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As soon as Mark reaches the gate of the FAMAS shelter, he sees a long line of people. Mark sees that the Young Twins, Max's men and some of jack's were also there, managing the line of people. Mark sends his bloodlust hyaena back and heads for the door. Then a man comes to Mark and asks him to stand in line. Mark tries to ask him that what is happening but he doesn't answer and goes back to his place. Mark stands in line and looks ahead of him. There were about twenty five people ahead of Mark. Mark asks a young boy standing in front of him what is all this happening. The boy says that the President has issued an order that when someone comes back after hunting, he will have to tell some things. Mark asks what are these people asking. That boy says that these people are asking that where did they go hunting and whom did they hunt and are even asking for body from some people. Mark asks why all this is happening. That boy says that you do not know that the person who used smoke bomb in the plasma sanctuary has been found. Mark asks who is he. That boy says that he is not other than Trade and now they want to expose Trade by holding him at any cost. That's why they are searching everyone here. Our president issues an order that everyone has to join at least any of the four gangs running in FAMAS shelter and will have to report about their daily works in FAMAS shelter. If anyone will not join any of the gang within a week then that guy will be discarded from FAMAS shelter and he will not receive any benefits here. Mark asks about the punishment given by them. That boy calmly says that the guy who will not join any gang then he will not able to trade here like selling and buying of plasma souls, meats, medicines. He will be considered as out of this FAMAS shelter's society. Mark was lost in thought after hearing all this.

Then a man calls out to Mark, due to which Mark comes out of his thinking. Mark sees that it was now his turn to be checked. It was a boy from Jack's gang who was standing in front of Mark. He asks Mark where are you coming from. Mark says that I am coming after hunting. On hearing this, the people around start laughing because everyone knew that anyone goes outside the shelter only for hunting. Seeing all the people laughing at him, that boy was furious. After that he starts looking at Mark as if he will kill Mark just by looking at him. That's why a boy from Young Twins tells that boy that bastard does not ask like this. Ask him from where he is coming after hunting. That boy was now getting even more angry on Mark but he could not do anything. Then that boy asks from where you are coming after hunting. Mark was also laughing a lot but he knew that its effect would not be good. Mark calmly says that I went hunting on the lake near Lotus Mountain. That's why the boy asks that everyone knows that Lotus Mountain is empty, so why did you go there. Everyone starts laughing again. Only then a boy comes from behind and hits that boy's head with a slap so that he bends forward. Then the boy laughs and says that he did not go to Lotus Mountain but near Lotus Mountain. Don't know how Jack included a fool like you in his gang. On hearing this, all the people started laughing out loud.

Then Jack comes there and seeing all this he gets angry. That's why he grabs the boy's collar and tells him to stay away from my people. Then that boy tells Jack that you are putting your hands on Thomas Young's man. On hearing this, Jack leaves him and goes away with his man. Jack could not do much as the Young family was very powerful in the alliance. If Jack had done something and if the Young Twins had felt bad, then they could have killed Jack's entire family overnight.

Only then that boy smiles seeing Jack and comes to Mark. The boy asks where did you go for hunting. Mark then says that I went hunting to the lake near Lotus Mountain. That boy says show what you hunted. Mark opens his bag and takes out a white duck with blood coming out of its neck. That's why that boy points to another boy and asks whether these ducks are found in that lake or not. That boy says that yes brother, such ducks are found there. He returns the duck to Mark and lets him go inside and goes to check on the others. Mark puts that Duck back in his bag and goes inside the FAMAS shelter.

Mark had just reached his room when he heard someone's voice, wait Mark. Mark turns around and sees that it was none other than Brian. Mark looks over and greets her and sees that Brian was arriving with a large bag. Brian comes to Mark and gives the bag to Mark. Mark asks him what is in this bag. Brian tells Mark that you have 100 million money in this bag. Mark takes that bag and says that's all and the rest. Brian says that I had said that I also have a little part. Mark starts laughing and says okay my brother but you seem to be in a hurry. I have to go to Alliance for very important work. I was here waiting for you. I will have to leave now. After saying this, Brian leaves from there and Mark keeps looking at him. Only then some people come to Mark's and ask that this room 0000001 is yours. Mark says yes this room is mine. On hearing this, he gives a pamphlet to Mark, after reading which Mark is forced to invite them to his room.