Chapter 23

Yuichi arrived after three minutes has passed after Raiden left Shou in charge of looking after their lounge in case anyone needs their team's assistance.

"Huh? where are the others Shou-Kun?"

"They all went out shopping for equipment and all that stuff."

"Ah, I see, so Raiden asked you to watch over the place huh?"

"Yeah, It was getting kinda boring honestly."

"Hahaha, You have a point... Um, hey, Shou-Kun, I'm curious about something but it's okay if you don't want to answer it."

"What is it?"

"About your parents, I was wondering why did they do that to you. You know leaving you behind with all of the money they borrowed and left all their responsibilities on you."

"Ah, I don't really know either."


"Well, If I were to think about it... Maybe it's because they're lazy or something, They don't really seem to care about me as much, since they don't really try to get to know me personally or deeply, so I just ignored them and they ignored me and I just tried my best in school and all that."

"I see, but you said you ignored them right? Have you tried talking to them?"

"I would be lying if I said I haven't. At first, I did try but they were just stubborn and they were difficult to convince so I stopped trying after a few failed attempts."

"I see, Don't you have any siblings or any close relatives you could try to make them convince your parents?"

"Not even that could work. I've tried that too and I don't have any siblings."


"That's why I won't forgive them... Ever... What about you Vice-captain? How did you end up here? Being a yakuza member and all that."

"You can drop the formalities with me, so you don't have to call me vice-captain since the name is too long you know?" Yuichi snickered as he was amused by Shou being stiff and polite despite the fact he have seen how he fights.

"You don't have to tell me if it's too difficult for you."

"No, It's fine, I'm sort of in the same position as you... My parents were there but only financially, my parents also didn't try to get to know me personally. So I didn't have anyone to rely on literally since They're not really quite helpful and my father was an asshole because he had a really short fuse and one time there was a misunderstanding with him and he got really mad and threw a bucket behind my ear."

'You fucking disrespectful child, what are you glaring at me for?! You keep yapping your mouth at your father? get out of my house and never come back until it's nighttime! And don't even think about bringing anything with you, I don't want to see your stupid face!'

"My mother didn't even try to do anything and just told me I should've known better that my father has a short fuse and saying it was my fault, When the real reason what led to this fight is was I was taking a nap and my father continuously tried to call me from outside, asking to help him clean his car with him but I couldn't hear him until his last call. When I stood up, I was going to the front door and when I opened it he was about to open the door too, so he thought I was pretending to be deaf and because when he asked if I heard him, I said no and didn't believe me. Afterward, When my father temporarily kicked me out of the house, I went to Raiden's place. I was planning on staying in his place if my father didn't allow me to go back home that night. but "

"Why didn't your parents believe you?"

"Because I already did bad stuff back then."

"For instance?"

"I skipped classes because I was alone since my parents didn't have much time with me, I got bored and skipped a few classes because if I were to do it after school I wouldn't have much time and my parents would've scolded me for taking too long. Do I regret it? Not exactly, the only part I regretted was spending too much money on that pc cafe. my parents didn't let me on devices such as phones and stuff that's why I went to a pc cafe instead to bear up all the annoying things that were happening in the house. I know I don't have the right on what I did and should've done entirely else other than skipping classes and should've spent time with my classmates, wandering around after class. But I know one thing's for sure, Is that I'm not the only one who is in the wrong."

"Yeah, You're right."

"Now that I think about it, Both of my parents got easily mad over the smallest reasons like a bunch of delinquents. I still get easily mad at times but not as much as them and over time I was forced to mature on my own and only realized that much later. And In the end, I left the house on my own accord since I was turning eighteen anyway, might as well leave that hellish place. And when I was looking for work, Raiden got involved with some shady business with the Mishiki clan- no, to be more specific, Raiden was scouted by Mishiki-oyabun herself, Because of how he fights. Raiden agreed to join, I don't know his reason but he joined on one condition and that is to have a team of his own and the first he looked for his first teammate was me. He knew I was looking for a job so he asked me to join him, he also guaranteed my safety at the very least as well since he knows that I was also strong in fighting, And Here I am."

"I see, That was a lot to take in."

"Hahaha, Don't worry it's fine, Just take your time to process it all."


"Ah I think that's my phone, Hold on."


"yes, Yes, Yes, Ma'am I'll notify them right away."

"Shou, who was that?"

"It was Mishiki-oyabun, He said we got an assignment."

"Since when did you become close with the boss?"

"Ehe... Long story, But we'll talk about that later, Boss said we should prepare and tell the others."

"Yeah, yeah, You got it."