Chapter 48 Who the fuck are you?!

Jasmine had been exhausted from all of the day's happenings..

She was seated in her living room holding a bottle of whiskey, she didn't even bother getting a glass as she took several gulps directly from the bottle

She needed something strong to take her mind of the guilt and other thoughts about Mr. A that creeped into her head. She looked awful and had drank more than half of the content in the whiskey bottle.

Today had been a long day and also a sad day for her,

John had found out she was the one who tampered with the clients and her boss was dead due to her carelessness. What more could happen that would be worse than this?

  She stretched her hand out again and picked the bottle in front of her, she had almost drunk the whole of it, but at least she chose to be home, like a drunk queen in her own castle instead of a bar where some idiot would try to hit on her.