Chapter 34 The flight

Laura walked into the room and noticed the boy didn't even realise that someone had walked into the room. He was so engrossed in the phone he was holding under his face.

He was watching and laughing loudly as he stared at the device. Laura wondered what was so interesting about the animated sounds coming from the phone that made him not notice the arrival of his sister .

"Really, Denny. You didn't miss me?" She asked, holding both of her hands on her waist. Immediately Denny heard her voice, he jumped off the bed and ran to her.

He gave her a tight hug. " You stayed too long, I and aunty Jasmine were worried about you. Why didn't you come home early?" The little boy asked, looking up at his sister. Denny could be a troublesome one sometimes. He loved asking questions and when he did, he demanded the correct answer with no lies attached to it, but Laura had gotten to understand the little boy's behavior and had learned how to deal with him.