Chapter 44 Death room 2

In the dark room  the image of a man was displayed, he was bloodied beyond recognition, parts of his skin had been torn off.

He sat there lifeless, the man had died in a horrible way. Even in his death, the bloody tears that probably came from him begging for his life could still be seen.

Lim snapped his finger in a commanding way, and one of his subordinates passed him a handkerchief.

He grabs on it and wipes his hands, "clean this mess" he instructed coldly and strode out of the room as the men attended to the bloodied dead man who had slumped weirdly on the woody chair.

"Young master" a man bowed and greeted.

"Is the room set?" Lim asked

"Yes milord, everything is set and waiting for you" the man obediently replied with an anxious smile.

Mr Lim smiled devilishly and walked into the room that had been prepared for him.