'Wherever you are you better get your ass back here before I lose my patience'
I huffed at that. When did this man ever had patience? Never. If someone knew that for sure then it was me....
"What an Idiot, he should have known I wouldn't be any help for him", I mumbled and got an approving wince from my left side. Turning my head I saw the black fur shining in the light of the lamp.
"Right Baby?", the dog that laid next to the arm chair I was sitting in met my eyes and huffed again. Then he raised his head and looked to the door of the hotel room.
"Shall we go for a walk baby?", I said and he immediately raised to his paws. Taking his leash I stood up too and grappled my little bag I always carried with me. Putting the carabiner on his collar I took the key and went to the door.
"Then let's go little one", I said and the Dog followed me as brave as always.
Aight was with me since he was a puppy, when I was small he was the only friend I had. He was always with me, he slept in my bed and he waited until I came back from school.
Taking the same route as always we came across the street that would be my destination in the next days. I went into the convention store on the corner and got a can of dog foot and some sausages, Baby needed his last meal for today.
Stepping out I kept my composure when a familiar car drove by and held by the house that would lead to the green roof under which little Venice slept.
"Are you gonna stock up security now Pete? Turn on the hidden Baby Phone?", I mumbled and smiled weakly. I knew the house good enough to find the most important rooms, I was in this house often enough to know every possible way out, I was in this house often enough to know what went up and down in the single rooms of its owners. This house's owners for sure met my taste, they where so similar to me. Especially Vegas, Vegas was Intelligent he was careless when it came to the pain of the ones that made him angry.
We both had that alter ego inside us that turned us into a devil when it got the control.
Just that it took a lot more to awaken my alter ego, it needed a lot and I knew that she would come to the surface in this case sooner or later and that scared me, it scared me to death.
I envied Vegas, even tho he had his alter ego under control for most part, we both had the point where we let them out.
The difference was that Vegas had Pete and Pete had the control over Vegas alter ego, I don't know how the man did it but Pete had the Power over Vegas most dangerous part. I didn't, I didn't had a Pete.
I was by myself. I had lost the person that had control over me when she came out, all I had was this stupid nickname that I loved so much but would never hear again because no one but him was allowed to use it, it wouldn't fit with anyone else either.
I lost my Pete and so I was afraid what would happen when she- the most dangerous part in me -would awake. I didn't know what I was capable of when I had no one to control that part and it scared me to death.
"Vegas", a hand landed on my face. I grumbled and turned around, what happened to be the wrong move. Two seconds later a feet kicked me out of my bed.
The baby phone on the dresser made a cracking noise again.
"Vegas go and check", Pete mumbled and turned around.
"Why don't you go", I said and stood up.
"I go all the time, despite you're standing already", Pete mumbled again.
"Because you fucking kicked me out again", I mumbled while going towards the door.
Going through the office I opened the door and went to the door next to ours. Opening it I got hit by bright light and Nop crouching down in front of the window.
"Morning", while greeting the bodyguard I walked through the room and looked into the little bed. With big doe eyes Venice looked up to me while making noises that babies normally made.
"If you're okay why are you waking up everyone?", I said to him and freed him from the blanket he got worn around his little body.
Stretching his little arms in the air I picked him up and turned around. While my son played with his Dinosaur plush I looked to Nop who was still crouching in front of the open window.
"Everything okay?", I asked and the man turned around.
"Morning Khun Vegas", he said and stood up. Then he made a confused but concentrated face.
"I heard noises from the little master and went to check, when I opened the curtains to let light in I noticed the Window being just loosely closed", he said and showed me how he found it.
"The window was closed last night?", I asked and he nodded.
"Both Pete and I checked twice, I already asked Monty and Pie. Both said the window was closed. They are checking the cameras at the moment", he said. I nodded.
"Look here", he then said and opened the window again. His finger pointed to the outer window frame were it was visible that a narrow but sharp object went in there with great force.
I looked closer and after looking around checking the surroundings and looking down I turned around. That fucking woman.....
"Check the bushes under the window, Macaus too and tell someone to check the distances to the next buildings around us", I said and he nodded. Then I turned around and crossed the corridor.
Storming into the room I opened the glass door and sat Venice down on the bed. Immediately he crawled towards Pete who turned around and sat up in a confused but alarmed way when he noticed me shoving around the dresser.
"What happened?", he asked while taking Venice into his lap.
"That fucking woman", I said and took the lamp that stood next to the dresser to bring it into another corner of the room.
"Language Vegas", he said but stood up when I stormed to the office door and yelled after the next Bodyguard.
"Get Venice Bed in my Room, immediately!"
"Vegas, What happened?", Pete shouted while coming to the door as well.
"That woman again, last night", I said and turned around.
"She was in Venice room?", Pete said and immediately began checking the little boy on his arm. I shook my head.
"I don't think she was in the room, if she is as good as we thought she knows we would stuck up the safety after she warned us", I mumbled.
"What did she did then", he asked and went into the room next doors. I followed him and both we looked out the window were I saw Nop and another bodyguard search the greenery underneath the window.
"If it is what I think it is than we underestimated her by far", I mumbled. That fucking woman may not be able to actually fight someone with her body, but she started to look way more dangerous than I thought.
"Khun Vegas!", it came from Nop. Looking down we saw him holding a long but slim object in his hands a shiny sharp thing at the front of it.
"Is that an arrow?", Pete said and I nodded.
"It is"
"What the hell", he mumbled and gripped Venice tighter.
"There is a paper wrapped around it", Nop called up.
"Come up, we'll meet at the table", Pete shouted back and stormed out the room. The two bodyguards that came to pick the bed jumped to the side just before Pete would have hit them.
"Get the bed and the changing dresser in the bedroom. And everything that I need to get him freshened up", Pete said to them and then rushed down the hall. I nodded at them and went to the next door. Ripping it open I went to the curtains and nearly smashed the whole thing down.
While Macau started to complain about the light and noises I inspected the window.
"Was the window closed when you went to sleep?", I said and got a grumble that counted as a yes.
"What the hell", Macau grumbled and ruffled his hair while sitting up. I looked at the window and opened it, even tho it was closed when I came in.
On the outside I found the same mark. Looking down I shouted at the bodyguard that was the closest.
"Check the bushes there too, check at the whole side!", I said and he immediately started.
"When you find something bring it in, I'll sent more", I said and he nodded. Then I turned around to Macau.
"Is there anything odd, something not at its usual place or something new you don't own?", I said and looked around. He looked confused and then shook his head.
"Doesn't seem to be", he mumbled and I nodded again.
"Okay, put on a shirt and come down. We'll have breakfast", I said and stormed out. I heard him complaining but I didn't care. Making a quick stop at our bedroom I got our phones and headed down.
Pete already sat at the table with Venice in his children chair and munching way on his breakfast.
"What is with Macaus room, it's directly next to Venice's", Pete said with a worried voice.
"Same marks, they're already searching the garden", I said and sat down too.
Just when I was about to take my first bite Nop came in with the arrow in his hands.
"I took the paper off", he said and gave it to me. The arrow found place on the console table on the wall, first rule in a mafia house with a toddler: no weapons on bright display that aren't necessary- so the arrow went wide away form Venice reach.
Opening it I read it while Pete cleaned Venice's hands and mouth.
"Don't worry, I don't plan to harm any of you so the arrows would never hurt Macau or Venice, or you and Pete. They where just to open the window.
I trust you to not hurt me in any way, we will see us at 2pm tomorrow", I read and looked up confused.
"Where?", Pete said which face spoke his thoughts while I read the letter out loud. It was written in English so it got clear that she wasn't fluent in Thai.
The paper was crumbled before being used and it looked like she erased something on the bottom of the paper.
"I don't know", I said and looked at the paper. I gave it to Pete who read it again and then turned the paper around in his hands. Then he began to peel on one edge until it became clear that there was another layer with something written underneath.
"Your Son has a nice Dollhouse", Pete mumbled. After a second he jumped up and rushed upstairs, nearly hitting someone again on his way out, this time Macau who was clearly everything but awake.
"What the hell", he sat down and looked at me. Realizing I'll have to wait until Pete comes back from his short Sherlock Holmes action I started to tell Macau...again.
After I was finished I debated to go up but then my eyes landed on the arrow. Walking to the console table I picked it up and inspected it. It seamed to be a regular arrow, just the tip seemed to be made out of softer metal, the tip was flattened, probably from splitting the wood.
So she didn't lied.... If she was able to shoot from outside our property range in this precise manner she wouldn't be so dumb to use low quality material if she wanted to hurt someone.
Suddenly we heard Pete screaming from adobe, followed by loud trampling sounds on the stairs.
Shouting so fast in his home dialect Macau and I couldn't understand a damn thing.
"Pete calm down, we don't understand you", I said. Pete stopped talking and just held a doll up.
Then he looked at me with an expecting look.
"A doll?"
"A Barbie doll", he responded.
This story is also available to read on Wattpad @cocosunny