
Chapter Eleven

It was freezing. Winter was slowly approaching and I sat in this small cell. I couldn't sleep nor eat nor drink. Everything reminded me of him. Every time I closed my eyes, I saw him with his devilish smirk. I shook my thoughts out of my head and thought about Ophelia, Kyllan and Meya. My only friends. I haven't gotten a message back from Kyllan. I was waiting for the bird to appear and give me a letter or something like that but he never sent anything. Or maybe the bird never could reach me and he thought I was ignoring him. I touched my lips and remembered the last time I saw Kyllan. The kiss was passionate and gave me a comforting feeling. I saw him in front of me with his sparkling eyes and dishevelled hair. Suddenly he grinned and his once blueish eyes turned dark. He was being replaced with the werewolf.

Quickly I opened my eyes and swept the sweat away which was forming on my forehead. My heart was hammering inside of my chest trying to break free.

Breath in and breath out.

I shook my head trying to get the werewolf out of my mind but I couldn't. I needed to live with this experience, with this memory forever. My stomach churned at the memory and I felt nauseous. A liquid made its way up to my throat and I quickly scurried to a corner and vomited.

I coughed the rest of the vomit out of my mouth and leaned against the cold wall. Silent tears made their way down my cheek. My throat burned and I placed my hand around it slightly putting pressure on it. Maybe I should just do it? I applied more pressure and my eyes watered and my throat burned even more. My eyes shot up as I gasped for air but I never removed my hand from my throat. As I choked myself, I saw memories of Ophelia flashing in my mind. I couldn't betray her like that. Quickly I released my throat and inhaled all the air around me.

I should get some rest, I thought to myself and closed my eyes drifting into a slumber.


Two muscular hands grabbed me and dragged me out of the room. I opened my eyes and saw me leaving the cell into the hallway. Looking up to the person who dragged me out of the room I spotted a familiar face. He was a centaur, pretty skinny but had enough muscles to drag me around the prison. His greyish eyes catched me staring at him and he smiled. He continued dragging me around the prison and I continued trying to remember where I saw his face. His light brown hair looked messy and he had a slight stubble on his chin. His face features were sharp and well-defined matching to his body type. I got lost in my thought as we abruptly halted in front of a giant dark door. It had a metal handle and he opened it and pushed it open. As we entered another hallway, I noticed that it looked exactly like the hallway where the werewolf took me.

My heart raced inside of my chest at the thought of meeting him again. "I can walk", I whispered. His head turned around and looked at me. He then released his grip and I fell onto the floor. "Ouch."

He just stood there and waited. I quickly stood up and brushed the dust off my naked body. He then started walking again and I followed him like a lost puppy. We walked what seems for hours before we stopped in front of a room which was already open. He told me to enter and I did. A maid stood there with some clothes and motioned me to go to her. I walked towards her and she gave me the clothes telling me to put them on to appear modest in front of the king. I nodded and began putting on the clothes as I realised what she said.

I was going to meet the king.

Frightened I looked at her but she didn't seem bothered at all. She just put this piece of fabric on me. They gave me the least fancy gown they had but what would I expect. I was a prisoner after all.

After I got into that so called dress I walked back to the centaur and we began walking down the hallway to a even more giant door than the one before. It was decorated with gold ornaments and the wood looked rich. The centaur opened it and we walked inside of this giant throne room.

It was made of marble mixed with dark brown wood and it looked elegant. Multiple plants were used as decorations and the king sat in a golden throne next to him an empty second, smaller throne meant for the queen. Guards were positioned next to the king and on each entrance which led towards the throne room. "Normos you can leave", a voice boomed. I looked at the centaur which led me into this room as he exited it. Now I could remember him. It was the centaur who I saw in my kingdom. The centaur who was sneaking with his other friend.

I was left alone with the guards and the king looking at me. I slightly bowed not knowing what else to do in this situation.

"I believe you know why you are here", the king said. I looked up into his eyes and nodded. "You illegally entered my kingdom and pretended to be a centaur." My gaze fell onto the ground not wanting to look up to him. "You even wounded some of my citizens, some of my well-trained guards too." I fiddled with my hands. What should I reply to one of the most powerful person on earth? Telling him that I needed it to do for my own survival was not an option. Telling him that I had a mission to full fill was neither an option. I just stood silently there as I felt him staring at me.

"These actions you have done will face consequences", he continued. "As the king of Idzor I will punish you with death since you are a fairy and the enemy of my ally. You will be hanged in front of the whole kingdom, so you feel ashamed of the things you did." Quickly I looked up and met up with the stare of the king. I swallowed down my saliva, opening my mouth like a fish but no words came out.

"You will be hanged today, right now in front of everyone." Before I could say anything, a door opened, and I heard someone walk into the room. My gaze was fixed on the ground and I felt someone powerful behind me. The person walked to the king. "Aziael how nice of you to join."

My gaze remained on the floor as I listened to the king. "Who's that", the man asked. His voice was raspy and deep. I shuddered as I heard him talk. He gave me a weird feeling. "You are welcome to watch her being hanged today", the king said happily. The man laughed. "You are crueller than I thought."

I didn't want to show weakness but I couldn't stop as the tears left my eyes. They fell onto the ground and left a small puddle. "Tsk, tsk you dare to make my floor dirty."

I heard steps nearing me and soon I found a pair of black leather shoes in front od my feet. My body began to tremble as a hand reached out and grasped my chin. It felt weird when this mysterious man touched me, it felt comfortable. He then painfully grabbed it and forced me to look up at him. My breath hitched as I looked at him. He was beautiful. He had these perfect chiselled chin and sharp face features. The long eyelashes complimented his dark grey eyes perfectly. His black hair fell into his face and I had to urge to run my hand into it.

"This can't be true", his husky voice said. He briskly removed his hand from my chin as if I burned him. My body yearned his touch and I didn't know why. "Who is this girl", the man shouted. My brows raised at his tone. Who was he to be able to talk to the king like that?

"The girl is my prisoner. She committed a few crimes and will face her punishment."

The man looked to me again and scanned my whole body. His eyes turned dark as he skimmed across my body noticing the bruises. "What is that", he growled as he neared me and trailed his fingers across my body. "I think your werewolves did that to her", the king replied. The mans eyes fogged and after a few seconds three men entered the room. They showed their neck to the man as a sign of submission. His fingers left my body and he looked at the three men. He showed them his canines and hissed loudly. "Which one of you did this", he asked them furiously. The men shook with fear. They looked at each other till one of them stepped out of the row with his head low. "It was me your highness."

I chocked on my own spit as the words left this werewolfs mouth. My hands shook and my mind was foggy. This was the king of Rivakh who stood in front of me. The one who's responsible for the potential war.

Slowly I backed away from him and made my way towards the door as both king's attention were now on the frightened werewolf. I saw how the king of Rivakh's hand turned into a claw and he slashed across the werewolf's chest. I screamed out loud and quickly covered my mouth with my hand. The blood dripped down and he fell onto the ground as he chocked on his own blood. The man turned around and stared right to me. "Where are you off to", he growled. I panicked and began ran towards the open door where I entered the throne room. I got into the hallway and ran through different corridors. I heard him growling behind me and running after me. I spotted a staircase and quickly went over to it and ran down. I reached the next floor and ran down the hall. He was right behind me. I felt my body getting weaker and tired due to the fact that I didn't eat nor drink for a few days. My legs suddenly gave out and I fell onto the stony ground. I scraped my legs open and felt the warm liquid trailing down my leg. Two hands grabbed me and I found myself being carried to an unknown place.