Chapter 27

The law enforcement chased after them with 3 vehicles with them and a helicopter. It seems like they're already in formation for capturing them.

They took the chase to the highway rather than driving on the street since driving with a large truck and several escort vehicles are proven to be rather difficult to get rid of the law enforcers.

"What do we do? Boss." A 2nd division member yelled.

"Pop their wheels off! Don't waste your bullets on trying to kill them, they'll only keep going if there was another driver with them." Mishiki Replied.

"Yes, Ma'am!"

2nd division members rolled down their windows and started shooting the officer's wheels. But the law enforcers expected that and started going fast, ramming their bumpers to one another, Firing back as well.

"Tch. Take this!"

One of the 2nd division members drops grenades to throw the cars overboard or at least slow them down.

One police car was hit, Two vehicles left, but if they don't manage to shake off the others they'll be surrounded, sooner or later.

"Fuck. Mishiki-Oyabun, What do we do?" A member asks.

"Don't worry, we have a heavy vehicle escorting us up front, we'll use that to ram any barricades they place." 'Unless they placed spike strips then that would be a different story...Tch it can't be helped then.' Yumiko thought to herself.

"Raiden! All of your team is with you in the car behind us, aren't you?" Yumiko yelled at the intercom.

"Yes, Ma'am."

"I want your team to take care of that helicopter, the others will handle the cars."

"But ma'am, if we do that there's no way of telling if we might get hit while it's crashing down and it will only increase their hostility against us."

"Tch. Then just take care of the police cars instead and take us to the Meikō bridge."

"Yes, Ma'am!"

The other members successfully shot down the rest of the police cars by shooting their wheels and dropping grenades under them.

The passengers of the helicopter tried to shoot the truck and the escort vehicles in hopes of doing something that will slow it down but to no avail, as they were too far up, unable to do anything other than to expose their location.

"This is helicopter N77 we have two code:151 From 10-66. We've lost any force to halt 10-66. Permission code:30 near Nagoya port." Radioed the law enforcement pilot.

"This is Aichi prefectural police, Pilot N77, Permission granted, Code:10-20."

"Code:10-66 is possible escaping through higashi meihan expressway, currently heading to Meikō-Nishi bridge."

"Roger that, We'll be sending reinforcements ETA 10 minutes. We'll be dispatching a couple of available police officers near the vicinity"


As the helicopter continued chasing the truck and the escort vehicles, there was a traffic jam caused by other several trucks similar to the one they were chasing.

"T-that's absurd, Those bastards are trying to escape by confusing us, what's even worse is the visibility. It's too dark to track them without a searchlight." 'Even with the street lights, it's still not enough.' The pilot thought.

Suddenly the helicopter's searchlight was shot down by Ryota, causing it to shut down.

"Wha-." 'Shit, They shot down my searchlight. I can't lower the helicopter any further than this or else I might hit the edges of the blades on the pillars.'

"Damn this traffic jam!" one of the 2nd division members yelled.

Minutes passed by as they were slowly moving because of the traffic, but because of how horrible the traffic is, the police officers that were requested to be dispatched earlier arrived from behind them.

"Shit! How are they already here?!"

Followed by the reinforcements, surrounding them in the opposite direction of the bridge. The law enforcers requested the civilians to clear the way and move on. As traffic slowly resolved itself, the other law enforcers let go of the other identical trucks as they were already inspected and found no hostility in them. Unfortunately for The Mishiki clan, as the traffic cleared up, they were already surrounded and there was only one truck left on the bridge.

"Sergeant Misaki, We've finished checking the identical trucks, Nothing suspicious on any of them." Said one of the police officers.

"Good, There's only one truck left. Get into formation! And can someone examine that truck and that escort Vehicle!"

The SWAT team was dispatched to investigate the last truck, only to find it empty."



"Ma'am, we should just push these people aside, we're driving a truck so it should be able to handle a few scratches or two." Said the driver.

"No. This is all part of my plan."


"Everyone, I want you to follow my lead and trust me," Yumiko yelled at the intercom.

Everyone was surprised by her response but all of them agreed to trust in their boss as they had no other choice.

"First, mix in with the other trucks and split up the escort vehicles, one escort vehicle per truck. Sixth division, you'll be escorting the main truck." Said Yumiko on the intercom.

"You can count us, Mishiki-oyabun!" Raiden responded.

"If this plan fails, then I will fall with my men!"

"Boss..." Everyone exclaimed as they were touched and inspired by their boss.

Although it might look like a traffic jam caused by the same truck that looks similar to the one where the pilot was pursuing. What the pilot didn't know was that all of the drivers who were driving the same truck were all associates of the Mishiki clan.

"As for the drivers who were driving the decoys and are left behind, Don't worry I already thought of that and prepared extra vehicles per truck escorting the two vehicles. One of the decoys should go a little farther from the main truck so they would suspect the ones behind are the suspects as they saw us entering the bridge last, once near enough to the checkpoint, immediately get off the vehicle and inside the backup car without showing them you left the driver seat."

"I-impossible..." The sergeant exclaimed. "Those fuckers!..."

"Heh, their higher-up officer should be fuming right now, now that they discovered it was all a decoy," Yumiko said with a smirking tone.

"That was a really good play from you, Mishiki-oyabun," Shou said on the intercom.

"It's nothing really, besides it's not easy pulling this off and I don't think it's that smart of a play."

"Well, If you say so."

"After this, let's all go drinking!'

"Yes, Ma'am!" Everyone shouted.