Chapter 29

Days have gone by since the news reported the incident and Shou's school days have come again.

'It's been three days since we smuggled the equipment and the police are still frantically patrolling the area to find the culprits huh' Shou thought to himself.

"And yet it is really unlucky for me to have to do chores with you even though I haven't completely rested yet on a Monday morning." Shou lets out a sigh of frustration.

"It can't be helped you know, even if I live with Eiko-San as roommates she's still quite busy on her missions and all that so there's barely any food at home for us to come home to, and besides are you really letting a girl buy groceries by herself?" Hotaru responded.

"You're right but I doubt that Eiko has anything better to do than laze around at the headquarters, is what I think."

"How cruel of you to think of her like that! Older brother."

"Now, now you can't judge a book by its cover you know."

As they were walking home with groceries, Shou and Hotaru encountered Shou's senior in the taekwondo club, Furukawa Satoshi outside of an arcade center.

"Ah, Senior Satoshi!"

"Oh, shou what a coincidence!"

"It is, what brings you here?"

"Nothing really, it's just that-"

"Sorry to keep you waiting, Satoshi-Kun."

"No worries, you didn't really take that long."

A nineteen-year-old, brown-haired girl, the same age as Satoshi, with glasses, a slightly tall yet cute figure, and a warm and cute smile. Appeared between Shou and Satoshi.

"Hm? Who is this?"

"Oh, this? This is my junior in our school, he's a member of my club."

"I'm Matsuoka shou, nice to meet you."

"I'm Satoshi-Kun's girlfriend, Morine Hikari, nice to meet you too Shou."

"So you two are on a date huh." Said Hotaru with a smug tone.

"Well, who knows," Hikari replied in a teasing manner. "And who are you?"

"You could say I'm his little sister!"

"Ehhh? Really? You don't resemble him much though?"

"... Self-proclaimed, Little sister." Hotaru pouted.

"I see, so it was like that huh?"

"Well we should be on our way, we also don't want to bother you on your date Morine-San."

"Ah, You're right, you also have to take your groceries home too..."

"Yes, It was for a brief moment but it was nice knowing you Morine-San I hope we could meet again some other day."

"Mhm, It was nice knowing the both of you too."

"Then we'll be on our way, and take care."

"Shou, don't forget to attend training after school." Said Satoshi.

"I won't, and good luck."

Both of them went on to continue what they were doing, as Shou and Hotaru went home to her apartment where she lives with Eiko as a roommate.

"Thanks for helping me out on the groceries, Older brother."

"It's fine, I have nothing better to do anyway." Shou was looking around the room, looking for Eiko. "By the way where is Eiko?"

"Beats me."

"Probably somewhere loitering... Sigh."

As soon as Shou sighed in disappointment, the sound of keys and the knob trying to be opened could be heard.

"Huh? Shou? What are you doing here? Wait, in the first place how did you get in here and how did you know my address!?"

"I asked older brother a favor since there's a certain someone who couldn't be bothered on helping out on the groceries."


"Now that she mentioned it, where have you been? Eiko-San." Shou said with a menacing tone.

"W-well u-um, I was job hunting?..."



"You're a Yakuza, like hell you're going to get a job!"

"... I-I was out playing games in an internet cafe..."

Shou slowly walked toward Eiko and whispered in her ear.

"If you don't do any labor before eating, then you do not have the privilege to eat without any some sort of labor. If you don't want to get kicked out by Hotaru-San then I suggest you to stop slacking off and help out your roommate, because people who slack off don't deserve food until they do any kind of work. Got it?"

Eiko nodded in fear of being scolded again.

"Then, I should be going now as well."

"Eh??? So soon? It's only ten in the morning."

"I have something else to do."

"Hmph, Fine." Hotaru pouted.

Before Shou left He gave Hotaru a brief pat on the head. "Then, I'll be off."

"... Alright, Take care!" Said Hotaru with Joy.

After that, Shou went on a train to Shibuya.

'To think that Hana invited me to a 'Date' means that she's probably planning something.' Shou thought to himself. 'We're supposed to meet up near the station but I can't seem to find her, did I came too early, or was she just messing with me?'


Suddenly Hana grabbed Shou by his arm and held his hand.

"Sorry to keep you waiting, Shou."

"It's fine, I just got here anyway... And You look really pretty in that outfit, and... Cool." Shou replied with a flustered face as he was trying to hide it by looking away.

Hana was wearing black jeans with her shirt tucked in complemented by a jean jacket and a black hat with her hair tied.

"Hehe, Why are you looking away while complimenting me? Isn't it disrespectful to look away while talking to someone? When talking to someone you should make eye contact with them." Hana forcibly moves Shou's head to her way, grabbing his attention despite him being red as a tomato.

"You're so cute... And I told you didn't I? I'm going to make you fall for me."

"Oh shut up, let's just get this over with, you probably invited me to a date just to use me or make fun of me."

"Not really, I genuinely want to have a date with you, and besides, I'm pretty sure you don't have anything to do."


"Did I hit the mark?"

"S-shut up."


Little did they both know, that someone was tailing them.