Chapter 5

"I'm pretty sure you know who is who already", I mumbled and she nodded.

"Vegas, Kinn, Pete, Porsche, Pol, Arm. Monty and Pie are not here i guess they are at the car", she said while pointing at every one.

"How are Macau and Porschay, right?" she then said and all eyes got narrow.

"Is there something that you don't know?", Kinn asked and looked at her with growing suspicion in his eyes.

"A solution, that's why I contacted you, but maybe we should sit down and I'll tell from the start", she said and we nodded.

"So where do we go? Which place?", she asked and looked at us.

"Main family house", I said. I don't want to have this woman in my house.

"Relatable, sorry for the arrows", she said and started to walk towards the entrance.

"Why did we met here in the first place then?", Porsche said and put his gun back in his trousers.

"Safety, I won't walk into the lion cave before I saw the lion", she said and stopped at the cars.

"The right one", Kinn said and opened the back door.

"Ahh, Pie and the tall one is Monty right?", she asked to the front where both bodyguards looked confused but nodded at the end.

"Nice to meet you, you are very good in fighting", she said and they just accepted that.

The drive back to the main family mansion was longer than normally, she looked at the road while Pete and I sat next to her.

"I know you don't trust me, I don't want to trust you either but I have no other choice", she said and my head wiped around.

"What does my son have to do with it?"

"He is the target", she said and she did not sound happy at all.


When we finally sat down in Kinns office we looked at her expectantly.

"I know about you through Ken", she said and looked up. They must have been close, the pain in her eyes practically jumped at us.

"We met when I was on a mission in Australia, that was before he started at your family", she said.

"Your relationship?"

"I was his girlfriend", she said and her look went plain.

"I thought he was gay", I mumbled.

"He was bisexual, he actually really liked you Vegas", she chuckled while her eyes went into the distance.

"He always told me you reminded him of me", she said.

"We're exactly are we the same?", I asked and her look came back and met my eyes.

"You know what I mean"

"That crazy Part", Pete mumbled next to me and she nodded.

"I just lost my Pete", she said and smiled sadly.

"I'm sorry for your loss, but if he wouldn't have already been killed by my uncle he would have died through my hand", Kinn said and she nodded.

"I know, I understand it", she said and made Kinns bodyguards, Pie and Porsche flinch back i surprise.

"You understand Thai?", I said. She made a face at that.

"Ken taught me some, I understand quite much but I can't really speak it", after that there was silence until she sighed and straightened up.

"Alright, I'm here because I need Venice. The new girlfriend of my father claimes to be his mother and wants him back now that she has a chance to get my fathers money in case he dies and stuff, cause he just has me and my sister and he wants a boy really bad", I nodded.

"Her name is Pim", my eyes widened.

"I assume it is true then?", I nodded.

"So she ran off to Germany?", she shook her head.

"Italy, but they are in Thailand right now", she paused for a second.

"To make sure I make my job"

"Why did she told you to do it?", I asked.

"She has Julie, so that I know how it feels to not have your child with me", she said and took a deep breath.

"And Julie is your daughter?", Kinn asked.

Arm and Pol took a look at each other and then looked at me.

"Ken and you", they both pointed at me and then in the air as if Ken would sit there.

"No, Julie is my little sister but she is more like a daughter to me", I said and laughed a little.

"And you will get her back in exchange for Venice", she nodded.

"I don't want to do it, Pim is a terrible mother. My father is just blinded by her looks and her 'cute' attitude", she said. She looked mad, so mad that even the others started to understand what she meant with us being alike.

She seemed to be the kind of person, where it gets dangerous as soon she goes quit. The anger is inside her eyes.

"And your father is?", I asked

"The head of the second family of the Berlusconi Clan. Me and my younger sister Julie are his only child's. He has four brothers, so he has quite a lot to compete with", she said.

"I grew up always spending some time of the year in Italy, Germany or the USA. That's where I came across Ken for the first time before we officially met in Australia"

"What is your family business?", Kinn asked.

"Our families are very similar, just that my dad is responsible for letting unwanted details vanish, especially people", I said.

"So he's a contract killer", she laughed at that.

"My father just decides which person gets the order, he don't likes it to get his hands dirty"

"How many people does he has to give orders?", she raised her hands and clapped them twice.

"10 who are regular available, another ten as a backup"

"Then why did he sent you?"

"I'm the best", she chuckled at the look she got. "Look, I may not have the body for it, but I'm the most precise when it comes to shooting and I am able to vanish into a crowd. Who would expect a woman like me-who is clearly not in shape- to be the killer?", she said. After taking a look around she huffed.

"Oh come one guys, did you ever noticed me? I'm around since Ken started working for your family, I've been around all the time. I've been in both your houses, plus some of your safe houses when no one was there", she said

"When did you noticed me?", she then asked with raised brows.

"The shooting this week right?", she then turned to me.

"You saw me shooting, through the metal- twice", she said.

"Now tell me it was luck"

"It was't", I said and she nodded.

"Exactly", she went silent for some seconds. Then she continued: "I'm good at shooting and not drawing attention towards me, that's all I got to survive in this family I got born into. I was able to use a gun before I was able to calculate. I killed for the first time two months into elementary school. I got trained by an old special forces soldier when I was in third grade and I beat him in everything he taught me when I was in 5th grade", she said.

"I am able to shot you when you're in a rollercoaster while driving by in a car", she said.

Porsche made a sound that sounded like a suppressed laugher of frightens. When she just smiled his eyes went big.

"Wait, is she for real?", he asked us and despite speaking in Thai the woman in front of us answered.



"Having an unattractive figure and plain face for most parts of the society has its advantages"

It sounded cool and sad at the same time, this woman was a genius, yet she went unnoticed by the world.


This story is also available to read on Wattpad @cocosunny