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Holy Rhino

Mark quickly transforms into the Three-Horned Lava Bull and heads to the Plasma Sanctuary. Seeing this, Max and the rest of the people's mouths remain open with shock. Max shouts that this scoundrel has stolen my plasma soul and has broken the rules of the plasma sanctuary by using a grenade. He should be killed. Max then looked around to see the young twins staring at him. Philip angrily tells Young Max to keep his mouth shut and speak according to his status, otherwise the result will not be good. Max says sorry Philip brother. Evelyn also says that he has broken the rule for which she should be punished. Thomas Young says I'm sorry but we still need a Trade to get the Umbrella Shelter. But don't you worry, as soon as we get the umbrella shelter, we will kill the Trade. After that all the people start moving towards the FAMAS shelter.

Mark quickly starts going towards the FAMAS shelter, before a little distance he sees a rhinoceros. Mark gets shocked on seeing this because it was a very rare species. These rhinos are found very rarely. Till date very few people have seen them and even less people have been able to hunt them till now. These are very dangerous creatures because there is a silver colored very sharp horn in the middle of their head. They easily rip the armor or shield of their own level. When they die, their horn can be used as a gear. The cost of that gear was enough that Mark could earn a lot of money. More amazing than this is their dropped plasma soul. There plasma soul is an Area plasma soul whose price is very high in Plasma Sanctuary. So far, all the Plasma Souls found in the Plasma Sanctuary are worth more because using this Plasma Soul, the creatures or human in that area can be detected. This plasma soul was good for those who were new to the plasma sanctuary, but due to its high cost, only rich people could afford it. Its cost of a common class plasma soul was as much as a basic class plasma soul and the cost of a basic class plasma soul was as much as a distorted plasma soul. While the cost of one distorted plasma soul was as much as three distorted plasma soul. In the entire Famous Shelter, only Evelyn and David Augustine had Area Plasma Soul of Distorted Class which was bought by David Augustine from two people by paying exorbitant amount. Both of them became rich overnight and were later transferred to Jade Shelter. In Jade Shelter, only Jonathan Strout had the Distorted Class area plasma soul. Max and some of his people, Young Twins and some of his people, some of Evelyn's people, Jack, Archit and some of the rich people have Basic Class Area Plasma Soul. Some newly rich people have common area plasma souls. Mark also once went to the market of FAMAS Shelter to buy a common area plasma soul, but Mark's condition worsened after hearing its price. The only effect of this plasma soul was that it could not detect creatures of higher level than itself.

Mark then sees that the rhino was growling at him who was still a three-horned lava bull. Mark had not yet seen this rhino, so he was not able to decide to which class it belongs. Before Mark can do anything, he sees that two small rhinos come out of the bush from which the rhino came out and hides behind that big rhino. Mark becomes happy on seeing that so many victims have come walking in front of him. But Mark was unable to do anything because he still did not know to which class these rhinos belong.

Then that big rhino starts running towards Mark and before Mark could do anything, The rhino hits Mark and Mark, who had transformed into a three-horned lava bull, flies into the air and falls a long distance. Mark was forced to withdraw the Soul of his Three-Horned Lava Bull as his body began to ache. This happened because Mark had used this plasma soul continuously for an hour due to which his energy was almost exhausted. Mark's fitness level was still very low due to which he could not use this plasma sol for a long time.

Mark was suddenly shocked to see that his Berserk Holy Armor had developed cracks. Mark understood that this rhino was definitely a holy creature that easily put a crack in his holy armor. Mark's entire energy has been drained and now he is not in any condition and he is shocked by the fact that how can a holy creature come near the shelter. Even before Mark could think anything else, that Rhino hits Mark once more. This time Mark crashes into a tree while flying and breaks his leg but Mark does not stop and while breaking four trees, it collides with the fifth tree and stops. The crack in Mark's Holy Spike Armor is now larger and blood spurts from his mouth. Mark initiates the "Energy Burst" Hyper Geno Art and begins to draw energy from the environment. Mark quickly pulls out his crossbow and quickly loads all his remaining bolts into it. One by one he fires all the bolts towards the rhino. Mark gets shocked seeing this as the rhino dodged all the bolts but one bolt hits his head. That bolt breaks into many pieces as soon as it hits that rhino. Mark could not believe that his bolts broke so quickly because he had made it by special order, which was better than any other titanium bolts. Mark thinks this means that this rhino has a very tough skin. That rhino gets angry and starts running towards Mark again. Mark activates his Hyper Gino Art to dodge the rhino's attack this time. He had just come close to the rhino but that rhino suddenly stops after hearing a scream and starts looking back.