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Another holy creature hunt.

"Three-horned lava bull evolved into berserk distorted class plasma soul".

Mark is now very happy because till now it's very easy rask to kill an distorted creature. Mark bring out his three-horned lava bull plasma soul and transforms into a lava bull and bring out his armour too and that armour changed their shape and now Bull looks like golden spike bull. Next day Mark enters into arena where he has to fight with a creature looks like panda. Mark and Panda enters into stage and Mark sees that Panda is so heavy. That's why his speed is same as berserk distorted creature. That's why he can dodge it easily. Panda punches the ground and a powerful wavefront created and Mark falls away and collide with the end of stage. Mark is now realising his fault that this Panda is weaker opponent. That Panda was huge in size. It was many times bigger than Trade. Panda suddenly jumps and lands on front of Mark and try to punch with his hammer like fist. Mark quickly goes to other side between the legs of Panda. Suddenly Panda turns back and try to punch Trade again. But before hit, Trade changes his place between the Panda's leg. One man in JADE Shelter says that look guys there is blood coming from Panda's leg. Everyone is in shock because they had never heard that anyone even scratched the upper class creature. A girl sat behind him says that Trade is very powerful and talented. I just want to kiss her. Another girl says that I will directly purpose him when I meet. Actually Trade knows that if he will use add-on plasma soul to knife then it will works like berserk distorted plasma soul only which is not enough to scratch holy creatures. That's why he directly hit Panda with knife to give him damage. Mark's plan is on way because he had already noticed that the skin of Panda is so soft, that's why Mark has given him two deep cuts on Panda's legs. This time Panda stops and suddenly his punch changed into ice and he again hits the ground of stage. This time instead of wavefront ice starts covering the stage and after some time whole stage transforms into an ice field. Mark wants to kill that Panda but now it is very tough to scratch Panda because the ice ground is so slipry, that's why Mark is now unable to stand there. But Mark noticed that the speed of Panda is suddenly increases and within a second he reaches Mark by skiing on ice and again cast a ice punch. This time Mark is already prepared of it. That's why he dodges that punch from less than a inch but some of his hair is converted into ice. Mark jumps on Panda's hand and cast bullet punching skill on its face. After punching many times the spikes of Mark's armor enters into an eye of that Panda. One of the eyes of Panda broken and white blood starts coming from it. That Panda quickly throws Trade from his body and starts crying and touching his broken eye. Mark falls away and blood suddenly comes out from mouth and his armour is slightly cracked. Mark is now feeling the real power of that Panda. Mark woke up and sees that Panda is still distracted, that's why he decided to take a little risk. Mark again jumps on Panda's hand and penetrated his knife into second eye of Panda. That Panda again throws Mark from his body but the knife is still in that Panda's eye. That Panda starts rubbing his eyes. Due to this, Mark's knife penetrated deeply into his eyes and blood starts coming out from it. Panda starts crying in pain and starts throwing his punches everywhere. Mark carefully goes back to the legs of Panda and cast bullet punching skill. Due to the impact of this many strikes, many holes created in the legs of Panda and blood starts coming out from it. Mark quickly changes his position and casts bullet punching skill to second leg of Panda and again blood starts coming out from the holes. Mark again quickly changes his position and starts attacking from all the sides to that Panda. After half an hour that Panda looks like the the bedsheet which is full of holes. Whole stage is now converted into a pond of blood and the white Panda is converted into red panda because his white fur had already converted into red due to blood. All the humans in the FAMAS Shelter and JADE Shelter are watching this battle and they are shocked because a human named Trade is about to kill an upper class creature. On the other side Mark starts running his Hyper geno art"Blood power" and collect his all the power in his fist and punches that Panda's head and penetrates a huge amount of Yin force into his head. Due to the impact of this, Blood starts coming out from all the holes of Panda's head and after some time, finally Panda collapsed into the stage and a notification comes on Mark's power screen.

"Holy creature icy white Panda is hunted. You haven't got it's plasma soul. You can consume it's flesh for 0-10 holy core points."

Mark takes his body and back out from stage and in midway he sends the whole body into the bag plasma soul. Mark sees that a deep crack had generated into his holy spike armor. That's why Mark decided to change his armor and he wears his black armor so that the cracks of holy spike Armor will be healed. Mark's next battle is after some hours. That's why he decided to see the battles of some other spirits or creatures. Mark are very curious to see the fight of Charmcaster because he is very fond of the powers of that spirit. Mark thinks that if he will claim Charmcaster, then noone in whole Plasma sanctuary who is able to stop him. Charmcaster's next battle is with a spirit named Thunder Devil.