Chapter 2

Vegas POV

"Who the hell was she?", we all sat in Kinns office and tried to find out who this woman was.

"Well she's not Asian, that's for sure", Pete said and I nodded. I had to admit I was lost too and I was normally really good at getting informations, but its seamed that woman was on another level and as much as it stung to admit that.....

She knew who we where and even tho she might not know which name belongs to who, she was clever enough to sort them to us quickly.

She got our informations without us even realizing it, we don't know how long she has been there in the back and collected everything she needed. We didn't know if she was alone or if she was working for someone and what she wanted or the people she might be working for.

"We shouldn't underestimate her, she is not only good at getting informations, she's good at shooting too", I said and everyone nodded.

"But she don't seem to be good at fighting so we might have a change to get her when we get close enough to fight her, we just have to look out to not give her a Chance to shoot", Kinn said while stroking his chin with one hand and Porsches leg with the other one.

"At first we have to find a way to notice her, she must have been around for a long time, probably longer than Porsche without any of us knowing, so the most dangerous part about her is definitely the talent to be there without getting noticed", Kim said and I nodded. We might not get along very good but we both knew that the other one was highly intelligent.

"We don't know her name and we don't know how she looks, it even seems like she isn't really a part of that group we fought that day", Arm mumbled.

"But that is the only trace we've got from her so we should start there", Pete said and we nodded.

"Arm can you get more informations about them? They were sent by the Italians but they don't seem to be a regular part of the clan, they didn't looked Italian at all, at least half of them must be from another country", I said and the bodyguards adjusted his glasses and nodded. Then his phone rang and let alone the look in his eyes told us it was Tankhun, as soon as he answered the call we knew for sure.

After he and Pol left the room I went to sit down next to Pete and my arms found hold on my knees.

"I think the guys who weren't Italian were American and Mexican", Kinn said and I nodded.

"But she's not, she didn't looked Mexican and she didn't had an American accent. I think she is European", I said and they all nodded again.

"How was she able to be there but non of us noticed? Not even Dad seem to know that she was there", Kim said and we nodded again.

Kinn told us the first thing he did was tell Kim and his dad but the head of the main family didn't seem to get who we meant.

"Let's sent someone to the market, that's the last trace we've got of her, Arm takes care of the Gang", Kim said and we nodded.

"I'll look in my fathers documents, maybe he knew who she was or there is at least a trace of her", I said and took Petes hand.

"Let's go home, I'm tired. Get the child", I mumbled and got up. Pete stood up too and we left the room after saying good bye and went to pick up Venice from Tankhun.

"Should we double the security?", Pete asked as soon as we sat in the car with Venice mumbling away in his seat in the back. Taking a look in the mirror I looked at Venice chewing away on his Dinosaur plush and letting his big doe eyes roam around the car. Then I looked to my left where Pete's eyes looked worried at his son.

"Let's see, if we find traces of her at home. If she was there we must find something, in the end she's still a human being, she can't go around like a ghost and leave no traces", I said and started the car. Pete sighed and looked outside the window.

"Don't panic, we need to concentrate now. We tell Macau to be careful, she might try to get to us through him", I said while maneuvering the car through the city.

Making a stop at a restaurant we got curry, since of course Pete got hungry on the way home. While I ordered I could see him calling -probably Macau- and when we got home Pete immediately adjusted the security plans.

Since it was Friday, Macau came home a bit late.

"Why exactly did you called me earlier? What happened?", he asked when we sat down in the living room. Pete just brought Venice to bed so I leaned back and told him.

"You have no clue?", I shook my head.

"Not a single one, we didn't noticed her through out the whole deal and even during the fight that followed she went unnoticed until she helped Pol", I said and my brother furrowed his eyebrows.

"She helped him?"

"Yes, I'm not sure if she is actually on our site or if she just warned us because her morals told her that a little child shouldn't be harmed in such a reason", I said and he nodded than raised his head when he noticed movement in the doorframe.

Shortly after Petes smell hit my nose and his body slammed down next to me on the sofa. Lifting one of his legs over mine I understood and start to firmly massage his leg, resulting in him immediately sighing in relief.

"Is Venice safe?", Macau asked immediately and Pete nodded.

"Nop is positioned in front and gets changed out by Monty and Pie. I also activated the hidden baby phone, in case someone gets in there without us noticing we will still get an alarm", he said and leaned his head back.

"How was School today?" He asked Macau and so the both of them started to chat away.....

When Macau went to his room saying he would go to sleep -actually he meant he would be playing games until he fell asleep- we also went up and while I already laid in bed reading a book Pete went again to check on Venice.

When he came back he took of his day clothes and went into the bathroom, letting my eyes follow his body I checked if both doors where closed and then waited for my boyfriend to come back in.

with shorts on his hips and a towel around his neck he closed the bathroom door and slumped down next to me. Letting my eyes roam over his silhouette my hands holding the book slowly came down until they rested in my lap that got exited.

While drying his hair with the towel a last time he began to mumble.

"For what are you getting so exited huh?", he finally took down the towel and turned his towards me.

"How else do you expect me to react when you are next to me?", I said and let my eyes roam over his chest. Damn it..... Pete was so sexy, I wonder if he would ever not be attractive.

"Did you forget about that woman already? You know the one that told us someone wants to harm Venice- our child!", he said and his eyes got fierce with every word that left his mouth.

I nodded while closing the book and laying it on the bedside table.

"I know, I also know that you will do anything to protect him and I will do the same", I said.

"What if something happens to him?", he asked while following my movements. Slowly turning around my right hand found place on Pete's left side. Moving my weight onto my arms I came closer to his face until I could feel his breath fanning lightly over my face, smelling the strawberry toothpaste we had everywhere since we had Venice.

Feeling his hands move into my hair I began to smirk.

"I will stop you before you destroy the whole world in your anger", I said and his lips formed a smile as well. Suddenly his grip went tight and I closed my eyes at the pleasing pain it caused.

"So you would let them get away with it?", he said while gripping even tighter with one hand while his other one started it's journey down my neck.

I chuckled when I felt his nails scratch over my back on their way down.

"No, the ones that dare to hurt him will get their punishment for sure, but you go insane when someone tries to touch your loved ones, especially Venice", I said and moved closer to his mouth.

"Don't you like it when I go insane?", he mumbled while smiling and the next thing happening where his hand gripping my butt with whole force and pushing it down onto his body. I bit my lip at the feeling of his body responding to mine so well..... Pete will never lose his attractiveness...that's for sure.

Teasing him I raised my lower body again, even tho it felt like the hardest thing to do in this moment.

"I love it", I said while I felt his hips raising and pressing themselves onto mine this time.

"Then show me how much you love it", Pete mumbled and with that I closed the gap between our lips and pressed him in the mattress with all the force I've got.



This story is also available to read on Wattpad @cocosunny