"I won't lower the price anymore", I heard my uncle say. He got impatient and that wasn't a good sign.
My father stood in front of me with his back showing towards me as always when he took me along, his hand how ever began to move behind his back. Moving his fingers in the wanted directions he clearly showed who should get to action, ergo me and Pablo. The deal wasn't going as great as we hoped, as i hoped. I wasn't in the mood for anything to do with all this and yet I had one of the hardest parts of all of it.
Knowing I had no other choice I went to the door that was just slightly opened and left the room followed by Pablo.
"I'll go left, you right", I said and took the case that one of the subordinates waiting outside with the cars gave me. I nodded and mad Emmy to my position. Putting my earpiece in I quickly told them I'm in the system and got the knocking sign back to tell me they understood. Then I went up the stairs at the side of the building and got to the position I've chosen earlier.
I got out my sniper and got into position, the location was rather easy to overlook and the people underneath me spoke loud enough for me to understand. After five minutes it came as I saw it coming, the man we wanted to deal with went a little bit overboard with his demander and my uncle was not having. Resulting in my father to be the one to give me the sign to get ready. The opposite site started the shooting, so I had to as well.
"Louisiana, focus on Geraldi Pablo will do the rest", I just nodded to myself. Of course Pablo would do it. I t wasn't like I wanted to actively shoot people, it was more the fact that he trusted Pablo more than me. He knew I was the best shooter, yet he preferred some else over his own daughter.
One might think it doesn't bother me after all these years, after how he treated me from the moment my mother was dead, but it didn't.
I hated my father, because he decided his child would only be worthy his love when they met his expectations and hopes. Which I didn't met.
I wasn't a boy and when I fell in love for the first time I brought a girlfriend home instead of a boyfriend, preferably one he'd chosen from our own clan.
So my chances to impress my father with anything else beside my shooting skills was pretty low.
Just as I was shooting a guy who got pretty close to my uncle I noticed a movement on the other side of the upper floor. Looking thought the. Visor of my weapon I got sight of two guys, definitely from the other clan and obviously fighting.
Just as they both seem to discuss very heavily, one of them turned around. I stopped for a second, did he saw me? Was he just looking in my direction? I wasn't sure but then his hand moved up so I had no problems seeing his finger form a gun and pointing towards the guy he was fighting with.
Did he needed help or did he showed me who would make the next move to attack the expel downstairs?
I didn't happened often that I got unsure, but this time I did. This guy wasn't one of us, but didn't seem to belong to the side as well. Who the hell was this guy?
Then the man he was fighting with raised his other hand and after realizing what he was holding I pulled the trigger before just one of his fingers could move to ignite the small grenade he was holding. The men fell back and the grenade slipped out of his hands. The other man stopped in his tracks and picket up the grenade and started to look around. He was confused, why was he so confused?
Then he looked in my direction again and his eyes went narrow.
Oh lord…. Did I just shot his best friend or something?
He must have thought I was from his team.
I started to get my stuff together and just as he reached the first corner I threw my bag over my shoulder and rushed to the steps down. Running along the corridor I exited the building through a big gab where once must have been a window. Running over the place I quickly hid behind one of the big shipping containers that stood around and waited.
I heard his steps close to me, I would not be able to run away let alone fight him. My only weapons where my invisibility and my precise shooting. Climbing through that window was painful enough.
"I know you are here, just come out", he growled and came closer.
I had to decide. I threw my sniper away in an opposite direction- not that I thought it would save me- but it was better for me to have as less extra weight to carry as possible. I got my Glock out and waited for him to come.
Just as he came around the corner I held the directly at his head, leading to him immediately stopping in his tracks.
"You sure you want to do that?", he asked with a nice and deep voice.
"Otherwise I wouldn't do it, huh?", he chuckled at that while rolling his eyes.
"We both know you can't do anything when I get your gun", he said again and as soothing his voice was- he was missing a little detail.
"But just if you get it", I replied and he seemed to be surprised by my voice.
"Dude- or whatever you are-", he said when I huffed. "Alone the way you ran away showed that you're are not fit. I was surprised you matched the window", fuck you….
"You have no chance against me in a fight", he said.
"For that you have to get close enough to me, plus having me without a weapon"
"That will be easy"
"If you're fast enough"
"Why shouldn't I?"
"I shoot fast and I always hit my target", I said. The next to seconds e just stood there in the silence of the night.
Then he moved- I have to admit, rapidly fast- but I was faster. While he had my hand in his grip the bullet of my gun grazed the part directly between his had and his wrist, deep enough to let him pull his hand back but not deep enough to wound him badly.
"FUCK-", he pressed while holding back. Now even I had a chance to get his gun. Doing exactly this I got the weapon and held now both guns in one hand and trapped a tissue of my pocket to press it against his wrist.
"Make a tight knot"
"You fucking bitch", he grumbled.
"Na na, don't forget what situation you're in right now. I can also shoot with two guns in one hand, so watch your mouth", I growled back.
"Fuck you"
"Be careful what you wish for, the line isn't that long for a last minute back out", I said drily and then put his gun in my pocket.
"Move, we'll take your car", I said and moved my hand with the gun in a motion to tell him to start walking.
"Seriously?", he said and rolled his eyes again. It was all I could see with the darkness and the mask on his face, but I was dressed the same so it was fair.
"Seriously, move", with that we walked between the containers until a little group of cars came in sight.
He went up to one that stood quite behind the bigger ones and clicked it open.
"You'll drive", I said and he gave me a look.
"You just ripped my wrist appart how do you expect me to drive?"
"I didn't hit any important muscle or bone. You will be fine, I'm pretty sure you drove with worse injuries"
"I can't believe it", he grumbled and got into the car.
"Why are you even taking me?", he said while closing the door.
"Do you really think I didn't noticed? Just because you came with them does't mean you'r actually in their gang. I know them and they don't have an Australian guy in their clan, not a single one", I said and closed my door too.
"Drive", he looked at me and then turned around to look through the glass in front of him. His look in the distant where shooting sounds where still cutting through the night he sighed and then started the car.
"Where are we driving?", he asked.
"Don't worry I'll guide you"
We soon left the ship port and drove along the empty road.
"Drive faster"
"This is a public street", he said in a snappy tone.
"It's a fucking empty public street, fucking drive faster", I said and waved the gun around to remind him who was in the position to decide.
"There is a speed limit", he snapped back. Lord heavens what did I pick up here?
"And it's still fucking empty", I said and moved my other hand to his leg. pushing it down his foot automatically pushed down on the glass and we sped up.
"Good Boy", I said in a mocking tone.
This story is also available to read on Wattpad @cocosunny