
Chapter Ten

Ophelia grabbed my hand and pushed me and herself into the closet. It was a tiny closet and I bumped my head on various things. «Ouch».

Ophelia shushed me and put her slim hand over my mouth. Her cold fingers were on my lips and I felt the urge to shiver. Mermaids were always cold. I heard an elderly person talking to herself. She was old, that meant we had a chance against her.

"Why are two corsets laying on the floor", she mumbled to herself. Through a small crack I could see her hand reaching for the corsets and grabbing them. She neatly placed them on the bed and was about to leave the room. Suddenly the closet door cracked. Slowly she turned around and examined it. "Who's there".

"Come out or I will forcefully drag you by your hairs." I heard a loud gulp from Ophelia. We both stared at each other not knowing if we should listen to the woman or remain in the closet. Ophelia sighed loudly letting the woman know we were present and slowly opened the door. I cursed under my breath for her actions but better be honest with the elderly woman rather than not. We both stepped out of the closet and the woman crossed her arms looking questiongly at us. Even though she was probably old she still looked young. She still had a few streaks of brown hair, and she didn't have many wrinkles. They were all placed perfectly on her face, so they suited her.

"What are you doing in my guest house and don't even dare to lie. As I can see you both aren't centaurs. A mermaid and a fairy."

"We were escaping", Ophelia replied. With a brow raised the elderly woman stared at us before cracking up and laughing. "Escaped from what?", she laughed out. "The centaurs", I nervously said while playing with a strand from my hair.

"I know damn well why you two escaped. Obviously, you shouldn't be here", the elderly woman said.

"But now tell me the reason."

"We were prisoners and I kind of rammed a knife into the leg of a centaur to help my friend. Then we ran away but decided to come back and steal some clothes before officially running away", I babbled out. As I mentioned the word friend, I could see Ophelia holding a small smile on her face.

"You're brave for returning even though centaurs are cruel beings. But centaurs are my kinds allies and I have to report you both." Shockingly I looked at Ophelia. We needed to escape. Now.

"Can't you just let us go", Ophelia asked sheepishly. The elderly woman shook her head and suddenly her eyes turned darker. Only know I remembered that she was in fact a werewolf and could communicate through a mind link. Quickly I grabbed Ophelia's hand, and we both stormed out of the house. Our gowns were heavy and long. We should have stayed naked at this point, I thought to myself. I grabbed some fabric so my legs would be freer to run. Before we could even set foot into the forest to have a better chance of escaping a creature lunged at us. I screamed as I fell onto the ground. A werewolf on top of me. It was scratching me and left bloody marks across my legs. Ophelia ran towards me and tried to push the animal off me, but it was too heavy. It growled at Ophelia, but she didn't stop. She landed a punch on its snout and for a second it was distracted. I pushed it off me and wanted to stand up as two other werewolves lunged at us. Ophelia got tackled to the ground and she tried to fight them off. The other werewolf slowly stalked towards me, and my breath hitched. Briskly I shifted into a mouse. I disappeared in my gown and tried to get my mouse-body out of the dress. A loud growl was heard from one of the werewolves. My whole body shook and my heart beated fast.

I found an exit and quickly found myself in front of a werewolf. It licked his sharp teeth, ready to pounce on me. My tiny feet began running around in the grass and the ground vibrated as soon as the werewolfs paw hit the ground. A paw landed right by my side nearly crushing me. More werewolves began running towards us. I felt every vibration beneath me and I knew that we had no chance. Ophelia had no chance at all and I would feel disappointed in myself if I would leave her behind and escape in my form. I heard Ophelia screaming as the werewolves literally torn up her gown leaving big holes in them. It was starting to get soaked in blood and I quickly darted towards her. I tried to distract the werewolves by biting their paws. They just shook me off, probably thinking I was some kind of a bug.

I felt my shifting starting to drain the energy out of me. My vision began to blurr and I could feel how heavy my limbs were. The whole world began to turn in circles and I didn't know if this was the outcast of me shifting into a mouse or me hyperventilating and having a panic attack. The air felt heavy and I couldn't breath it in. I slumped down and shifted back into my human form laying on the dirty ground. I gasped for air but I never felt satisfied enough. I didn't get enough air and I felt myself panicking. Thousands of needles were stinging my throat and my hands held it tight. I didn't even see the werewolves approaching me in their human form and grabbing me by my limbs. Suddenly my eyes rolled back and my world turned dark.

A strong headache caused me to wake up from my slumber. Groaning I touched my forehead and breathed out sharply. My eyes were still closed due to the pain. Slowly I squinted them open and saw nothing. I was once again in this dark hole. Panic flooded into my body and I quickly stood up running towards the only entrance of this room. I banged against the door, tears flowing down my cheek. "Let me out!", I desperately cried out.

Silence followed my cries and I slumped down. Burying my head in my knees and letting my tears fall onto the cold ground. "Please..", I whispered into the room, hoping that someone heard my cries and would feel any kind of empathy towards me. My vision was slightly blurred due to me crying in this greyish room. I wiped my tears away and tried to regain myself. Weakness was something I shouldn't show to the enemy. I noticed that both my arms and legs hand bruises. They were slowly turning a purple-ish color and I silently sobbed as I recalled the memory, not knowing how many minutes, hours or even days have passed since it. My heart thumped inside of my chest but I badly wanted it to stop. To free myself from this agony. Not caring about a single thing in my life right now. Not wanting to feel betrayal towards Ophelia.

My fingers travelled along the burn mark one of the centaurs had left me with. While circling it I felt disgusted by it. Needing to carry this memory, this thing he had done to me forever. Never having the chance to forget about it. I would always remind myself as soon as I would touch it or see it in a reflection.

I brushed my hair out of my face and thought about my failure.

I failed my kingdom. I failed my mission. I failed my friend and I failed myself. I should never call myself a fairy again for failing. I would die here in this kingdom as an intruder not a fairy. I lost all my honour and proud.

The heavy iron door was opened and a werewolf stepped inside. I furrowed my brows. Why was a werewolf inside of my cell and not a centaur? He was well built. A buff body with scars scattering across his chest and arms. He was tall, very tall. His face held disgust and he looked at my small frame with his dark eyes. I shook in his presence feeling terrified.

"I'm going to have fun." I sucked in a breath as he said this sentence. My eyes shot up and I looked at his face. He grinned widely and my heart began beating rapidly. He stalked towards me and I scooted myself away from him, not wanting him to touch me. He forcefully grabbed my bicep and dragged me out of the cell. I didn't fight this time. I knew that I had no chance against him and just let myself being dragged by the werewolf.

He dragged me across the whole hall and we came into a corridor which seemed normal compared to the dirty halls from the prison. My knees were scraped open once again and the blood trickled down my leg. We stopped in front of a door, and he opened it, yanking me inside of that room.

It was a bedroom. A queen-sized bed was placed in the middle of the room. I looked to the right and saw two big windows. You could see the forest where I wanted to run to and escape. He shoved me into the middle of the room and I nearly stumbled. He was closing the door and locked it. Panic started to flood through my whole body. He turned around and looked straight to me.

He smirked and went over to a table where a chair was and took the chair and put it behind me. My chest heaved. I wanted to run but I stood frozen there. He made his way over to me and made me sit on the chair. Then he took a rope and tied my hands behind the chair together. I didn't know why I didn't fight back. I was tired and scared. My naked body was fully exposed to him.

He gripped my chin tightly with his hand and looked deep into my eyes. "What a beautiful face", he whispered. I cringed at his words and turned my head to the side but he forcefully turned it back to him. He tsked and went over to the closet, grabbing a cloth and coming back to me. "Open your mouth dear." I shook my head. "I said open it", he growled out. My mouth remained close and he got furious for me disobeying his command. He grabbed my throat and began applying pressure. Immediately I opened my mouth trying to catch some air and he quickly stuffed the cloth into my mouth and tied it together at the back of my head. I screamed at his action but my screams were muffled.

"Now be a good girl", he whispered into my ear. My whole body trembled and I knew that a panic attack was starting. His lips brushed against my cheek and I shivered at his touch. It trailed down to my neck and he placed a kiss there. A single tear rolled down my cheek and soaked into the cloth. He trailed down to my breasts and cupped one breast with his hand. I felt disgusted at his action. "You're body is desirable."

I silently cried while he fondled with my breast for his own pleasure. Slowly his hands moved downward, skimming either side of my body. Goosebumps erupted on the places he touched. My eyes widened as I felt his hand on my inner thigh. His touch was rough and disgusting. "Open your legs." I didn't. " Open your legs", he said in a more demanding tone. I still didn't. He then forcefully parted my legs revealing my core to him. I began to sob. I closed my eyes not wanting to see what he would do to me. His hand travelled north to my feminine core. He touched it. I cringed at his touch. I gasped as I felt his fingers entering my core. He aggressively shoved his fingers inside of me and I cried out. I bit into the cloth trying to distract myself as he took advantage of me.

Suddenly he stopped and I heard shuffling noised. I peaked my eyes open and saw him undressing himself. He took of his pants and garments, and I could see his manhood in front of me. It was erected. I began kicking with my legs trying to stop him from his next actions. He chuckled at my attempt and took two other ropes and tied either of my leg to the stool leg. I would lose everything. He groaned as he touched himself, stroking it. The tip of his groin was wet with his clear fluid. He grabbed my hair and forced me to see him pleasuring himself. He quickly got bored and placed himself in between my legs. Tears streamed down my face and my heart was aching. He grabbed my throat and began slightly squeezing it. He made me look into his eyes as he rammed into my entrance. I cried out at the pain he was causing me. He held a devilish smirk in his face and began moving in a fast and hard rhythm. Each time he shoved himself inside of me my cries got louder. "You feel so good", he murmured under his breath. My whole body burned and I wanted to scratch my skin off. Sweat droplets trickled down his bare chest. His whole chest was shining. His hand wandered to my upper body and he began playing with my breast. He then looked into my eyes and pressed his forehead on mine. I felt his breath on my face. My nose wrinkled at his smell. His other hand reached for my cheeks and he wiped away my tears. His whole body tensed and he briskly removed himself off of me and released his juice onto the floor. I gagged at the sight and was somehow relieved that it was finally over.

"We wouldn't want to have a hybrid do we." Ilooked away from him not wanting to look at him anymore. He took advantage ofme. He took everything from me. My lips began to quiver as I realised whathappened. I wasn't anymore in this shocking stance. I was being me again. Ifelt my blood pumping inside of my body. My heart beat increased and everythinggot hot. My vision blurred and I saw black dots appearing. My body went limpand my eyes rolled back.