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Young twins

Mark asks Jonathan Straut about that plasma soul. Jonathan Straut says that this is a special add-on that extend the size of the gears made up of the elements of plasma sanctuary. Mark take that plasma soul and back out from stage. Media company announced that perhaps Trade has berserk distorted class armour plasma soul which can be use as a weapon too. That's why he defeated Jonathan Straut. This is the most valuable moment for humanity because first time after sanctuary upgradation someone goes to second round in Global Divinity bout. AI announced Mark as a winner and Mark return into FAMAS shelter because his next match is on next day. He starts practicing his hyper geno art because from next day he has to fight with spirits where spirits cannot surrender before death. They again alive by his spirit stone. Mark teleported back into alliance and starts practicing some basic of dagger battle styles. Jonathan Straut's add-on plasma soul increased the size of that knife which is made up of the shell of holy bug and now that knife becomes a dagger. Mark goes into cafeteria in Robinson Galaxy's and he has been approached by someone. That man was Mr Robinson in different getup. Even Mark doesn't identify him as Mr Robinson. Mr Robinson sat on the back chair of Mark and says that little master you have to be more careful because David Augustine gives someone a contract to find you. Mark says that what do you mean. Mr Robinson says that he gives contract to Young family's rising twins Thomas and Philips young. This is the deadly contract. According to this contract, if both of them will receive remaining 50% partnership in JADE Shelter and of course they will go to any level to find you. Both of them are especially following me, that's why I am here in different getup. Mark says the who is this Young twins. Mr Robinson says that they are one of the most powerful fighters from Young family. They are in JADE Shelter but they are on the way of FAMAS shelter. This contract had to be given to Jonathan Straut but in the first round of Global Divinity Bout, Jonathan Straut is highly injured and his injuries are very deep so he has to rest for more than six months. Mark says that ok I will be careful. Mr Robinson says that one more thing that are like the north and south pole of magnet, they always do their every thing together. Before Mr Robinson can leave, Mark asks him about the Crossbow and bolts which Mark ordered. Mr Robinson says that you will get it on Lotus mountain which is be buried at this place. Mr Robinson gives a small map to Mark and leaves that cafeteria. Mark is now worried about Young twins. Before he can leave cafeteria, Brian reaches there and stops Mark there. He hugs Mark and says that where are you brother? You are not in FAMAS Shelter and what are you doing in Alliance. Mark says that I was hitted by that upper class bug at that time. That's why I am not back into plasma sanctuary because I am not fully recovered till now. Brian says that I understand but you know a thing. Mark says that what I have to know. Brian says that Young twins are coming into FAMAS shelter for a visit. Mark is in shock because he didn't expect that Brian also know about Young twins. Mark says that who are they and why are they coming in FAMAS shelter. Brian says that they are one of the most powerful fighters of "Bone legion" and they works for Jonathan Straut. They are coming in FAMAS shelter in search of someone. Mark asks to whom they are coming. Brian says that I don't know about it because the information is highly confidential. Brian says that come with me into Plasma sanctuary because young twins will reach our FAMAS shelter at any time. Mark thinks that this is good time to see both brothers because he wants to see him and also observe him so that he can be careful next time. Mark and Brian both reaches FAMAS shelter and gathered in the hall and starts waiting for Young twins. Mark listens that in our FAMAS shelter Max Johnson, Jack and Archet are feared of with young twins. Mark turns back and sees that some young guys are talking with each other. Mark starts listening further. One of them says when Jack, Archet and Max joined plasma sanctuary, they worked under Young twins. These were the days when we were not captured JADE Shelter. Max had done a small mistake and he is brutally beaten by the Young twins. Another guy says what mistake Max had done. one says that Max works in weapon room and he throws all the rusted weapons from there without the permission of Young twins who were the incharge of weapons room but Young twins heard about it and punish Max tightly. Max were saying that those weapons were useless but both brothers do not mercy him and after that his terror spreads in whole FAMAS shelter. After two months from this incident, Young twins were transferred to JADE Shelter to help Jonathan Straut. After that our life became easy. But they are again transferred into FAMAS shelter, this will create a huge havoc in our life. Another says that I heard that they always take away anyone's plasma soul forcefully if that plasma soul would like by them. Another says that yes you haven't heard that incident when they take boiler snake's sword from Jack when he earns his first distorted class plasma soul. Young twins are coming and our life is going to hail. Suddenly everyone stops in the hall and everyone makes pin drop silence there. Suddenly two guy enters into hall on bloodlust hyaenas. Mark sees that they both looks like carbon copy of each other. Anyone if observe them carefully, then he will notice slightly change on their faces.