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Suppressed Shadow queen

On next morning Mark wake up and withdraw the body of icy white Panda and cuts its hand into pieces and starts roasting. Mark knew that the body of Panda is too big and he will not get too many core points from it. That's why he decided to give some of the meat to Fire-Robin and Tetra-eyed dog so that they might evolve. Mark dissects the body and send back the remaining body into his bag plasma soul except two pieces. He gave the two pieces to Fire-Robin and Tetra-eyed dog. But Mark was surprised after seeing that the Fire-Robin was not interested in meat because Fire-Robin starts drinking blood from the pieces of meat. Mark calls back Tetra-eyed dog so that the blood of its piece will not waste.

After some minutes, That very little Fire-Robin drunk all the blood's from those pieces and pretending to need more. Mark calls him back and bring out Tetra-eyed dog to eat the meat. The speed of eating meat of Tetra-eyed dog is very slow, it takes forty minutes to eat those meats. Mark call him back because he knew that if he can't call him then this dog will also eat his roasted meat also. Mark starts eating the meat after applying some ingredients to make it more tasty. Mark starts eating the meat of icy white Panda and some notifications starts popuping on Mark's power screen.

"You have consumed the flesh of holy creature icy white Panda. You have got zero core points".

"You have consumed the flesh of holy creature icy white Panda. You have got zero core points".

This notification comes after every slice of Mark and finally after finishing the meat he got the notification for which he was waiting for.

"You have consumed the flesh of holy creature icy white Panda. You have got 1 core points".

After this Mark checked his current status.

Mark: Not evolved

Age: 250 years

Core points required to evolve: 100

Obtained core points: Common core points-100, Basic core points-81, Distorted core points-18 Holy core points-03.

Mark is in shock after seeing that he has not still completed his basic core points. Still he his very powerful than those people who are about to complete his distorted core points. Mark then remembers that this power is due to his legendary Hyper geno art. Mark thinks that that's why all the other people are behind my hyper geno art. Mark then enters into the stage of Global Divinity Bout for his last fight to enter top 10. Mark is praying so that his battle will not assigned with Charmcaster otherwise he will be killed before reaction.

In the FAMAS and JADE Shelter everyone is also praying not to assign the next battle of Trade with Charmcaster. Only Max Johnson is praying to assign Trade's battle with Charmcaster so that his revenge will be taken by Charmcaster. Some other people such as David Augustine, Jonathan Straut, Young twins, and some other elders are also with Trade because they thinks that if Trade will be one of the Kingpin then it will be a great moment for humanity. After some time Mark face is covered with a big smile after seeing that his next battle with a ugly spirit named Shadow queen. Shadow queen's shelter is near FAMAS shelter and is considered as the one of the most powerful shelter ever known. Drake Johnson says David Augustine that it is not easy to win against Shadow queen because this spirit have space elemental power. After listening what is the power of Shadow queen, Max is now again happy because Trade will be killed by Shadow queen instead of Charmcaster. In any situation it is confirmed that Trade will be killed and his revenge will be over. But Max doesn't know that Trade also know about the powers of Shadow queen that she has space elemental powers. Mark has a hidden weapon which he has not used during all battles which was Cards.

Mark and Shadow queen enters on stage. Mark had already seen some fights of Shadow queen. Shadow queen has the power to break space and teleport from one place to another through other dimension. Mark carefully observed that Shadow queen can teleport in a straight path. It depends upon the direction of her fingers. Mark had made a plan to defeat the Shadow queen. AI announced to starts the fight. Mark sees that Shadow queen's fingers directed towards Mark and Shadow queen disappeared from there by breaking space. Mark knew that Shadow queen will teleport in front of him or back of him. That's why Mark bring out two cards and throws one in front of him and other on back of him. Luckily Shadow queen teleported back to Mark and before she could do anything one of the cards of Mark penetrates 1 inch to the back side of her neck. The aim of Mark is to direct hit the neck of Shadow queen either from back side or front side. This is because any spirit will be weak after wounded near neck area. Before Mark can fire any other cards Shadow queen again disappears by breaking space and Mark sees that her fingers is now pointed towards end of the stage. This time Mark fires ten cards quickly to give high damage to Shadow queen. Shadow queen appears at the end of stage. As Shadow queen appears, card penetrated ten places of her body and blood starts coming out from it. This game is continuing for half an hour and Shadow queen's whole body is now covered with cards. Mark card is about to finish but he pretends that he has still many cards. Shadow queen again appears at another points of stage and again hitted by the cards of Mark. Shadow queen now realized that she cannot even scratch Trade because there is no any place of stage where she had not hitted by the cards. Shadow queen says that wait Trade. Mark has holded the last cards in his hand stopped after listening Shadow queen.