Chapter 113 Think it out baby

The tension in the restaurant was strong as Jasmine was seen bewildered. She couldn't understand the words of Mr Charles and what he fully meant in the line. What the hell did he mean? She asked herself. Hoping an idea would pop into her head, but no one came. 

"I don't understand" she uttered after a few minutes of silence between them.

"Think it out baby" he said sweetly, and hung the call. 

"Mr..." Jasmine decided to speak but the call went off. 

She was stunned and confused. Her mind was still ringing about the statement of Charles. 

"Is Laura with him?" She thought, but that seemed impossible. Laura can't be with Charles but with the unknown Mr A. She has no clue about him. He was the only one she had suspected that would have a hand in this . The bastard was the reason she had sent her friend out of the country, yet he still got his hands on her!

At that moment, her phone dipped and snapped her out of her trance again.