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Everyone enters Mark's room and seals the teleporter in his room. After that those people leave from there, Mark was now looking at the pamphlet which they had given him. All the orders were written in that pamphlet which was issued by David Augustine.

Order 1: All teleporters in the rooms have been sealed and now teleportation trains will be used to teleport to the Alliance.

After reading this, Mark was thinking that now he could not go alliance like this. Mark thinks this means I have to be more careful now. Mark only then remembers that there is such a mantra in that mysterious book by which he can easily come here and leave from here. This means that his problem is solved. After then Mark starts reading next order.

Order 2: All the people of Alliance will have to join any one gang. They have to report to his gang about his every activity. If someone does not do this, then his punishment will be such that even his soul will tremble.

Order 3: If anyone will not want to join any gang then they will not be given any kind of help in the shelter. He will be boycotted. They were unable to trade with anyone except medicines. But they will receive medicine at 20 times more cost.

Order 4: If anyone will trade plasma soul, meat, gears or anything with those people who are not in any gang, then they will be our enemy and will might be killed.

After reading these 4 orders Mark's mind lost his senses. He thinks that how can they will issue an order like this. Then Mark starts hearing someone shouting very loudly from outside.

Mark leaves his money bag in his room and comes out after hearing that voice. Mark sees some people being badly beaten up by Max's men and the young twins standing next to them scolding those people. Many people were standing around him from all sides and were watching him being beaten but no one was doing anything out of fear. Thomas Young picks up one of them with clothes and says that you have so much courage to oppose the order issued by the President. You don't want to live, do you? Due to the beating, blood had started coming out of their mouths. Then one of them shouts and tells the people standing there that you just stand here and watch the spectacle. These people are making our lives their slaves by taking new orders like this. The new order that has been passed is violating our privacy. There should be some privacy in our life but these people are trying to snatch our privacy from us. They are trying to strip us naked in this plasma century by snatching all our privacy. Why should we tell them when and where we are going? Wherever these people ask us to go, we happily go there. Last time when we went to attack UMBRELLA Shelter, thousands of our people were killed. Nothing was given to us in return. After that we have been completely suppressed by spreading terror by calling young twins here. If you do not do anything today, then tomorrow we will have to tell them that when we are going to urinate.

As soon as he says this, Philip Young kicks him and the boy falls down. But it had an effect on the people there. All the people standing there start talking among themselves and Mark also leaves his room and starts watching all this while standing away from the crowd. Seeing the people talking, Thomas Young shouts at them and tells them that anyone who goes against this order will face the same fate. Thomas Young then draws a thin sword from the sheath at his waist and moves forward to finish off the boy. Just as Thomas Young's sword is about to cut his throat, a long sword stops his sword in the air. This act of his makes Thomas Young look at him angrily. The guys of Thomas Young and Max also takes out their weapons. The man who saved the boy was named Jason. He was too powerful. He used to give protection to the newcomers during hunting and took money in return. He also had a small gang which used to give protection to newcomers. Before the Young Twins can do anything, several thousand people in the crowd draw their weapons and armor and stand with Jason. Philip Young says you're not doing it right, Jason. Jason says that this boy is absolutely right, you people are violating our privacy. If this order is not withdrawn, we will not allow anything to happen in the Famas shelter. Philip Young is about to move forward to attack Jason but Thomas Young stops him and tells him to stop and understand the seriousness of the situation first. Philip Young says what do you mean. Thomas Young says that there are too many people here that we probably won't be able to cope. Philip Young nods his head and falls silent.

Seeing Jason, Thomas Young says that your family members may have to pay the price for this act of yours. Hearing this talk of Thomas Young, many people start moving towards him. Jason stops those people and says that you or your entire family together cannot even scratch a single member of my family. Thomas Young says that your family is large enough that President David Augustine can go against him. Jason starts laughing and says that only my father is in the name of my family. Philip Young says that the only person in the entire Alliance to rival David Augustine is Daniel Robinson. Then your father would not even have the status to stand in front of the President. Jason calmly says that my Father name is Dexter. On hearing this, the young twins retract their arms and one could clearly see the beads of sweat forming on their heads.