"Prove it"
"Excuse me?", her eyes went big.
"Prove that you are here with good intentions", Kinn said and leaned back in his chair. She huffed and let her eyes roam around the room.
"I'm here, I'm literally betraying my whole family right now. I gave you informations risking my own safety", she said. I wasn't sure if she got nervous or thought we were idiots.
"If I wanted to harm Venice, Macao or any of you- I would have done it", she said.
"Why don't you just do as you were told? Kidnapping Venice and exchanging him with your sister?", I said.
"It's a fucking child!", she said and smashed her fist on the table.
"Listen, I may be shooting people like picking up stones from the ground to collect them, but I never-NEVER- harmed a child and I will cut my throat open if I'd ever do it", she growled.
"I kept an eye on you, you treated him so good. Pete is doing a perfect job with raising the little boy and even tho you and Macao are still a little bit stiff with him I can see that you would never hurt him. So why should I snitch a child away from a loving family when I know his mother just wants him for her own interests and does not care a single bit about him.
We already have a little child who doesn't get cared for by their own father, I don't need another one", she said.
"But Venice is not your child"
"Chid is child. I don't make a difference. No matter how reckless I may appear and no matter how mad I get when I lose my temper and the control over myself, I will never harm a child or an animal", she said and her eyes went fierce.
"Okay lets go with the scenario that you get your sister back without having to give them Venice", I said and she nodded.
"What are you planning to do after that? As you just said, you are a betrayer for your family as soon as they find out- if they haven't already found out"
"I will try to stay here, if not I will go back to Germany. If he actually succeeds to track me there I will go to Australia"
"Australia? You don't have any relatives there as far as you've told us, besides Ken- who is dead", Kinn said.
"I have something there, don't worry", she said and cracked a little grin.
"What do you have?"
"I won't tell you that, the less people know about that the better"
"What exactly is your plan then?"
"Getting rid of Pim, I hoped you got some informations for me. We know nothing about her, she just popped up in my dads bar and lured him in and now he is crazy about her", I could see that in front of my inner eye already. I don't know how she did it but when she got her eyes on a men she wanted, she'll get him.
"I hate her, she just seemed like a slut who goes after every man with a heavy valet", she nodded again.
"Alright, I'll try it myself then. If I need help I hope I can ask you", with that she stood up made her way towards the door.
"If I have news about Venice I'll tell you", in the middle of opening the door she stopped in her tracks and turned around again.
"Is Big still alive?", she asked and looked through the round. When Kinn shook his head she nodded in a sighing way.
"Does he have a grave?", we nodded.
"I'll text you then, please send me the address", before one of us was able to react she was gone and we sat there in silence.
"Should we believe her?", Porsche asked and Pete nodded in agreement to that question.
"Yes, we should. She might be unable to fight with us but I don't think that any of us would actually stand a chance against her in shooting", I nodded at that.
"She was right, you and her are quite similar in certain ways", Pete then said to me. "We shouldn't underestimate her because of her appearance, if she loses control and we do her wrong- we are doomed", he said and even tho the rest of them looked like they doubted that- they still weren't very sure.
None of us trusted her and I'm pretty sure Kinn would like to see her in a cell in the basement, but we wouldn't get any other information if she was telling the truth or not if she would sit down there.
"Arm, send someone to track every single of her steps", he nodded and left the room.
I know they don't trust me and I know that therefore they don't believe me, but it still made me so angry.
I knew that Vegas realized what of a person I was, I saw it in his eyes and I was pretty sure that Kinn knew it too.
As soon as I got a taxi I made my way to a small pension at the edge of the city. Knocking on the right door while fidgeting like I would get the key I waited for it to be opened. In sight came a sharp face with fierce eyes that turned soft a soon as they acknowledged me.
"I didn't expected you so early", she said while closing the door behind me.
"I know, it didn't went as expected", I said and laid down on the bed.
"Did you find out something?", she asked while reopening the laptop on the table.
"Not really, just that our suspecting about Big where right", I said and immediately her face fell down.
"I expected that but it still hurts", she said and stroke the bracelet with the little Big Ben dangling on it.
"I know Mai, I'm sorry", I said and so we sat in silence for a while with just the laptop working in the background. Even tho they were never a couple and Big might have just seen her as a sister, she loved him. So hearing he is gone was hard, especially since she always wanted to tell him how she felt, yet she would never get the chance to do so.
"I'll get the address and then we can visit him"
"They gave him a grave?", I nodded. At least he had a grave, he was a good person, always made sure we were in contact and that we were fine.
After I texted Kinn, I had the address and Vegas number. My plan was to find something about Pim that would drive her apart from my father so I would get in control over Julie again. There had to be something about her, what else could be a reason to be so closed up on ones person and past. We didn't know where she came from and what she did before she lived with Vegas dad.
"You think they watch us?", she asked with the flowers in her hands. The stone in front of looked like it got cleaned regularly and the grass around it was neatly cut. Someone clearly took care of the grave.
"Ken is probably cussing at me and Big is chillin next to him", I said and folded my hands.
"If you gonna pray for him now he will definitely lose his nerves", she said with a chuckle. I nodded.
"I won't. This is Bigs grave and his religion isn't mine. I respect that, so I won't pray at a place that doesn't have my religion", I continued to look at the stone and thought about Ken.
No matte how hard he betrayed them, he was still a person who got loved by people. I didn't know what exactly the Minor Family payed or offered him, but it must have been worth it to risk his job at the Main Family.
"Why did he betrayed them in the first place", Mai asked while placing the flowers in front of the grave.
"He must have thought it would help Max, he would't have risked all that for some one else", I mumbled.
"Not even for you?", I shook my head.
"No, he knew I could handle problems myself. My father may not love me like other dads do, but in the end I'm still his oldest child and no matter how much he hates me he would never let the second family fall into one of his brothers hands", he displeased it so much to have me as his heir, but everything was better than losing it to one of his brothers that's for sure.
"What are you gonna do with Pim then, it doesn't look like she will be away soon", my mood went down. God I hated this woman so much.
"If I can't find something to get rid of her I will do it the other way, as soon as I have Julie back I will do whatever it takes to get her away from my family", I said while staring an imaginary hole into Bigs grave stone.
"You could just give her what she wants and everything would be fine. You could take care of Venice since she won't do it"
"No, I will never give this woman a child no mater if it's her own or not. Not to mention the fact that this could start a war between the two clans. Vegas might not have such a strong bound to Venice, but he will run the world down if one of his loved ones gets hurt and believe me- he might be even crazier than I am", I said and saw how her eyes went wide.
"I will only believe that when I see it with my own eyes"
This story is also available to read on Wattpad @cocosunny