Chapter 1

"Behind you!", I didn't knew what was happening but at the same time I did. I clearly saw the bodies laying around, without any soul in them anymore and I clearly heard the sounds of bullets cutting the air in the room.

Seeing all these people shooting each other down to death was the loudest silence that could happen.

I wanted to get out of this situation, but I knew I would survive the best when I remained on my current position. I couldn't go, I needed to look for any chance I could get. I was the only one who cared, I had to forget that I was scared and definitely not suited for a fight like this.

I wasn't used to this. That's wasn't quite right, I was used to situations like this.

But normally I saw them from a bigger distance, I was the one coming from behind, able to shoot but not that good to shoot back at immediately.

I had no problem with seeing dead bodies, I have seen my first one when I was just two years old. I killed for the first time when I was seven.

Growing up in the mafia I was used to it, after discovering my good sence for distances I knew how to shoot before I knew how to calculate.

I knew how to shoot, from whatever distance, but I was terrible when it came to fighting. So I had to hide, hoping there would be a moment to get out of here.

I was prepared, I just needed these dumb asses to be shot already!

After five minutes only three of them where left, yet the tall man seamed to struggle a bit with them. I knew the last three of them, they where excellent fighters so it didn't matter that the bodyguard who fought against them was freaking tall.

I needed this man, he was my ticket to get out of here.

He got another one down, but the other two where tuff.

Come here... please come here so I can help you.....

I wanted to shout in victory when they actually came to the metal staircase that was my hideout with all the boxes.

"Pol!", I looked up to the other voice coming from above. I tried to see the other man but the metal was in the way. Pol in this time just shouted something back but in this situation and this tempo I couldn't understand what he was saying.

When they went up the stairs I aimed the gun form under the stairs. I saw Garry going up the steps until he was in the right angle.

Moving my finger, I let the bullet go and watched her going into his head. Falling backwards and down the stairs it went silent for the first time since the fight started. I looked to Garry who came to a stop on the ground and then up to the two men. One of them would have been handable, but two of them. They would capture me, I couldn't let that happen.

"Who shot?", I heard them wispier above me. Then I heard steps coming down the stairs and after some seconds the tall bodyguard -apparently Pol- appeared with another one following him.

I slowly started to scoot backwards to the gab between the boxes that where hiding me. I watched them coming to a stop at the end of the stairs. Looking around I saw a gap in the wall to the next room. Picking up a random object I threw it into the gap, hearing the sound in the room to our left. Both men turned around and after exchanging a look they went into the next room.

Looking through the gap between the walls I saw the mirror that helped me earlier when I was hiding behind the boxes it the other room. I couldn't see them so I shot against the metal pice leaning there against the wall. It would not harm them.

Doing exactly this the bullet went into the wall in a save distance next to them. That should distract them enough.

Seeing them approach the boxes through the mirror I felt save enough to come out of my hideout and go up the stairs. Doing just this I nearly reached the end when I heard someone scream.

"EY!", I turned around. Fuck....

Another one, I shook my head and raised my hands signalizing that I wouldn't shoot. He screamed something at me but I couldn't understand. I shook my head to tell him that too. He seemed to realize.

"Stand still!", I stood with my head tilted to the ground but still high enough to see everything.

"Gun down!", he said. I shook my head. With that he pointed his gun at me again while I saw the other two coming from the other room.

"Gun down", I shook my head while I had now three guns aiming at me. It wasn't going as I planned.

"No", I shouted back down.

"I wont shoot at you, just let me go", I added and looked at them with a pleading look.

"Who are you?", he asked and came closer.

"Stop there!", I screamed back and aimed my gun at the foot of the staircase. He stopped.

"Who are you?", he asked again.

"Not important", I answered and he looked annoyed.

"Who are you", I didn't answered on that. It was far to early and I needed to be careful with what I told who.

"Why are you here?", he asked then.

"I had no other choice, just let me go. I just want to get out of here", I said and looked at the three man.

"Tell me your name or I shoot you", the third man shouted again.

"I wouldn't do that if I where you", I said and took the last step up the stair case.

"Stand still!", he shouted and aimed his gun at me again. I stopped.

"Why should I let you alive?", he asked and made the attempt to go up the first step.

I immediately shot a the steps in the middle, letting it go through the holes in the metal construction so it wouldn't hurt someone.

The man stopped and looked at me, than at the stair where my bullet went perfectly through the hole. When he looked up I could see it in his eyes.

The man was intelligent, everyone else would have probably just thought it was the luck being on their side that the bullet went through the hole. But he knew it wasn't luck, he knew I wanted the bullet to go through it exactly like this.

"Who are you?", he asked me again.

"Can't tell you yet, just know that it's the best for your family if I stay alive", I said while looking at him. His eyes where tuff ones, they where fierce. Based on his behavior he was either Kinn or Vegas. I only knew how the main family looked like, that was the only picture I got from him, for everything else I didn't had time....

"Remove your mask", he said and in his eyes clearly a look that normaly would command people around him.

"No", I simply answered.

"Do it", he said again but I shook my head.

"I'll come to you soon enough but for now you have to let me go", I said.

"And why exactly?", he asked with an almost psychic expression. So he was that kind of person....

"Venice", I simply said. His eyes went big, the two other bodyguard's immediately stiffing in their position.

"WHO ARE YOU?", he now actually screamed.

"NOT YET, GOD DAMN IT!", I said. We must have been to loud, now there was another one coming in the room while the man I was talking to went to go up the stairs again. Immediately another bullet went through a hole, one step closer to him than the last one.

"Stay where you are", I growled and looked at him with the same fierce eyes as he did.

"What is going on", the fourth one asked while aiming his gun at me directly.

"Don't shoot me", I said in his direction and looked at him with widened eyes. According to his reaction he was used to these looks.

Looking from the man at the stairs to the one who just entered and stood in the middle of the room I quickly analyzed the situation.

So the one at the stairs was Vegas.

"Who are you!", both of them screamed again.

"Ey! How many times do I have to say that I won't tell you my fucking name!", I shouted.

"Stop your friend from going up or I'll shoot him, 35 degrees to the right and he's dead", I shouted after noticing the movement on the right side, from what I could see it must be Porsche...

"Porsche stop it don't shoot at her!", Vegas said and looked at me again. I was right...

"Who the hell are you", he muttered.

"As I said it's to early, I'll approach you when it's time but now you have to let me go, for the sake of Venice safety", I said and meant it. All I was trying was find a way to save both of them.

"Venice is safe", he said.

"Now, he won't be if you don't let me go", I said. The man who just joined us looked at Vegas and then to me.

"Who are you? What do you want from Venice", he said. Oh lord someone was pissed.

"I want to save his life", I said.

"My child is safe!", the man shouted up to me. My eyes went big in surprise.

"That is Pete?", I asked and looked in the round.

"Why do you know my name?", he shouted again. Oh please.....

"I know all of your names, Shooting isn't the only thing I'm good at", I shouted back.

"Now I have to go", I said and immediately all the guns where aimed at me even more than before and Vegas going up the stairs.

Before he reached the third step my arm moved towards the middle of the room, aiming directly for the heavy chains that kept the big chandelier on the ceiling.

Seeing where my arm went he immediately stopped in his tracks.

"One more move and you'll be single parenting", I said.

"Stop it"

"Then let me go", I nodded towards the steps he went up.

"Take your man and your minions and let me go", I said while slowly taking steps back towards the door that would lead to the roof.

While I did this the man under the chandelier took steps back. As soon as he was out of the space under it I shot and the massive thing crashed down right next to his feet.

While everyone rushed to get him away, especially Vegas, I made a sharp turn and rushed to the door. Hearing the screamers coming after me I jumped down the roof and grapped the slim pipe in the right time to slide down on it. Thanks to my gloves it was easier than it would have been with out them. The gun in my mouth I arrived on the ground and rushed to the busy street. While putting the gun in my trousers I looked back up to see the man coming out and stopping at the edge of the roof.

See you soon Vegas....


This story is also available to read on Wattpad @cocosunny