Chapter 24

Raiden and the others soon returned to the headquarters and went to Yumiko's office afterward.

"You called for us ma'am?" Raiden responded.

"Yeah, I made a deal with Daisuke, the head of the Hachibana clan, to get something for me with a down payment and that down payment is that you guys are going to assist him in getting the equipment that I ordered."

"Yes, Ma'am!" As we were going to leave her office, Mishiki suddenly called us back.

"Wait... No, Nevermind."

"We'll be going then, Ma'am and we'll come back safely, don't worry."

"Heh, Yeah, Yeah, you got me, Now go!"

As the sixth division left her office, She thought to herself; "Those bastards...But why do I have a bad feeling about this."

After the sixth division met up with the Hachibana clan, They set out to their destination in one of the largest ports in japan, Nagoya, Located on the Pacific coast in central Honshu.

"We have plenty of time until dusk since it's only in the afternoon so you guys should look for something to eat or whatever," Raiden commented.

"No, we're good," Eiko replied.

"Same, here," Shou responded.

"I'm just following what my older brother says."

"I told you before that I'm not your older brother. And why are you calling me your older brother, Hotaru-San?"

"Because you're strong."

"Her Mindset is similar to a meathead that only follows strong people."

"Hah? who are you calling a meathead? You tomboy Eiko, That's why you haven't gotten any boyfriends!"

"Hey! That was uncalled for!"

"Same goes for you, Idiot!"

"Now, Now girls now is not the time to be fighting each other, we're on an assignment."


'Are we going to be ok in this mission?' Shou thought to himself.

"In any case, we should just wait until dusk."

Dusk arrives and so did The hachibana clan and so are the others at the port entrance.

"We shall be meeting with someone who knows where your package is of course we'll also have to pay him for getting that information for us. It was quite difficult trying to bargain with a man like him. He goes by the name Wraith Ashfield."

"Is he a foreigner of some sort?" Raiden replied.

"I don't completely know the details but he might be a half."

"I see, and is that all you wanted us to do?"

"Yes, Just escorting me safely is enough, since we're kind of short in manpower."

"So you were trying to save on money then?"

"As I am ashamed to admit it, Yes we are trying to save money since I was having other plans to do with it."

"That makes sense."

With the intercom, Raiden uses it and calls over his division.

"This is Raiden, we are approaching the chandler, proceed with caution on scouting the surrounding area."

"Roger that!" Everyone on the intercom responded.

"I already set everyone in my team up, in case they were to try something funny."

"Much obliged sir Raiden. Your idea of spreading your team out and taking more space in case we get ambushed is ingenious."

"You're really good at making people fall for your flattery aren't you? That tactic isn't even a creative one, It's just a simple one."

"Huhu, Woe is me for Raiden not falling for my flattery."

Raiden rolled his eyes in apathetic.

Meanwhile, the rest of the sixth division members were preparing for a possible ambush.

The clonking sound of the Glock's barrel being pulled back and its safeties turning off, followed by a distant sound of an ejection port being opened and a bullet going through the receiver. This time Ryota bought a different firearm. An M&P15-22 with an extended magazine.

"Um, Ryota is that necessary?" Eiko asked.

"No, I just wanted to try it out that's all."


Again, Just like in Shou's first mission, They're all positioned high up on top of the storage containers, while Daisuke's men on the ground act as a decoy.

"Here they come," Raiden uttered on the intercom. "Check if is there any suspicious movements in your surroundings and our convoy.


"Wraith Ashfield am I correct?"


"So may I ask, Mr. Ashfield, Where is the package you promised?"

Wraith turned around, indicating for them to follow him, And so they did. Wraith stopped at one of the containers and lightly punched one of them.

"It's in here."

'I have a bad feeling about this.' Raiden thought to himself.

One of Daisuke's guards opened the container and looked inside to find the package that was agreed upon, all in the correct order.

"It's all here boss."

"Well, We have a deal then, Mr. Ashfield." but as soon as Daisuke turned around, only to have Wraith, nowhere to be found. Then out of nowhere, bullets rained down on them, injuring one of Daisuke's men. But Raiden managed to act fast and protected both of them.

"I fucking knew it... Fuck. Everyone!"

"We know, We're already on our way!"

As they were running, Shou unsheathed his sword, Eiko, Ryota, and Yuichi readied their firearms, while Hotaru already pulled out her daggers.

Once they got there, they found people on top of the containers just like them.

"Those fuckers, to think they would ambush us just to get everything to themselves." Said eiko

"It can't be helped," Ryota replied.

"Heads up everyone!" Shou yelled.

Their enemies all shoot their shots but everyone managed to evade it with a fluke.

Shou sprinted onto their center, followed by Hotaru as well,

Shou immediately slashed two enemies, cutting their throat and face from below, spurting blood all over. Spinning 720°, cutting one of them in half, Shou crouched and swung his sword to cut off the legs of his next opponent.

Followed by Hotaru running and stabbing one to their heart, mutated into a slice from their heart to their ribs. Slit her next opponent's throat from below, spun around from her center, and threw her dagger to their head at one of the enemies aiming their sights on her.

"Not bad, Hotaru-San, It seems I haven't seen you guys fight up close for a while now."

Hotaru feeling on her high horse gloated at Shou's praises. "You should watch us up close every now and then. Well, then Shall we continue?"

"You're on!" Shou replied with a smirk on his face.