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Tyrants in Plasma sanctuary

Lutin and Dr Virus enters into Laboratory and Kylie stays outside to watch the door. Everyone bows down as soon as Lutin goes inside. Dr. March quickly exits and looking at Lutin and says your majesty there is good news. Lutin gets excited to hear another good news. He quickly asks Dr. March what the good news is. Dr. March says that Your Majesty I have converted this teleportation system into a bridge. Lutin asks what do you mean Dr March. Dr. March explains that after converting this teleportation system into a teleportation bridge, both problems have been solved. Lutin asks what exactly does this mean, Dr. March. Dr. March says that Your Majesty, with the help of the energy we have, we can open a portal by tracking the signals of those teleporters. This means that we will open a portal to that unknown place and by this we can enter into that unknown place. Lutin orders to open this portal as soon as possible, we will enter that unknown place very soon.

Just then a Tyrant comes inside and says that only four hours are left for the Tyrant planet to be destroyed. On hearing this, Lutin gets shocked and angrily asks what the hell are you talking about. Lutin shouts that yesterday I saw that there are still many days left for the destruction of the planet. The man says that he is sorry sir, but in the core of this planet suddenly strange changes have started coming. Because of which explosions can happen in the core of the Tyrant planet and this planet will be ruined in a few hours. Lutin says that we have to leave this planet as soon as possible. Lutin thinks for a while and orders Dr. March to open the teleportation bridge outside the Warship. Dr. March, Dr. March and other people get shocked on hearing this and Dr. March asks what do you mean Your Majesty. Lutin says that we will teleport the entire warship to that unknown place. Hearing this, Dr March says that we will need more energy to open such a big portal. Lutin says that take energy from the fissions happening in the core of this planet and open the bridge as soon as possible. Before anyone can say anything Lutin says open the portal as soon as possible and not a single question. Do as I say. After that Lutin comes out and tells his men to fill the entire ship with fuel. As soon as the order is received from Lutin, they go to fill the ship.

Michael, on the other hand, goes out to attack Lutin while hiding with his men. This news reaches Lutin and on hearing this, Lutin gives a poisonous smile and enters the weaponry control room. As soon as Lutin enters the room, all the people present bow before him. Lutin says launch our infected weapon everywhere on this planet. First target Michael and his people. As soon as they get orders from Lutin, they trace Michael and his people in no time and launch missiles and mortar shells in every way towards him. Here Michael sees that many missiles and mortar shells are coming towards them. Michael gets shocked and thinks how did they know about us. Michael orders his people to quickly destroy their missiles in the air. On hearing this, all the people take out the latest blasters and shoot missiles and mortar shells several miles away in the air. Seeing his missiles being destroyed, Lutin gets furious and tells his people to launch missiles at the people of the rest of the planet. After that Lutin goes outside and they launch missiles and mortar shells at the rest. Because of these missiles, the people of Tyrant planet start turning into zombies and animals. Here Lutin comes out and thinks that the time has come to take him out. Here the attack on Michael and his people continues but they are not able to reach them. Then a man asks Michael what this crazy Lutin wants to do. Michael says that maybe he is trying to kill us.

Lutin reaches inside a room where no one except him was allowed to enter. A white colored transparent crystal was present in that room and there was also a strange statue. There was only a big hole in the name of the head of that statue and it was completely made of some metal. Lutin goes to that white transparent crystal, picks it up with his hands and puts it in that big hole in that statue. Suddenly that white crystal starts emitting a bright light which completely surrounds that statue. After that suddenly that statue becomes alive and stands in front of Lutin with his head bowed. Lutin tells Destroyer to go and turn Michael and his people into mutants. After that he gives some formula to Destroyer and Destroyer goes towards Michael and his people. Michael suddenly sees that the attacks on them have stopped and now not a single missile is coming towards them. Those people think that Lutin's weapon is finished and start moving forward. Even before those people could move forward, a dangerous beam falls in front of them and they stop there. Those people see that a metallic organism lands in front of them, seeing which all the people get goosebumps. Suddenly one of them shouts that it is the Destroyer because of which Lutin has reached this point. This can't be beat. Michael tells them to attack the Destroyer and everyone starts attacking him. His attack was not having any effect on the Destroyer. Only then the Destroyer goes to them and throw the formula on them as well. Those people turn into mutants in no time. As soon as Lutin sees that Michael and his men have also turned into mutants, he takes out the strip and wears it. All the mutants who were fighting amongst themselves were now under Lutin's command. Lutin orders all those mutants to come to the warship and orders the animals to bring the slow zombies here as soon as possible. Within an hour the entire Tyrant species arrives at Lutin's warship. Shortly after, Dr. March starts the teleportation bridge whose portal was as big as the entire warship. Lutin orders his people to take the warship to that portal. On hearing Lutin's order, he starts going inside the portal to the warship. Only then, explosions started in the core of the planet Tyrant, on seeing which Lutin ordered to increase the speed of the warship. With the help of that portal, those people get teleported to that unknown place and after some time, the planet Tyrant turns into pieces with an explosion and scattered into space. Only then those people come to that unknown place and see that a huge group of people who look like them are watching them.