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The real legend

Charmcaster and Thunder Devil enters into stage and the fight begins. Thunder Devil knew that if he will late on casting his attack, then he will be killed by Charmcaster before he will do anything. That's why he starts casting his electric powers. A huge amount of electricity discharged from the body of Thunder Devil's body and goes towards Charmcaster. Mark thinks that Charmcaster will dodge but Charmcaster still stands there and raise her hand. All the electricity discharged by Thunder Devil gathered near the hands of Charmcaster and after some time Charmcaster fires that electricity towards Thunder Devil. Before Thunder Devil can react, A big beam of thunder penetrates whole body of Thunder Devil and Thunder Devil return into his spirit stone.

Mark calculated that his last battle might be arranged with Charmcaster. Around 50% possibility is that Mark's last battle which can enter him in top 10 will be arranged with Charmcaster. Mark decided that if his battle arrange with Charmcaster then he will not participate in it and try next year for reward.

In the FAMAS shelter, Max Johnson wishes that the next battle of Trade will be with Charmcaster. Then he will not have to take any revenge from Trade. He still not forgetted the death of one of his colleagues Marconi.

Mark sees that his next battle is assigned with a spirit named Mong Knight. This spirit looks like Monkey but he has no tail. He is a fighting type spirit and he has won his all battles by close combat. Mark is good in close combat fighting techniques but there is problem with that Mong Knight. His nails is like a sharp knife and very poisonous.

After seeing many fights, Mark knows about the weakness of spirits. Actually if any spirit will be hit by weapon on the back side of their neck then they can be killed by a single shot. This weakness is allowed in all kinds and levels of spirits.

Finally the time has come for today's last battle of Trade. That's why Mark and Mong Knight enters into stage. Mark changes his armor from black to golden armor. Mark bring out his knife and takes a position to defend. Mong Knight says that I always give my opponent a chance to leave the match and survive. Trade says that I appreciate you but if I take a step then I will never back my step at any cost. Mong knight says that this means that you don't want to alive.

After saying this Mong Knight ran towards Trade and within a second he is in front of Trade. Before Mark can react he is punches by Mong Knight. Mark strikes with the walls at the end of stage and blood starts coming out from his mouth.

Mark stands up and felt that some of his bones in ribcage has cracked. If he was not running his Hyper geno art"Diamond-flex" then his bones will converted into powder due to the impact of that punch. His armor has also deeply cracked and blood starts coming from it. Mark says that I had underestimated you. But you are not able to defeat me. After saying this Mark ran towards Mong Knight and Mong Knight also ran towards Mark. When Mong Knight's punch is about to hit Mark's face suddenly Mark disappeared from there.

Suddenly Blood starts coming out from back neck of Mong Knight and Mark appears on the other side of the stage. Everyone sees a deep cut in the back side of the neck of Mong Knight. Mark knew that this time Mong Knight will not resist and will die very soon. But beyond the prediction of Mark suddenly Mong Knight stands up and cast a massive kicks on him. Mark can't dodge this attack that's why he is directly hit by the attacks of Mong Knight. Mark calculated that the fighting skill used by Mong Knight is bullet kick. Mark had also learnt this skill but never used that skill yet. Mark's armor is fully cracked and more blood starts coming out from it. Mark realised that if he will not do anything then he will loose his armor. Mark starts running his Hyper geno art "Blood power" and collect all the energy at his fist. Mong knight again attack Mark but Mark disappears using his invisible Plasma soul and dodges the claw of Mong Knight. Before Mong Knight can think anything Mark turns back and punches his back side of neck from where blood is coming out. The spike of Mark's armour enters deeply into the neck and very powerful Yin force also penetrated into the neck of Mong Knight. Due to the impact of heavy Yin force Mong Knight's neck broken into several pieces and Mong Knight returns into his spirit stone.

Trade is the winner and after a single match, if he will win then he will be the first human to get the degree of Kingpin after the upgradation of sanctuary. This victory made Trade the real legend and on the "Dear Date" site many posts are posted with the title" The real legend" and "the legend rises again". Media announced that after a day we will receive our first Kingpin if he win. But many people's still commented that does anyone know that who is Trade. Everyone answers are no. All the big human organisations increased their efforts to find Trade. After the massive betrayal while attacked on Umbrella shelter, thousands of humans were killed and the vacant places are filled by the trusted members of big organisations. Their duties is to expose Trade but till date they don't even know that who is Trade.

Mark returns into the shelter and slept in his room because his whole body is in pain due to the bullet kicks of Mong Knight. Mark sent back his holy armor to recover and apply medicines on the wounds. Mark sleep to relax his body because he will has to fight a big battle tomorrow.