Chapter 16 - Investigation

I groaned as I started to regain consciousness, I remembered that I had to spend the night here for me to recover as I was injured from the last commission but... As I left the clinic, I was surrounded by several Mishiki-Oyabun's guards that she picked personally.

"H-hi there, d-do you guys need something from me?"

"Yes, actually we do, We want you to come with us, No questions asked."

A chill came down my spine with a cold sweat falling on my cheek. Just what is she going to do with me now, I thought to myself.

As I arrived on the doorsteps of Mishiki-Oyabun's office door, Toda opened the door from the inside for me.

"I'm glad you complied with my guards Because if you didn't I would've ordered to take you by force by all means necessary."

"...Haha..." That definitely doesn't sound like a joke does it?

"Well, Don't be too anxious as I brought you here to ask you some personal questions..."

"Ah." Right, Well, I would be suspicious too if a random person who tried to bargain to have his life spared by joining their gang, was remarkably talented at fighting despite the fact that he has no prior experience in fighting...

"Now tell me, Matsuoka, Who are you? Are you really an amateur? or are you some foreign spy?"

"Rest assured Mishiki-oyabun, I'm most definitely on your side and not-"

Bang! A quick strident bang whizzed across, nearly hitting my ear, Mishiki-Oyabun shoots a warning shot.

"I don't want excuses I want clear answers, Don't make me shoot a promising ally. Toda tried double checking your background, but not a single file mentioned to you experiencing a fight or even learn how until now." Mishiki-oyabun stood up from her chair and started to slowly menacingly approach me. "Not even a shootout and yet you claimed to have experience in martial arts." She said in a frighteningly calm manner.

"I-I have a clear explanation for this."

"You better have."

On the inside, I was panicking... What the fuck should I do, Should I tell her? No, she's not going to believe that easily. Fuck, Fuck, Fuck, What should I do...

"Well? Go on then."

"Well, you see, my grandfather used to be part of the army and since my parents neglected me most of the time, My grandparents were the ones who took care of me. Sometimes when my grandfather and I are bored, He usually trains my body by teaching me self-defense at an early age, and as I grew older also taught me how to handle all sorts of firearms and weapons." I mean it's not completely a lie, the only part I half-heartedly lied about is where my grandfather taught me how to handle firearms, He only started teaching me basic hand-to-hand combat at 13.

"That still doesn't explain how you killed your opponents without hesitating despite the fact you haven't killed anyone before."

Ah, shit, She's right.

"W-well, I just use the hatred I have for my parents for neglecting and abandoning me and use it as my weapon to kill, you know?"



"Fine, that sounds plausible enough, but if I were to catch you betraying the family, I will personally kill you myself. You are dismissed."

"Y-yes Thank you very much, ma'am, Then I shall take my leave. P-please, take care of yourself." Why the hell did I say that last part...

[Door closes]

Aaaaaah!!!! I can't believe I almost got exposed there, good thing I managed... but looking back at it Mishiki-oyabun looked really cool, that time... No, no, no, What am I thinking, Get yourself together Shou, She probably doesn't have time for those, since she's a boss of a large yakuza gang... Ba-dump What's wrong with me, She just scolded me in a cool manner and I felt Ba-dump? What am I, A masochist? There's no way, I refuse to believe that! arghh!! "What is wrong with me today!!!"

"I should get some rest. I have class tomorrow, How unfortunate... Ah, I almost forgot about those seniors who tried to extort me the other day... Should I really try to take one of their girlfriends?" But it's kind of a hassle to deal with it... Sigh

My morning classes finally started, It felt like I haven't been to school even though I spent my weekends doing commissions for the gang...

"Yo, Shou-Kun, Woah you looked like a corpse did you get any rest last night?"

And I spent last night, In the pain of the aftershock of my injuries, Maybe it's because the painkillers wore off when I got home...

"Nope, I played games all night."

"Well, I understand that you don't get that much time, but you should at least get some good amount of sleep."

"Are you my mom or something, Kayo?"

"Why is it bad being concerned for my best friend?"

"Not really... but thanks, I really appreciate it."

"Pfft, HAHAHAHA, You're acting kinda weird right now, Maybe it's because you didn't get enough sleep."

"No, I'm not."

"You are, Oh by the way I heard you got bullied by a couple of seniors on your first day."

"Huh? Don't tell me..."

"Ehe, Yeah, I heard it from Hotaru, when I bumped into her this morning... But still, you shouldn't keep it a secret from me, remember? when we were younger, we used to beat up people who were treating other people badly, although we lost half of those fights but still..."

"Don't bring up that past, Kayo, It's embarrassing now."


"Good grief." In my first life, Kayo became an employee of a nice company and he was satisfied with it, as his co-workers were all kind, even his superiors and even invited me to his wedding, Of course, I had to attend, He's my best friend, after all, We always had each other's back and I'm glad I get to relive this moment again.

"Oh, right! Hey Shou-Kun, Wanna come with me to a mixer with some other people I know? It's fine if you don't wanna hook up with someone else, Just you know for fun."

"Hmm, Nah it's fine, My schedule is free at the moment."

"Nice, The mixer starts on Thursday night, since we don't have classes on Friday."

"Alright, I'll meet you after school then." Hanging out with Kayo huh... The last time we hung out was in high school...