WebNovelMega gene70.83%

Became a Kingpin

Mark says that what happens spirit we are here to fight. Shadow queen says that I am here for fight only not to get insulted. After saying this, Shadow queen open his chest using her hand and put her heart on the stage. Mark is shocked of her action and starts thinking why she had done it. Shadow queen back to her spirit stone and Mark is the winner and finally Mark is in top 10 and he will receive a reward after the end of Global Divinity Bout. Mark returns into FAMAS Shelter because he doesn't want to fight in top 10. In top 10, all have to fight with each other and who will win maximum number of times will be considered as the winner of Global Divinity Bout. A shocking news spreads in whole alliance like fire that Trade defeated Shadow queen without changing his place on the stage. Peoples in FAMAS shelter and JADE Shelter is highly shocked because Trade give no any chance to Shadow queen for any kind of attack. Benjamin Augustine sat in the arena of FAMAS shelter remembered that day when he was defeated by a elite named Trade. On that day he was also defeated but till date he had not know how he had lost. But Today his all doubts are cleared and he thinks that I was also killed by a card. The main problem is there on FAMAS shelter where Max's face is looking like a roasted meat because he had thought that Trade will be killed by Shadow queen but here Trade had given not even a single chance to Shadow queen for any kind of attack. David Augustine and other elders are discussing that how they can get help from Trade to capture Umbrella shelter and recruit more humans in Plasma sanctuary. Mark's next battle is assigned with Charmcaster and Mark decided not to go there. Mark knew that all the top 10 members will receive same rewards. Why there is need to take the life in danger?

Everyone in FAMAS and JADE shelter is thinking about the hyper geno art used by Trade. This type of hypergeno art is not found in alliance. one of them says that what the legendary Hyper geno art Trade is using. Another says that we don't know about this kind of Hyper geno art which is based on cards. One of them says that Hyper geno art art trade using is different but match with Hyper geno art named "Play with cards". other say that what are you saying this is "Play with cards" Hyper geno art. yes brother this is play with cards Hyper geno art but the power of trade is too much in comparison to other humans this Hyper geno art. A girl says that that's why he is called real legend.

In the FAMAS shelter, David Augustine, Drake Johnson and other elders are gathered in a hall for a meeting to meet Trade and take his help to claim UMBRELLA shelter. David Augustine announced in the FAMAS shelter that the both FAMAS shelter and JADE shelter will combine their forces and will attack UMBRELLA centre in next week after the end of global Divinity bout. Those people who want to join us please prepare themselves. After this announcement everyone in the FAMAS shelter start whispering among them to take part or not take part in UMBRELLA Shelter attack.

Mark teleported back into alliance for some rest so that he will fully recover with the wounds given by Mong Knight which was still not healed. Mark noticed that those two man is still following him. Mark is now habituate with them. Next morning Mark's communicator starts ranging. Due to this, Mark wake-up and answer the call without seeing the name flashing there.

Mark says in sleepy voice Hello. From other side a girl says in sweet voice that what are you doing baby. After listening this, Mark fully comes out from his laziness and says that who are you and what are you saying. That girl says that you forgotten me in such a small time lapse. Mark says that stop saying this nonsense and tell me who are you. Mark opens his system and starts tracing the call but he was unable to trace this call now. That girl says that I know that you are a well trained hacker and you are trying to trace my call but it is untraceable. Mark says that who are you and what do you want. That girl says that who am l this doesn't matter but I am in love with you this matters. Mark says that if you are love with me then meet me or tell your name. That girl says that I will meet you very soon but till that day please careful and avoid dangerous hunt of basic or distorted class creatures. After saying this that girl cuts the phone and Mark is in shock.

That girl belongs to plasma sanctuary from FAMAS shelter. That's why she knows about the classes of creatures. I am not too famous in FAMAS shelter then how will she knows me and from where she had got my personal number.

Before Mark reached at any conclusion Mark's communicator starts ranging again. This time Mark again answer the call without seeing the name flashing there and thought that again that girl is on call. Mark starts shouting on the phone that who are you and why are you troubling me. From other side a boy says that from when I started troubling you Mark. Mark says oh! it's you. I am so sorry. Now tell me Brian why you called me. Brian says that when are you coming back to shelter. I will come back after half a month. Brian says that what had happened to you you are still not coming into shelter. Mark says that when that purple-flame phoenix attacked that bug then some of the rocks melts there and I came with contact with that. That's why doctor prescribed me not to go into shelter again before half a month. Brian says that I have to say you something.