Chapter 33 The time to leave

A yellow cab stopped in front of the fascinating Villa and Laura stepped out of the cab with her lovely expensive gown. She walked towards the villa after paying off her bill to the cab driver. She rang on the door bell and it was immediately opened up to her, like they were waiting in anticipation for her return.

Jasmine dragged her in and shut the door not giving her a room to say hi or good day.

Laura who freed herself from Jasmine's grip asked

"What's going on?"

The girl's face wasn't bright, she was full of worry.

"You have to leave as soon as possible" she alarmed which set Laura heart racing fast. This wasn't happening again, did her father's associates do something?

What was making Jasmine this scared? She thought to herself, glancing at the  girl.

"Why do I have to leave Jasmine?" Laura asked

"Because that's what is  best for you, where's the money?" She asked looking around her.