Chapter 43 Death room

The room was enveloped with darkness, in the middle sat a man tied to a wooden chair. His mouth was blocked by a piece of cloth making him unable to speak. He was tied from his shoulder down to his hip on the chair, his legs were also tied to the chair.

The rope on him was so tight that it made his skin bleed. In the dark room, the bleeding man was not alone. There were several men standing at each side of the room, wearing black suits and sunglasses.

Their faces showed seriousness and not a single care about the man. The room was dark but it was dimly lit with a bulb in the middle such that you could make out the figure of each man in the room.

The man tied to the chair had swollen eyes as a result of crying and pleading with them to release him. But no one bother or care to listen to his pleading, they all looked over him mercilessly.