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Orders taken back

As soon as Jason said that his father's name is Dexter, all the people present there fell cold. But Mark had no idea who Dexter was. He had heard this name for the first time. After seeing the situation, Mark thought that Dexter was a very big name.

Mark wondered how he hadn't heard that name until now. According to the people around here, Dexter works for Mr. Robinson, so I should know him about it. Even Mr. Robinson didn't tell me anything about Dexter.Mark now starts thinking that who is this text, hearing whose name all the people present here are trembling.

It was okay with the rest of the people, but even the young twins were a little shaken after hearing Dexter's name. Till now I was only hearing that Jonathan Straut was the most powerful man in plasma sanctuary but his heart is now saying that Dexter is more powerful and dangerous than Jonathan straut.

The young twins are a little taken aback when they hear Dexter's name, but pulling himself together, Thomas Young tells Jason that Mr. President is busy. Jason tells Thomas Young that if Mr. President is not here in the next ten minutes, you will not be well. Today, for the first time, Mark saw fear in the eyes of the Young Twins. Mark understood that even the President would be scared of Dexter's name.

Thomas Young quickly sends one of his men to summon David Augustine. After some time, David Augustine reaches there and looking at Jason with respect, says that our aim is not to snatch anyone's privacy. Jason says that your orders tell right here that everyone's privacy is about to be snatched. David Augustine says that you have misunderstood, our task is only to find the rebel named Trade who broke the rules of this Plasma Sanctuary.

Jason says that you try your best for him and don't bother the people of FAMAS Shelter with these rules. David Augustine thinks for a while and says that for the sake of your father, I can withdraw any one order. Jason looking at his people says that you are satisfied with their words. After listening to Jason's words, all the people there nod their heads in yes.

Seeing people nodding their heads in yes, David Augustine tells Jason that now you tell me which order I should take back. Jason talks to his people for some time and says that you have to remove two rules. David Augustine reluctantly asks Jason whether tell me which two rules have to be removed.

Jason says that first you remove order number 3 and 4. According to which these people will not join any gang if they do not want to do so and if they do not want to tell about any of their activities then they will not tell. You also have to remove this rule that if someone does not join the gang then they will boycotted. Even if you don't remove the rules with teleportation system, it will work.

After listening to Jason's words, David Augustine gets a little disappointed and says that it is okay. After that David Augustine speaks to all the people present there to look at him and says that from today onwards all the rules which Jason has said are removed but I want a favour from you guys.

Hearing this from David Augustine, Jason asks what kind of favour do you want from us. David Augustine says that if you guys find that Trade anywhere then you guys have to come and tell us first and if you catch the Trade and bring it here then those who bring it will be given 5 distorted class plasma soul as a reward. Everyone nods their heads to us when they hear David Augustine's words.

Anyway, Trade was nothing less than a legend for the people, but according to them, Trade could not be survive front of Dexter even for a second. Some people present there were just fans of Trade, they could have killed Trade to save his life. David Augustine had thrown a dice at the people which was going to increase Mark's troubles.

David Augustine lured people to 5 distorted class plasma souls. There were so many people who were here for years but could not achieve even a single distorted class plasma soul. It was a great golden opportunity for all the people. After this announcement by David Augustine, all the people leave from there and some went to celebrate and some went to do their work.Seeing David Augustine taking such a decision Thomas Young says why did you do this it will make all our efforts to capture Trade will useless.

David Augustine tells Thomas Young that I did it because Dexter is getting out of jail tomorrow. If there was more time for Dexter to come out of jail, I would not have taken such a decision. If I don't give such a decision here, it could have been very bad for us in future. You guys don't worry we will catch Trade very soon. This time we have lured people with five distorted class plasma souls, due to which something big will happen which the trade would have never imagined.

Philip Young seems a bit confused by David Agustin's words so he asks what do you mean by that. David Augustine says wait for time and see what happens next. After that David Augustine leaves from there. All the other people just stand there in confusion.

With this new announcement by David Augustine, Mark was starting to feel a little lighter because now he will not have to join any gang. He had already solved the teleportation problem. Mark is now wondering who he should trade the flying fish "Tarkal" and arrow Plasma Soul with. After thinking for a while, Mark remembers a name, thinking of which a smile comes on Mark's face.

Do you want to know about Dexter? On hearing this voice, Mark comes out of his thoughts and starts looking in the direction of the voice.