Chapter 49

  Jasmine was still trying to figure out who this unknown voice belonged to and where exactly she had heard it before..

" I can see you're lost my pearl" the voice said

"What can I say? . Springing up surprises is a specialty of mine" he continued. " I would love to see you again in person Miss Jasmine, our last meeting was too brief if we are being frank" Charles said with hint of sarcasm.

  There was no place for this girl to run or hide again. He could see her and even spotted what she was wearing at the time, and how awfully drunk she looked while gulping on the bottle of whiskey...

With a drastic voice he said " I can see you"

His words played slowly into her ears, making her shiver from the statement. Could he really see her? Frightened, Jasmine was awake from her drunk state as she started to look suspiciously around her. She looked around her living room and was sure she was the only one in. What the fuck was this man saying!