Chapter 112

Before Laura could process what would happen next, his sexy wet lips smashed against hers forcefully. 

Sucking at her wet, juicy mouth, making sure all the flavor of her mouth was in his. Laura attempted to push him away, but she couldn't. 

The burning fire inside her that she had been endeavoring to quench, rose uncontrollably. She could not understand herself again. Like his lips was a medicine of addicted to him. She was unable to stop him or herself from resisting the kiss, instead she crossed her arms around his neck and pressed herself more towards him! 

LIM, who noticed this, smiled on the sides of his lips. Amazing! He praised. This fires he to take it further. Without a second thought, he lifted her up in his arms while still drowning in a kiss, and placed her on the considerable stool beside the bed.

Make sure to extend her legs wide for him to gain access to her core very well.