Chapter 9 - Because It's Fun

"What kind of convincing do you need So we can just stop this? And Why are you doing this you have no reason to suspect me at all" at this point I think she's just fighting me because she's bored but I can't just lower my guard and let her win either since even if she was fighting because she's bored she's still testing me either way.

"Why Don't you have a guess on my reasoning then?"

"Nah, I'll pass. it's obvious what kind of answer you want anyway."

"Eh? am I that obvious?"


"Ehe. But even if you know I'm still not stopping."

"I know that very well, that's why I'm going to prove it to you anyway for insurance."

"Don't fail to entertain me then Matsuoka-Kun."

"Yeah, I won't." Instead, I'm going to ingrain this fight into your head since you're so stubborn.

Kitagawa Hotaru, 16 years old If I remember correctly in my first life The reason why She's a gang member is that she's quite a violent delinquent to the point that Mishiki-Oyabun took her under her wing and placed her as part of the 6th division. And Her Fighting style is boxing with a mix of street fighting although even with a boxing fighting style she's not afraid of using dirty tactics.

"Oi Oi Matsuoka Senpai, What's wrong? Why are you just standing there like a sitting duck!" She said while preparing for a running strike.

I evaded her attack from the left but after this, she's going to attack from her opposite hand, and just as I said that as expected she went for another punch using a right hook, I dodged it again stepping one foot backward but Immediately she threw a spinning back kick to my left. But then I saw something unexpected.

"I can see them..."

"Ah- It's fine I'm wearing bike shorts anyway." She stuck her tongue out afterward to mock me.

"Sike. Like Hell, I care about that." I already knew from the start that although she's wearing a skirt due to school uniform regulations she doesn't really wear underwear that often since she said back then that it was a bother in case she needed to fight someone.

I then grabbed her leg that was still on my side that she attacked and immediately tried to takedown grapple her from her leg. It was a poor takedown, I wasn't able to completely subdue her but it was enough for me to stop her momentum.

"Like hell, this is enough to finish me off!"

She managed to get back up but "I think I'm going to try to pull a fast one on you." I whispered to myself. As I was still trying to get back up after a takedown I instead tried to sweep her off her balance


But as she was falling from her back she suddenly turned around and used her hands to push off and get back up again but as soon as she got back up and turned around, I was already in front of her ready with a massive haymaker from her left aimed at her temple. She blocked my attack with her arms but was pushed slightly back. I went across to her left side and threw a right hook from behind her temple but she anticipated that and went two steps back and one step forward to counter-attack with a straight punch. I redirected her strike with my palm while evading and hurled an inside counter punch to her temple to secure the hit. I redirected my strike to the ground while my hand is still connected to her temple, forcing her down while grabbing her face.

"Well? Every punch I threw was all basic ones and yet I managed to subdue you, Will That convince you that I'm not joking around on this job? Hotaru-San or did you try to fight me because it's fun?"

"Heh, Both." She smirked

"Good grief." You never change do you Hotaru-san, You're still a battle junkie through and through until the end. Which is what led you to your death But I'm going to prevent that by getting stronger than in my first life and while doing so getting my revenge on whoever murdered me.

"What's with that look Matsuoka-Kun? You look like an old man reminiscing."

"Eh? Is that so? You're probably imagining things and besides, I'm not that old."

"Yeah yeah whatever you say, Matsuoka, You're still old to me."

"Why you little asshole!!! Cmere!"

"No way! HAHAHAHA Why don't you come and catch me, old man."

"You're going to regret this Hotaru!"


After all of that Hotaru-san treated me to some food to compensate for all the troubles. Although it's been 2 weeks without any call from the boss she's still alive and all, What's bothering me is that it's too quiet in Tokyo that there haven't been any reports on any of the gangs trying to attack us.

In Tokyo, there are 4 large yakuza gangs including The Mishiki Clan

The Mishiki Clan is known for being unprejudiced yet powerful people as they don't forcibly extort money from people who don't mess with them.

The Mishiki Clan specializes in power so in some cases the boss lets other people hire her members as long as it's not against her policy or contract. While some gangs get money and power by stealing stores or properties and starting fights The Mishiki Clan gets money and power through making Loan sharks, smuggling goods from overseas by stealing from other gangs and recruiting promising members who have massive potential, and getting connections from other powerful people who owe them. Because of that power and connections is the reason why some gangs are jealous of The Mishiki Clan and tried taking us down, not only do we have a lot of power we also have very loyal members to the Mishiki Clan is another reason why they want us down

Rytsunaga clan Is known for having a lot of money through host clubs and the red light district so they're not really much of a threat to us yet even if they're mostly composed of clubs and all their security is tight, as expected of a gang specializing taking advantage of the adult industry.

Kakaido clan is known for being a violent gang yet they're still weak compared to The Mishiki Clan but they make up for the lack of power with numbers.

And Finally The Hachibana clan, Another neutral clan that specializes in smuggling goods from all over the world from drugs to weapons.

Although everything has been peaceful lately I don't really mind.


Oh, a call from... Captain?! is it a new job? or something else?