Bonus chapter

Laura was amazed as she stood in front of the huge-storey building. She could still not believe that she was selected as one of the top models in the city. 

A smug smile spread across her lips as her eyes twinkled in excitement.

"Madam, are you ready?" A bodyguard asked behind her. 

She turned and nodded at him.

The man was one of Lim's men that he had assigned to escort her. There were five of them. 

At first, she had declined, but Lim was too stubborn to listen to her. He didn't want his woman to go out unprotected. 

Since he wasn't going to be there, he wanted to make sure her safety was a top priority —She had no choice but to accept.

The guard smiled and beckoned her to move in.

She walked into the building with three men walking behind her while two stayed in the car.