Chapter 51 The Walter's family

"Get me a cold drink " his husky voice command.

Immediately the maid left. Within five minutes she was back.

"Young master" the maid said as she passed the door towards him with the bottle of alcohol he requested for, she placed it on the stool beside him and bowed before she left.

He thrust the drink into a glass cup and sipped deliberately from it before looking at Marcus to give an answer to what he had asked .

"What were you saying Marcus, I could barely hear you earlier " he said clearing his throat.

Marcus stared at Lim with disdain in his eyes, this boy was arrogant and annoying, He had no respect for any of them in that room.

Cindy hissed, she was first wife in the family and mostly saw herself as a queen in the family.

Everyone showed her the respect she expected except for the arrogant boy.... Who saw himself as superior even in the midst of his oldest brothers.