Chapter 197 You're not going home with him today

There was total silence in the car as it moved smoothly on the road.

  Laura sat in the back seat with her eyes closed and her back resting. She didn't even care where Rich was taking her. Her mind was somewhere else.

She was troubled by what had just happened. Steve's last words continuously replayed in her head, breaking her heart bit by bit.

"Why am I so unfortunate in love?" He had cried.

She opened her eyes and sighed. 

Steve must have been hurt by her words. But she had to let him know her true intentions no matter what. She couldn't have lied to him, no matter the pain it brought to her too.

He was her good friend and she genuinely cared about him. She saw him like an older brother and she stupidly thought he felt the same way.

She remembered their times together. She remembered how he tutored her, how he took care of Dennis like a big brother...