Chapter 50 The Walter family

A Rolls-Royce phantom was waiting in front of magnificent wrought iron gates with an ornate leaf design which opened on it's own accord. The car drove in, parked where other flashy cars could be seen ..

The compound was wide and quite huge , there was a field behind and the fences were decorated with trees and flowers, with short shrubs that lead the way to a fountain right in front of the magnificent mansion...behind the house after the field was a giant lake.

The backdoor of the Rolls Royce phantom was opened and a tall slender man walked out, his shiny leather brown shoes that reflected the sun rays could not be ignored as he strode gently towards the main entrance

The man had deadly mesmerizing looks and almost bewitching. The mansion stood magnificently, it was a 4 storey building with a wide rooftop which could be seen from the ground.