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After Young twins some others guys also entered into hall in bloodlust hyaenas where they all are greeted by Max Johnson there. One of the Young twins says that it's been long time to see you Max. Max says that yes brother I am very happy to see you here. Both brothers take away his rides and starts shouting that the people of FAMAS shelter you all knew about me and if you don't know me then ask with your teammates. We are Thomas and Philip Young collectively called Young twins. Now from this time only my gang and Evelyn's gang will run into FAMAS shelter and all others will have to be deactivated otherwise the results will not too good. Mark knew that Evelyn is the daughter of President, that's why she will never be suppressed by Young twins. Thomas Young shouts that from this time you all have to follow our orders otherwise this time you will get a different punishment. After that, everyone bows their heads down and Mark also bow his head because he doesn't want to get any conflict with them before their full information. After that everyone returned to their rooms and Young teams and their crew reaches into president's office and says that sir we will spread our terror here and torture everyone here. He has to come out because he is more powerful. That's why he will not resist and attacks on us and we will find him. David Augustine says that if he will not find him then what will you do. Philip Young says that you give me information about all the members who are powerful to counter a distorted creature alone or with support. David Augustine bring out a list and says that these are all the humans who will resist against distorted creature with their full details. Thomas Young started reading these files and he stops at a name "Andrew Mark junior". Actually full name of Mark is "Andrew Mark junior". He asked president about him and president says that he is the new guy who joined plasma sanctuary six months ago. He helped us to protect our Shelter when attacked by Umbrella spirit. He asked about some more names and come on the last name Trade. David Augustine says that you have heard about Trade already and we have doubt that he belongs to Hanson's family. Philip Young says that then we have to capture Mr Robinson and take all information about him. David Augustine says that we cannot do this because till date noone is in contact with Mr Robinson. Our spies tells us that he is working on a business plan. To capture Mr Robinson is just a time wastage. Thomas Young says that we have to recruit some trusted members in alliance who follows all the humans in this list all time. If any of them will meet Mr Robinson then we will find both Trade and that legendary Hyper geno art. Next day Mark reaches into arena where he has to fight with a low class spirit which is a combination of lizard and human. He was already injured and defeated after some time by Mark. In next round he have to fight with Umbrella prince and both the contestants enters in arena for fight. Umbrella prince close his umbrella and starts running towards Trade with his umbrella running with drill machine. Trade stands there and dodge the attack at last moment and suddenly a blue dagger appears in Mark's hand and cuts the half neck of Umbrella prince. After resisting some time UMBRELLA Shelter spirit Umbrella prince returned into his spirit stone and Trade is again winner. Mark return into FAMAS shelter and sees a dangerous situations there. Young twins are collecting plasma soul to the people of FAMAS shelter forcefully and if anyone is not able to give him plasma soul then he will brutally be beaten by Young twins and their crew using hunter. Mark quickly goes into his room and teleported back into alliance. Global Divinity bout has to run a week more. That's why Mark decided not to counter Young twins. Mark reaches his home in alliance and goes to rest after lunch. Suddenly Mark's communicators starts ringing. It was Brain. Mark pick up the phone and asks Brian that what happens. Brian asks that where are you. Mark says that I am at my home. Brian asks when you are coming to FAMAS shelter. Mark says that after a week. Brian says ok. Brian again says that do you know what is happening in shelter. Mark says that no I don't know anything about it because I returned back to alliance after seeing Young twins. Brian says that they are spreading his terror on all the members in FAMAS shelter except Evelyn's gang members. Mark says that this means you are lucky. Brian says yes brother I have done a good thing to leave Max's gang and join Evelyn's gang. I am safe now but when you will return to shelter you will also be harassed there and if you will not came back into shelter then you will be warned or they will sent you notice to leave plasma sanctuary. Mark says that I will come after after a week because I am busy in some important work. After talking some time about Trade Brian cuts the phone. Mark remembered that Young twins are in FAMAS shelter to find me. This means that they were already researches on those peoples who are not in FAMAS shelter or are more powerful. Mark thinks that he has also shows his power when FAMAS shelter was attacked by Umbrella prince. This means that they are behind me also. Perhaps they are following me. That's why I have to be careful and not to trust anyone otherwise my family will be in danger. Mark tells his parents not to tell anything about me and leaves the house and starts wandering in the city.