Chapter 5 - Gun's blazing


The sound of the 6th division captain, Raiden's quickly kicking down the back door is obviously heard aloud from the inside. He's not going for a slow and silent job, Which is very typical of him since even in my first life He didn't like doing jobs silently unless necessary.

"FIRE!" Raiden shouted as he kicked down the door.


Multiple shots were fired, All I could see were flashes from the muzzle of the gun and the loud banging echoing throughout the room as Ryota was shooting I checked my surroundings for any of our allies inside in case they managed to survive, Most of them were on the ground but fortunately Only concussed.

"Vice-captain! The Employees of the agency are still alive!" I yelled

"Ah! You're right, Eiko! Hotaru! You help the employees get out of here and if there are any civilians help them as well, We Don't want any trouble with the police being involved with casualties. Even if they're employees they're still part of the Hajo family Yakuza."

"Roger that!" They said it in sync

"Shou-Kun, Listen You're going to have to help us beat up the remaining enemies Can I trust you with that?"

"Yes! You can count on me Vice-Captain!"

"Then Good luck. You handle the ones on the left Raiden and I will handle the ones on the right, Ryota will cover for us"

"Yes sir!"

I bolted in front of one of the lackeys and Immediately I wound up my attack, and a sudden burst of force was felt in the air as I threw a right hook to his jaw. A clean hit,

I knew there was no time to waste and this is the perfect time to go all out as they won't completely notice how many enemies I have taken down.

I immediately charged to the next one and threw a knee strike to the stomach area, The extra force pushed him flying back to the next one behind him. I used the broken debris from the explosion lying around and threw it at the next enemy with great speed, To secure the kill, a massive running grab, slamming his temple to the ground.

But the force of everything I've done so far took a heavy toll on my weak, younger body "I should've taken it easy." I said as I tried to catch my breath, wheezing, panting. My body started to feel crumbling like a soft cookie, My bones felt like they were to collapse at any moment, But in order to have my revenge and prevent the 6th division from disbanding, I have to go beyond my limits.

"Oi Shou are you ok!?" Vice-captain yelled as he was approaching me

"Y-yeah Just kinda tired that's all, Don't worry."

"Don't overdo yourself since you're new to this. You may be getting the hang of it maybe it's because did Martial arts back then. But that doesn't change the fact that you're still new to fights like these."

"Y-yes sir." Although the part that I did martial arts was partially a lie since I didn't do any martial arts previously in my first life I only said I did martial arts in the past as an excuse to get away if I defeated someone quickly.

"Huh? I ran out of bullets, That's too bad."

"Ryota, That's more than enough, Hurry and help Eiko and hotaru evacuate, We're about to be finished here. Quickly! before the police arrives"

"Yeah Yeah, You got it Captain."

"Oi Yuichi! Is the newbie finished on his side!?"

"Yeah! He finished quite well but he's exhausted."

"Get him out of here, I'll go with you guys later after I capture one of them."

"I Understand. Let's go Shou-Kun."

"T-thanks Vice-Captain."


"Ehhh??? Are you serious?? You guys are Already done? No fair!"

"It can't be helped Hotaru-Chan, Who's gonna evacuate the employees and the Bystanders? Besides It says in the rules That you're not allowed to dirty the Hajo Family name remember? And Ryota already spilled the whole place with blood and bullets so isn't this enough."

"But Vice-Captainnn, I want to Do it myself thoughhh"

"Oi oi oi What's all this noise, Isn't Ryota's guns already noisy enough, Good grief It's like babysitting a whole kindergarten. In any case, I captured one of them but I don't want to cause a scene in public so I just stuffed him in the body bag. Here you go Ryota, You hold him while I'll ask for Yuichi to get us a car from the boss."

"W-Why me though!? why can't the newbie Do it?"

"That's exactly the point, It's because he's a newbie that I'm not handling the body to him. He might accidentally let him get away or some sort."


"Enough Complaining, unless you want me to discipline you using your own weapon against you."

"N-no sir" Good grief what a hassle

"Well Yuichi, Any luck with our request from the boss?"

"There will be a Car arriving in 5 minutes at the parking lot 4 blocks from here"

"Then there's no time let's go while the police haven't arrived yet"


[Breaking news!]

[An explosion went off at a loan agency department's backdoor, based on the recent CCTV footage inside the building it seems we have it seems like a gang member from one of the infamous yakuza groups: Kakaido Clan, and from the looks of it They were planning on bombarding the building but was mysteriously stopped. Unfortunately When the Kakaido clan partially bombarded the building that included the wires connected to the CCTV so that's all of the footage we can only have. As of right now, Some bystanders have managed to describe the faces of the ones who stopped the gang members but we don't know if they're either heroes or are also part of a gang]

/Tv turning off./

"Well, it seems like the Kakaido clan was the one who planned an attack on us, And Although We don't have a policy of hiding the faces of our members in the Mishiki Clan Because it is your responsibility whether or not you want to let others know you are part of a yakuza family with your face revealed, You lot managed to stay under the radar even after making all that mess. Division 6 Never fails to amaze me."

"We don't deserve your praise Mishki-oyabun. And we were just lucky that we managed to keep our faces hidden this far."

"No, You deserve it Division captain. Well anyway, moving on, How is it going with the newcomer did he make himself useful?"

"Yes, He's quite helpful although a bit nervous but nonetheless useful and I think he has the potential to become even more useful with his harmless looks as a scout just like Vice-Captain Yuichi."

"I see, I'll consider it someday."

"Thank you Mishiki-Oyabun. That concludes my repo- Ah, I almost forgot, I Captured one of the members of the Kakaido clan."

"Ho? Good Job, Then I want you to hand him over to Toda, We'll be handling the rest."

"Yes Mishiki-oyabun, Thank you. Then I'll be taking my leave."

"Well, Toda Aren't you glad that the newcomer managed to survive?"

"That's true but I didn't expect him to do this well that even the division captain proposed the idea of making a scout like Vice-Captain Yuichi." Although It feels somewhat strange at the same... No, I'm probably overthinking things

"What's with the troubled face Toda?"

"Nothing Ma'am I'm just thinking of what I'll be having for dinner tonight."

"Huhu I see." That boy He's becoming more interesting since the result has become like this I already have plans for him but, Not yet, The fruit isn't ready for picking yet. I'll have to wait until the fruit becomes fully ripened, Soon..."