. Brian was running towards the smoke valley, heard Mark's voice and thought about what type of human he is. At the time of death he is also worried about his money. He is the most mad human I have ever seen. On the other side Mark starts running towards the slope of butterfly mountain and dodging all the attacks of that bug. After some time he reaches the slopes of butterfly mountain which is a rock field where many big rocks are spread out everywhere. Mark thinks that he can use these rocks to survive against this bug. Actually the rocks of butterfly mountain are made up of very rigid material. It cannot be broken into pieces by distorted class or lower than distorted class creatures and souls. That's why Mark decided to use these rocks to survive here. Mark knows that the bug is very weak upper class creature. So It might not be able to break these stones. After thinking this Mark ran into those stones. Mark enters into that rocky slope and he finds that the bug is unable to use his shockwave here because it bounces back from those stones. But the problem is still there. The bug starts producing a supersonic sound Mark feels that his mind will explode very soon. Suddenly after a week Mark heard a loud scream and he started feeling very hot there. Mark is now very confused. That's why he comes out and hides behind a stone. After seeing the situation of that place, Mark's whole body is covered in sweat.