Chapter 28

[Breaking news, this evening, a conflict happened between two unidentified groups that seemingly involves some sort of heist, as seen in this footage from a police officer and from a helicopter. The perpetrators are seen fleeing the scene with a large truck afterward where they continued to wreak havoc by blowing up two police cars until they managed to escape by blending in with other large trucks that were stuck in traffic, there are speculations that these other trucks are involved but no further evidence was found.]

"Well, at least they didn't manage to get any of our faces, even if they did nothing is going to change," Yumiko commented.

"Now, everyone! Let's drink to our heart's content!" Ryota yelled as they were in a bar lounge with the 2nd division members.

"Oi, Ryota, who's going to pay for all of this alcohol then huh? Do you think you have enough money to pay for all of us? You're encouraging us to drink lots as if you're going to pay for all of it" Eiko replied.

"Of course, I'm paying! Everyone Drinks is on me!"

Everyone screamed in excitement and joy excluding Yumiko, and the sixth division members.

"You're going to regret that decision," Raiden replied as he chuckled at Ryota's carefree personality before taking a sip of alcohol.

"Is it ok for Hotaru to be here? Isn't she a minor?" Said Shou.

"It's fine, as long as she doesn't drink any alcohol. And you're going to keep an eye on her for that." Said Yumiko as she pointed to Shou.

"M-me?! Why!?"

"Because she's fond of you duh."

"Isn't she fond of everyone..."

"Yeah, That's true but you seem the caring type, despite you having two separate personalities."


"Besides, you're a lightweight aren't you?"

"Yeah, I am how could you tell?"

"You just seem the type of person."

"..." 'Am I that easy to read?' Shou thought to himself. "W-Whatever." Shou enters to a different lounge where Hotaru was drinking a beverage with Yuichi, resting as he was still injured.


"Yo, Shou-Kun."

"Hm? Older brother aren't you going to drink with them?" Hotaru asked.

"I'm not really good with handling alcohol."

"Well that's expected, you don't seem to be the type of person anyway."

"... I get that a lot, Anyway, Yuichi how's your injury?"

"It's nothing much, just a single bullet wound so I'll be fine."

"That's good to hear."

"I was surprised that Raiden screamed really loud that time, even though you just got shot once."

"Well we have been friends for a long time and he kind of treats me as a brother so cares for me that much and probably because I'm not muscular..."

"Ah... You have a point... Things have been hectic lately, I wonder what Mishiki-oyabun needs all of that equipment for..." Shou replied as he was drinking a beverage.

"Who knows, Maybe she's going to make a move and start taking over other clans."

"You're absolutely right, Yuichi." Said Yumiko as she was eavesdropping.

"Mishiki-oyabun..." Shou responded.

"B-but why?" Yuichi replied.

"... I don't know either."


"Just kidding. I'm doing it because the other clans are a hindrance and I was thinking of expanding our strength and possibly establishing an agency for contract killers of some sort like we have right now but it's on a small scale."

"I see..."

'This situation... although it already happened in my first life and I expected for the sixth division to be involved in this escort smuggling and the her plans for the equipment, Hearing it again gives chills down my spine on how serious this is.' Shou thought to himself.

"Guess I should start getting serious starting now..." Shou uttered to himself.

"If you think this family's progression is too much for you then I'm not forcing you to. To be blunt I don't want weaklings in my family, I hope you understand but of course, you're not going to quit this family that easily without any repercussions ."

"Yes Ma'am!" Yuichi replied.

"And newcomer."


"Good work out there," Yumiko said as she patted my shoulder.

"Y-yes! Ma'am!"

Yumiko left the room with a small smile, looking forward to Shou's further development in his capabilities.

But then, wails of sirens could be heard faintly but it seems they haven't found them yet...

"What are we going to do now?" Shou questioned Yuichi.

"What do you mean?"

"I mean, How are we going to get out here without getting spotted."

"We just wait, And besides we know a safe route."

After the police officers have left the area, The Mishiki clan made their move to return to their quarters.

"Good work everyone, without your help this commission would've made us lose a lot of our members." Said Yumiko.

"It's a pleasure doing business with you, Madam Mishiki." Said Daisuke as he was about to return to his place.

"It's a pleasure doing business with you too, Daisuke." Daisuke and Yumiko shook hands before Daisuke leaves.

"Well then, the only thing that is left is the identities of the ones who sabotaged our negotiation..."

Yumiko notices Raiden with a disturbed face from afar.

"Oi Raiden."


"What's with the long face?"


"Is it because Yuichi got injured?"

"...Yeah, even if the mission was a success to me it feels like a defeat because of those guys who ambushed us. I'm having speculations that Ashfield is a part of this or maybe he wanted both the money and the equipment to himself from the start but still I still don't know his motives."

"It's true that Daisuke and your team almost died because of the difference in numbers and that is one of the reasons why I wanted those equipments that badly. So we could get more members and maybe even make the sixth division larger. Of course in your own liking since you're a bit picky on recruiting members to your division. But even then it's not your fault that Yuichi was injured and I get that you see him as your brother but stop babying him, He's an adult now."

"Heh, You're right, We've always had each other's back so I just felt responsible that I failed and he got injured because of that."

"People get injured all the time, It's not a big deal as long as it's not life-threatening."

"Yeah, I guess you're right."

"Have I ever been wrong?"

"Haha, that I don't know."

"... Seriously?" Yumiko said with a dumbfound look on her face