Chapter 191 Hmm...

Little Dennis looked outside the window excitedly. He still hadn't figured out where Lim was taking him.

Unable to keep it in any longer, he asked. "Uncle Lim, where are we going?"

Lim, who was pressing his phone, looked away from it and turned to face the little boy. "To register you at a new school," he said, and went back to his phone.

"New school? Really?" Dennis asked as excitement bubbled within him.

"Yeah," Lim answered without glancing at him.

"That means I will make new friends soon!" Dennis was overjoyed. He always liked meeting new people.

Lim could only chuckle at the boys' excitement but he said nothing.

"Uncle Lim, is the school very big?" Dennis wanted to know if his new school was big because his school back in Canada was very huge and spacious.

"Huh..." Lim mumbled.