Chapter 8 - Preparation

/At the Campus cafeteria/

"And Why are you tagging along with us Eiko?!"

"Now now You should know the more the merrier right Matsuoka-Kun." She said with a smug face.

"Come on now Sho, Just let her eat with us for once Okay?"

"Tsk, Fine."

"Yay! You're the best Shou!"

As Kayo said that I saw her sticking her tongue out to me to mock me...

Afterward, we had our lunch and lunch period is finally over and Eiko finally left us alone if she were to be with us any longer she would've spilled the beans that I was part of the yakuza to Kayo, But there's no use on worrying about Hotaru now because now it's time to find the person who will be beneficial to me in the long run, And thankfully today's period is free time so He should be doing his club activities right now.

"If I'm not mistaken he should be in the taekwondo club or something like that," I said to myself.

As I was walking by the clubrooms during the period, I finally found him, Furukawa Satoshi, in my first life he was an outstanding taekwondo student, One of the best until someone close to him was accidentally injured by one of the members of the Kakaido clan, He immediately sought vengeance, and in doing so he managed to almost wipe out the whole clan until he was shot mercilessly multiple times. Since the clan thought negotiating with him will be futile.

"You there! are you a new student? How about you join the taekwondo club." The Team Captain yelled.

"Y-Yeah sure I'll apply."

"Great! We need more newcomers who are eager to martial arts like you." He said while patting my back harshly. Their strength is really scary it's almost inhuman Just him patting my back is already painful or maybe it's because my body is weak.

"A newcomer?"

Furukawa Satoshi! I should try to convince him to train me for my revenge on the person who killed me.

"U-um are you Furukawa Satoshi?"

"Yes? How did you know my name?"

"You idiot! You're one of our aces it's natural that people will know about you, especially on the accomplishments you made at the tournaments we've been."

"I-I guess you have a point Captain."

"So you want Satoshi-Kun to train you, Newbie?"


"Let me guess is it because of the achievements and rumors you've heard about him isn't it?"

"Yes! but also the Achievements he made in the tournaments." And in the future.

"Well what do you think Satoshi-Kun, Are you going to train him?"

"Are you sure about this newcomer, My training isn't that easy unlike The team captain's?"

"I'm prepared!"

"Well if you say so, I'll be guiding you then."

"Thank you very much!"

"While we're at it we don't know your name yet, may we ask what is it?"

"I'm Matsuoka Shou!"

"I'll introduce myself again, I'm Furukawa Satoshi and this is the team captain, Uyeda Kazuhiko."

"Nice to meet you Matsouka Shou I hope you'll enjoy joining this club."

"Yes! I will."

Alright! With this, I'll be able to accomplish my goal of getting my revenge, and now that I mentioned it, If I remember correctly the one who got accidentally involved with the kakaido clan was Satoshi's Girlfriend...Maybe I should help him out as thanks for training me.

And from then on every day after school I always go to the clubroom to train with Satoshi Although as he said it wasn't easy and I always come home with sore muscles and to make matters worse I even have homework to do and my job as a yakuza member as well.


These 2 weeks there's nothing much going on in the clubhouse or any trouble at all outside of the Mishiki Clan, It's strange.

As I was about to walk out the campus gate someone called out for me.

"Yo Matsuoka-Kun."


"It's getting boring lately huh, I mean in the Mishiki Clan."

"You mean-"

"Yeah, We haven't been dispatched by the boss ever since that, Although everything's quite right now even at other divisions. It's really boring,"

"Haha, Well there's not much we can do about it."

And in the past 2 weeks, Hotaru and I have gotten closer Maybe it's because she's younger than me that I have no problems with her.

"Hey, Matsuoka-Kun."

"...Nevermind," asking him right now even though there's not much proof but, that doesn't mean I shouldn't let my guard down.

"O-oh." Weird... Don't tell me She's also starting to suspect me of something like Eiko??

Suddenly Hotaru went slightly ahead of me and stopped walking.

"You... Are you hiding your true strength, or are you some sort of spy?"

"Eh? What do you-" So She was the mysterious figure I saw back then!

"And which one is your real personality? Don't try to hide it I saw everything, At that moment What I saw wasn't Matsuoka It felt like someone else. Tell me who really are you!?"


She's right Because in my first life as years passed of being part of the Mishiki Clan, I started to lose my humanity in other words I started becoming cold-hearted, having no remorse for killing people although Those people are criminals, who take advantage of innocent people in the first place. If you were to compare my past self to my future one, My future self would be able to kill anyone whom I deeply hated in a heartbeat. Although I've been humble in the past and have been able to become my usual soft and caring self I incidentally added a new side of myself, A demonic killing machine who's full of anger, revenge, regret, hatred, and feeling responsible about the deaths of his former teammates, Division 6.

"I'm Matsuoka Shou, Who else am I? Hotaru-san."

"I told you hiding it is futile!"

"I understand your suspicion but I can guarantee you one thing, and that I'm not your enemy or a spy."

As she saw my stern eyes, I knew she was still probably doubting me.

"You have a point but, That's not stopping me from testing you with my own eyes!"

In a blink of an eye, she immediately hurled a fast punch from the left to my right eye from above and through, I managed to evade her first strike but she already knew that and immediately turned 360° from her right to reset her momentum and throw a powerful haymaker from her right arm, I managed to evade while counter-attacking with a spinning back kick to her left. but unsurprisingly she managed to block it, But. "I'm not done yet!" after blocking my kick Immediately followed it up with another kick from the side, although it was weak It was enough.

"You're not half bad, Your moves are good but like hell that will convince me!"

"What kind of convincing do you need So we can just stop this? And Why are you doing this you have no reason to suspect me at all" at this point I think she's just fighting me because she's bored but I can't just lower my guard and let her win either since even if she was fighting because she's bored she's still testing me either way.

"Why Don't you have a guess on my reasoning then?"

"Nah, I'll pass. it's obvious what kind of answer you want anyway."

"Eh? am I that obvious?"


"Ehe. But even if you know I'm still not stopping."

"I know that very well, that's why I'm going to prove it to you anyway for insurance."