[Bonus chapter]

Lim's face was clouded in darkness. He couldn't believe that his father had the guts to kidnap his woman without his knowledge. 

What a shameless old man! 

Anger brewed inside of him, pushing toward the old man in the room.

"Laura get up! We are leaving!" He growled as he moved menacingly towards them.

Laura could hear her heartbeat drumming in her eyes. Lim was angry.

She heard his command but she was frozen in the chair. It would be rude to disobey the old man who had already asked her to stay even after knowing everything about her.

But despite the sour atmosphere sizzling in the house, old Walter was not bothered, he continued with his meal like nothing was going on. 

He knew Lim's nature. This was just a regular thing for him. 

Lim stopped next to Laura and stared at her before moving his angry eyes to his father.

"Why did you bring her here without my consent?" He roared, and Laura shivered.