Chapter 25

While Hotaru and Shou are holding off the ones on top of the container, The rest of the team jumped down to assist their captain and Daisuke.

"Captain!" Yuichi Yelled.

"We're fine, but where is that Ashfield bastard?

"Strangely enough, He's nowhere to be found outside either."

"What? Why would he trap us here without stealing anything from us?"

Suddenly they heard a blaring sound of a truck engine going in their direction.

"That crazy lunatic!"

"Captain, Let's get out of here."

"Tsk, We can't just leave empty-handed!"

"We'll think of a way! For now, let's just go!"

Raiden and Daisuke shooked violently inside by the force of the truck hitting the container from behind.


"I know that!"

Raiden, Daisuke, and Yuichi managed to get out safely before the truck nearly broke the container wall.

"Daisuke! I want your men to take the package if they can and get to a safe area, We'll deal with him."


After Daisuke ordered his men to try to take the package just as Raiden told him to. Unfortunately, it will be going to take a while to carry 5 crates back so the sixth division has to hold them off to buy spare time.

Raiden yelled at the intercom; "Everyone! It's going to take Daisuke and his men some time to extract the package from its container so buy as much time as you can. If possible, eliminate every single one of them."

"Roger that!"

"I'm counting on you all!"

"Hotaru-San! Let's push forward!"

"I know!"

As Hotaru and Shou massacred the enemies, left and right, slashing, hacking, and stabbing in quick succession. Bullets could be felt whizzing behind them as the rest of their teammates were giving cover fire to push on and eliminate everyone instead as they all thought it would be more convenient that way.

But then, an unfortunate event happened. "It seems like they weren't the only ones who bought reinforcements," Raiden responded. As they could hear faint sounds of multiple car engines, approaching them quickly.

"Fuck, to think they bought reinforcements..." Eiko exclaimed.

"Good thing I bought this." Ryota then unzipped the large bag he was carrying and pulled out an M249 Light machine gun.

"How the heck did you bring that?"

"It has a handle? Duh."

"... That weighs around 17.5 kg, If it is you Ryota, That gun is going to break your back."

"Shut up! I didn't bring this myself you know! I had one of Daisuke's men carry it for me."



Screeching tires were heard

"Tsk, Here they come!"

"Don't worry, I've got it covered!"

The sound of the 5.56×45mm being struck together with a light jingle inside the magazine. Immediately followed by a continuous rapid fire of ear-splitting cracks. Like a Jackhammer being hammered loudly and repeatedly.

"Get down! LMG!"


Bodies were dropping like flies and blood gushing all over the place.

"Tsk, You guys should hurry up!" Ryota shouted.

"I know that!" Raiden replied. 'Fuck this is getting confusing. Why would Ashfield do this? This is literally no benefit for him on doing this and yet why? We do have the advantage in power but that doesn't change the fact we're outnumbered.'

"Yuichi! Call reinforcements!"


Meanwhile... Back in the Mishiki clan headquarters.

"Ma'am, we have a call from the sixth division."

"Give it to me."


"Hello?! Ma'am? We are requesting backup at the Nagoya port! We are currently outnumbered, We can hold them off but we don't know if it is enough."

"What? what is your current situation? What happened to the negotiations?"

"Apparently the dealer had other plans and tried to trap Raiden and Daisuke as they were checking on the package. We don't know what his current objective is but our plan is to buy time until the rest finished extracting the package from its container!"

"I see, don't worry Yuichi, Reinforcements will soon be there, so please buy us some spare time, as much as you can."

"We'll try our best ma'am!"

[End call]

"Which one should we send off ma'am?" Toda asked.

Yumiko abruptly stand up from her office chair and fast walked through the door.


"I'll go there myself. And call the 2nd division, I want them to escort me and make it quick, we don't have much time, And We're taking the helicopter."

"Yes, Ma'am!"

"Captain! they said they'll be here in 10 minutes at least."

"Tch, Everyone! Reinforcements will arrive in Ten minutes, So hold on and keep buying time until they arrive!" Raiden yelled on the intercom.


But Raiden and Yuichi were unlucky enough to be surrounded all around them. Both of them had to cover each other's backs.

"Just like old times isn't it? Yuichi."

"You mean like back in high school? When were surrounded by some bullies who tried to extort money from me?"

"Heh, Yeah, Good times, Although no one lost because the teacher had to cut it off."

"You were a real troublemaker back then, you know that right?"

"Ha! Of course and look at you know, a yakuza member."

"Damn you bastard, Heh."

"I still don't know why is this happening honestly but do we have any other choice?."


"I figured as much."

Instantaneously, Yuichi drew his gun from his holster, Aimed, and like without a second thought pulled the trigger, Shot... After shot... After shot... Emptying his magazine to seventeen people. One bullet per person. At the same time, Ryota gave them cover fire, Raining down bullets in front of them, While Raiden frantically dashed in front of them, rendering their firearms nearly useless, as he was going after one opponent to the next in a short period of time.

Left...Right...Evade...Counter... One after the other, without giving them time to react, Raiden made his move.

'H-how could he be this fast?' One of the opponents said to himself. "T-they're monsters, GAHH!!!."

Raiden hurled an unconventional punch from above to his temple, An uppercut to his abdomen on his other hand.


And a roundhouse kick to his head to finish it off.