Chapter 6 - Forgotten

/At one of the Mishiki Clan Infirmary rooms/

Yawning "Hey Newbie How old are you, By the way? You haven't told us how old you were."

"Eh? Um, I'm 18..."

"Ehhh That young huh, Wait Don't you have school or something right now? Since you should probably be starting college at that age."

"...I Have completely forgotten about it." I literally completely forgot about it since I finished my college life in the past while maintaining a Yakuza member.



"Well it's probably fine since your parents left you with us, So you can go to school anytime you want. Then do you want to go to school or not?"

"I'll probably go."

"Then you should ask the boss for permission." Said Raiden as he overheard the conversation while entering

"Captain, You're back!"

"Yeah, I finished my report with the boss and surrendered the guy we just captured."

"I see, Did she say anything else about the newbie?"

"... Nope, as far as I remember, She only asked If He was being useful or not."

"Oh, I see, Oh right Have you heard? The newbie had forgotten about his college classes HAHAHAHAHAHA!"

"Pfft, Are you serious? Is that true Matsuoka?"

"... Y-Yeah..."



"Well just like Eiko said You should get permission from the boss first."

"Yes, I'll do that."

"Good luck in school Kid," Raiden said as he was patting my shoulder while walking away.

"T-Thank You Captain!"

Raiden Waved back without looking back as if he was telling me not to be too uptight about it

"Then I'll go to Mishiki-oyabun now."

"Alright, Don't get eaten alive Newbie."

"As if Eiko-san."

As I left, Eiko was wheezing as she made that joke.


Knock! Knock!

"Um... Can I speak to Mishki-Oyabun?" I said as I peeked through the door.

"You-" As Toda tried to speak for Yumiko, She abruptly interrupted him

"It's fine, Toda, Let him be. Well, then What's the matter kid?"

"I-i was thinking If I could get your permission to go to school."

"Is that all? Don't tell me, you have forgotten to go to school?"

"...Y-Yes Ma'am."

"... Well I'm not going to ask How you have forgotten but Sure go ahead."

"Aren't you going to ask, why I'm going to school Mishiki-Oyabun?"

"There's no need since I already investigated your background before I barged into your apartment."


"If that's all you may go. And if you want to write your last name as Mishiki Then I don't mind as long as you don't dirty the Family Name."

"Ah! No, That won't be necessary."

"Are you sure?"

"Yes Oyabun, Absolutely."

"Then, It's up to you if you want to or not, You may go if that is all."

"Yes oyabun, Thank you very much, I shall be taking my leave then."

/Door closes/

"To think that he forgot to go to school."

"Pfft, He's quite clumsy."

"But it's also weird since You're not technically forced to go to school, especially college and He's a yakuza member as well and most yakuza members usually have issues and prefer fighting for ranks, Then why is he eager to go?"

"Who knows, Maybe He wants to pursue a different career, Or Maybe He wants to see someone there."

"That's possible..."

That kid... Don't tell me he wants to train How to fight there.

Groans "I think we picked up quite an interesting yet weird kid, Toda."

"That's true, Ma'am"



/In class, a few hours after Shou gained permission/

T-to think that I have forgotten to go to college in this life, back in my past life I didn't even forget, Huhu. I was too focused on my revenge that I almost missed my chance to ask for some training with the person I met back in my first life.

"Hey, Transfer."

"Huh?" A senior tried to call me with 3-4 other seniors behind him

"Come outside of the lecture hall."

"Uh, Ok?" Don't tell me they want me to Join some club or Extort me for money.

"So We're your seniors, right?" One of the seniors asked.

"I guess."

"Then Could you spare us some money right now we don't have enough to buy our lunches right now, We'll pay you back of course."

"I don't have much either." Like hell, they're gonna pay it back anyway.

"Oi Your seniors here are asking you a favor and we're quite famous here you know. You should be grateful." Another senior taunted.

"Oi, that's enough if he doesn't want to give us some money we can just use a different method of asking right?"

"Yeah let's do that right now."

They're definitely extorting me right now...

One of the seniors grabbed my shoulder across and said.

"Hey, transfer Let's go somewhere else so we can have a private talk alright?"

"..." I Obliged since I already know where this is going and had no other options to escape. I could cause a scene instead but that won't stop them from bothering me and from the looks of it everyone passing by took a blind eye to us.

"Then What do you guys want to talk privately about." All of the seniors walked slightly ahead of me after arriving where we were supposed to talk privately

Immediately the one nearest to me suddenly turned around and tossed a giant right punch from below, I managed to evade his fast hook "Yup They're looking for a fight alright" I thought.

"Ohh, You're good! But You're outnumbered, Idiot!"

Straight away, all at once in a wall-like formation, they attacked me, pinning me from all sides. I managed to elude some of their attacks but he was right I'm outnumbered.

"Oi What's the matter transferee? Is dodging all you can do?" Taunted one

"Why should I get serious to the likes of you?"

Although they're outnumbered, I haven't taken them seriously yet since that wouldn't be any fun.

"You asshole! Is that how you treat your seniors?" He yelled while hurling a left punch aimed at my temple.

"Is this how you treat your juniors? How unsightly, people like you deserve nothing!" While I said that I thought, Do these people have girlfriends? If so Then I'll probably try to woo them of some sort after this so can see their miserable reactions once they found out because people who take advantage of people's kindness and harm them afterward irritate me to the bone.

"Prepare for your Doom, Assholes," I said with a grim smirk.

I'll definitely enjoy this.