Chapter 15 - Suspicion

Meanwhile, earlier...

"Third division officers! I want you to escort my team with me, inside if anyone else wants to join now is the time!" Raiden yelled.

All five division officers and a handful of their lower members including some sixth division members such as Eiko, Hotaru, and Ryota. Traversed inside the warehouse.

"Um, Raiden? Why do you want us to escort you shouldn't we be helping the others outside?" Asked Nanami.

"We could but that's what they're plotting, they want us to be distracted until law enforcement arrives, that's why I needed the third division's assistance because undoubtedly we aren't going to make it in time if we were to pillage the whole warehouse by ourselves."

I hope the newbie doesn't disappoint us once we come back, Eiko thought.

"Is there anyone inside?" Tanaka implored

"No one is here at the moment it seems..." Said, Yoshino

"That's all that we need, now that our enemies are distracted on the outside, let's take this opportunity to take everything inside and load on onto the carrier!"

"Raiden is pretty good at taking command isn't he, Mitsuru?"

"Captain Mako, you shouldn't be too carefree in this scenario! The sixth division is taking command currently, shouldn't you be the one in charge?"

Mako lets out a frustrated sigh "Good grief, Vice Captain Mitsuru, you're quite prideful aren't you?"

"Naturally, Captain, we're the third division-"

"Just because they're in a lower rank than you doesn't mean they aren't capable. Besides, the sixth division isn't a low rank."

"What? What do you mean?"

"To put it simply, they're like the Mishiki clan's executioner or assassin division you know?"

"... What? What's with the word terminology?"

"... Uh like a scouting division, a very violent and powerful one."

"I see."

"Hey! You two, stop slacking off and help us out here already!" Said Yoshino

"What are we dealing with anyway?" Tanaka


Raiden slammed a large briefcase onto the table and opened it, revealing full stacks of cash filled to the brim of the case.


"How many briefcases do they have?" Nanami was shocked at how much fortune was inside that briefcase... Why do they have this vast amount of money? No, in the first place, how did they get this, and where? Nanami thought to herself.

"At least 10 cases, cash-filled."

"In any case, we shouldn't be asking questions right now we should get everything and leave already-"



"What was that, an explosion?" Nanami exclaimed.

"But why, no one from any of our team brought explosives!" Mitsuru commented.

"Tsk, everyone! Just grab everything and put it on the vehicle, we'll have to check the contents later."

It took us a while since there were also plenty of firearms lying all around, so it would be a waste to leave it, Raiden thought until everyone heard Yuichi screaming the kid's name at the top of his lungs.

"Tsk, that idiot-."

"Oi oi oi, that newbie better not die on us when we get out of here... What's taking so long? Are we finished packing everything already?!" Eiko yelled.

"Not yet, we still have a few more to go!" Yoshino replied.


"Big bro, you better not die yet."

A few minutes passed but what it felt like hours, finally, we finished pillaging the whole warehouse, but unfortunately, we weren't able to help our comrades as we went out of the entrance of the warehouse we saw piles of bodies from the explosions and Yuichi lensing his shoulder to the kid as he was injured, but non-life-threatening. We immediately embarked as we slowly hear the wailing sound of police sirens becoming louder, fortunately, though everyone managed to escape. Everyone except the ones who are already deceased.

"Hey, kid."


"You doing alright?"

"Yeah, no worries it's just a bullet wound through my side."

"You'll be fine once we get to the headquarters, there's a clinic there."

"Thanks, captain."

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We finally arrived at the headquarters, I helped Shou-Kun get to the clinic to have him treated and the others as well. Although some of the third division officers were quite disappointed that they weren't able to participate in the battle.

"Um, Captain!"

"Huh? What is it Yuichi?"

"About the newcomer, shou."

"Oh him? don't worry about him, it's not your fault-."

"I have something to tell you, in regards to him about how he fought earlier."

"What do you mean?"

"I'll make it quick, he didn't hesitate when he killed a person at that time, and his gaze was different from usual as if he has no remorse of some sort..."

"I see..."

"Don't you think there's more to this newcomer?"

"For instance?"

"For instance, what if he was some sort of spy from an unknown organization from overseas or someone formerly part of the army?"

"You have a point... I'll ask someone to look into it."

"Thank you very much, captain!"


"Who is it?"

"It's Raiden, ma'am," Toda replied.

"Let him in, toda."

"Yes, ma'am."

"Here is the report of the recent event ma'am."

"Good work Raiden, although it's a shame a portion of our members were killed."

"That is certainly true, if may I ask a favor boss."

"Go ahead."

"Could you assign someone to investigate the newbie's background?"

"Why is he bothering you of some sort?"

"Not at all ma'am, it's just that... Yuichi was surprised at how well Matsuoka performed regarding the fact that he hasn't killed a single person before, until now."

"What do you mean by that?"

"Yuichi told me he was with Matsuoka when he started killing several enemies without hesitation and remorse."

"... Interesting..."

"That's why we had our suspicion that Matsuoka is more than what he appears to be."

"I'll have toda look into it, you are dismissed."

"Thank you very much, ma'am, I shall take my leave."

[Door closes]

"You heard him."

"Yes ma'am, I'll look into his background even further."

Matsuoka, Shou, you're getting more and more interesting as time passes by. I think I'll have to watch over you myself someday... Yumiko thought.

"I'll have to analyze you myself whether or not you are friend or foe."