Chapter 4

"A Barbie do-", my eyes went big.

"Ken?", Pete nodded.


"What the fuck does she has to do with him?", I muttered. Ken was dead for over a year now, I never got notice of her.

"But he is dead, how do you want to find her. Does he even have a grave?", Macau grumbled behind his cup. Pete and I looked at each other, we didn't know….

"I don't think my dad buried him on a graveyard", I mumbled

"I got to know everything later so I don't know either", Pete said.

"We gonna ask Kinn, let's go after breakfast", I said and everyone nodded.

"Is Chay over at the main house?", I nodded. As far as I knew he was at the moment.

"Then I'll join you", he said and up we went as soon as we finished.



Just as I went around the corner a car stopped in front of my former motel and two man entered and checked the rooms.

With a few tabs on my phone screen I found a nice cafe for breakfast and called a cap over.

While Baby Aight got in the car the two man approached the door to the room I stayed in the last few days. Since they are here I assumed they found the arrows and my message, so they hopefully will find the message in the room as well.

I told the driver the address and let Baby rest his head in my lap, while I felt the worried look of the drive through the mirror.

"He won't hurt you, he is brave", I said with a grin.

When we arrived I had a breakfast and got up again. It was almost sad that I didn't got to enjoy this country, it was so much like Ken always told me….

I'm pretty sure a sad smile was on my lips as I walked down the street with my backpack and Baby accompanying me.

Ken always wanted to show me where he came from, but he didn't made it long enough. They didn't even gave him a grave….

"Let's go visit Max shall we?", I said and walked towards the student buildings that where nearby.

After ten minutes I got to the right door and wanted to knock when the door next to it got opened and a girl came out followed by a familiar figure.

God he looked so much like his older brother.

"Loui", he said surprised when he spotted me. The girl next to him looked irritated from Max to me and back to him.

"Oh you know her?", she asked and pointed at me. He nodded.

"She kind of a sister, kind of a stepmom", he said and then bent down to Baby who licked at his leg.

"Hi baby", he cooed.

"Hi, I'm Loui", I said to the girl who still stood there confused. Her eyes lit up and she immediately started to chat away.

"I'm Sony, but Son is enough", she said and I nodded with a slight smile.

"Are you guys in the same class?", I asked and nodded towards Max who was still suffocating Baby with his love.

"No, but my brother is, he lives next door", she said and pointed behind her.

"That's how we became friends", she said and I nodded.

"Why are you here, you finished work?", Max said and got up.

"Not really but I don't know if I can take Baby with me the next time so I brought him here, I also wanted to check on you", I said he nodded.

"As what are you working?", Son asked and I looked at her irritated.

"Oh in private business companies", I said hesitantly. A look to Max and he understood.

"I'll see you tomorrow Son", he said while giving me his room key. Leaving the irritated girl behind we entered his room and Max immediately went to give the dog food.

"How did it went?", he asked while forming a little heart with the dog food I brought. If this boy ever loved another living creature more than this dog I would actually be shocked by him.

"I'll meet up with them, they seem to be getting the clues now", I said.

"Did you got hurt?", he asked with a worried expression. I gave him an assuring smile.

"No, don't worry", I said. He may know what I was doing but he didn't need to know the details, I tried to keep him out of there as much as possible.

"Anything new regarding Julie?", I shook my head.

"Just that she's alive and healthy", I mumbled.

"Hey, we will get her back", he said and went to sit next to me pulling me into a hug.

"We have to", I said and then collected myself again.

"So how is school, do you have friends?", I said and he gave me a 'are you for real now' look but knowing I won't continue talking about her, he sighed and started to tell me.

"I'm in the same class as Song, Sonys brother. He is really nice and Sony too", he said and I nodded.

"Mh, she looked nice", I said and a smile creeped up in his face. Oh lord…

"You know she's single, you could fit good", he said and I sighed.

"Loui, I appreciate your love for my brother but it's time to let him go. As much as it hurts the both of us, Ken is dead and he won't come back. I want you to be happy, I know how much you loved my brother and I know how much you love me. You could have just left me behind, I was just a boy who lost his brother, you didn't had to care for me but you did. But you can't spend the rest of your life mourning my brother and letting everything else in life go over. That's not you should live your life", he said and I just nodded.

I hated it to cry, especially in front of Max. But he was right, no matter how much I loved Ken, he wouldn't come back.

"I need more time, especially now that I get in touch with them", I said. Max knew these people killed his brother, he wasn't sure if he should hate them or not.

In their eyes Ken was a betrayer and they weren't wrong, he was.

Now I came, his girlfriend, trying to tell them I am on their side. Sometimes I wasn't sure what I was trying to do here. The Theerapanyakun family wasn't to underestimate and I knew how hard it would be to make them believe I do not plan to harm them let alone make them trust me in any kind of way.

"When will you go?", he Max asked and made the questioning face that let's him look so cute.

"Around 1:30, I wrote them at 2 am", I said while stroking Baby.

"Then there is enough time for a meal right?", he said and with my nod he began to cook. He liked to cook.


"2 pm right?", I nodded. After we arrived at the main family house we gave Venice to Thankhun and immediately planned how to deal with her. Now we were at the temple and waited for her to find us.

"What if we found it to late?", I shook my head.

"What if she isn't here?", Porsche asked.

"She is the one who wanted to meet us", I said and looked around.

"What if she fooled us?"

"That woman shot an arrow from a damn motel three streets away from my house precisely into the crack of my sons window frame, why on earth should she dare to try fool me?", I said and continued looking around then I saw it.

"There", I pointed to silhouette that was standing beside a group that was making merits.

Just as the others found her too her hand moved behind her back and began to move her fingers. Then she disappeared behind the next corner. Following her I took my gun out the moment I was sure no one would see.

"Seriously? Isn't this a place to connect with your gone loved ones and make merits? You shouldn't use a gun here", she said without turning around.

"How about you leave that damn stick be a stick and turn around?", I growled.

"One second", she putted it in a piece of wood and mumbled a few words that I couldn't understand.

"What language was that?", Porsche mumbled next to me.

"German", it came from the woman in front of us.

"German?", Porsche asked irritated. With a chuckle the woman turned around.

"German, you speak in your first language too, aren't you?", she said and a faint smile cracked on her lips.

I was a little buff, the woman in front of me was chubby and to be real did not look ordinary compared to other woman. But the look in her eyes, her whole facial expression told me what I already thought, she was a genius and she knew I realized that.

"I'm glad you came, I'm Loui"


This story is also available to read on Wattpad @cocosunny