I grumbled when someone let the sun in. Someone turned out to be Mai who had no mercy when it came to stand up early.
"Get your lazy ass up, we have work to do", she said and pulled the blanket away from me. Shivering in the cold air from the air condition I curled up as far as I could and grumbled again.
"Gosh you're worse than Baby, it really runs in the family"
I just answered with another grumble and turned over.
"As we are talking of, we should go and see Max. I haven't seen him in weeks"
"It's not my fault, you decided to hide in here instead of visiting him yourself", I mumbled and finally got myself to at least sit up on the bed.
"Come on, if you don't hurry up I'll let you sleep in the bathtub".
With that I decided it was better to stand up now because she would definitely let me sleep in the bathtub. Rubbing my face I went into the bathroom that didn't even had said bathtub and got ready.
When Mai was determined to get something done, she didn't cared at all if the others where coming along or not, so I had to eat my breakfast while we were walking down the streets to get a taxi. Needless to say how looked with one woman dragging another one down the street while she eats rice out of a bowl.
"Hurry up, they won't let you eat in the taxi", she hissed and with that I literally gulped down the last bit of rice and found myself in the backseat of a taxi, with an empty bowl in my hands.
While getting into the traffic her look landed on me and then on the empty bowl in my hands and back to me.
"Why did you bring the bowl?", I helplessly shrugged my shoulders while my eyebrows went up.
"Where should I put it!", I helplessly swung my hand around which lead to the last remaining crumbles to fly out of the bowl and land on the seats. The driver was not amused to say the least.
"Why didn't you just throw it away?", she asked annoyed and rolled her eyes.
"Bruh, we have to bring it back, we literally took it from the hotel we are sleeping in. We shouldn't start stealing their things if we are planning to stay", I demonstratively held up the bowl and looked at her.
"To make things clear, I stayed at the hotel- YOU", her finger landed on me. "Decided to skip paying for yourself and made yourself at home in MY hotel room"
"Oh come on since when are you like that, we usually always stay together", I grumbled and looked at the rice bowl.
"Well at least I won't steal from a hotel", excuse me!?
"What the hell, bitch you stole that rice bowl!", I really wanted to throw that god damn thing in her face.
"I didn't touch it", bitch....
"You hushed me out of the fucking building"
"Yeah, but I never touched the bowl", she said with a star look at said object.
"You made me steal a rice bowl!", I said and she just shrugged her shoulders.
"Stop that shit. I don't care if you stole it or not, if they roast us I'll drag you in too, we are in this together", I said while looking out the window.
"No we are not, YOU stole the bowl"
"YOU made me do it!"
"But I didn't steal it!"
"I don't care, I did it because of you, you are my companion!"
"Hum...I think if you just put it back they won't be mad", came from the front. Both of us looked at the taxi driver who had his eyes sternly fixed on the traffic in front of us.
"He's right", Mai said with a shrug and got her phone out while I decided to silk a little longer and stare out the window.
"What if he has a lesson?"
"We'll just get the key and what in his room then", she said while walking down the campus.
I hope we will never see this taxi driver again....I don't know if he thought we are dumb or straight up crazy.
As we arrived at the students carters a familiar figure just came from the other side. Once she noticed me she began to wave and waited until we reached her.
"Hi, you're Max Sister. Loui right", I nodded and looked to my right where Mai stood.
"This is Sony, Sony this is Mai", I introduced them. Both of them nodded at each other, then they both looked at me.
"Do you happen to know if Max is here or does he have a lesson?", I asked her.
"Oh his course is free from his professor today for a project so he and Song went to a town a few hours away yesterday, they should be here in the evening", she said and I nodded.
"Did he took Baby with him?", I asked and she shook her head.
"He is with me, I just came back from my last lesson and wanted to take a walk with him so ...", she said and I nodded again.
"Thank you, I'll go on a walk with him so you don't need to, but thanks for caring for him", I said and Mai got ready to translate for me but Sony already started talking again.
"Oh no it's okay, I don't mind", she said and started walking towards the door. Following her we went up the stairs and came to a halt in front of the door of her brothers room, as soon as the door opened the black fur of Baby came in sight and Sony barely had time to get out of his way when the dog spotted me.
"Hi my big boy", I coed as soon as he made his way up to me.
"Are you guys hungry? We could eat something together if you want to wait for Max", Sony asked while giving me the leash.
"Well she just had a bowl of rice but if we take a big round with baby we surely will be hungry again", Mai answered for the both of us while I got the leash on Babies collar. How dare she mention this god damn bowl of rice.
Remembering it I took it out and looked at her.
"Can I leave it here?", she looked at the bowl with surprised expression and then nodded. With that I put it on the table and took Baby.
"Then let's go", I said and opened the door making Mai and Sony jump into action.
Going down the hall the girl started to talk right away.
"So, you are her girlfriend?", she asked Mai who immediately started to choke on air, while I began to laugh drily.
"How on earth.... We are not together, I'm straight", Mai said while laughing and looked at Sony.
"Ahhh....Sorry, you looked really close so that's why I thought there might be something", she hesitantly sad.
"Don,'t worry, it happens quite often", I mumbled while leading Baby out of the building.
While we walked in silence I took a look around the area. I got jealous of Max, I've never had a life like that. All these people had to worry about where financial problems and their grades, if it came hard the there was a heartbreak to cope with, but none of them had to fear for their life every day. Sometimes I thought about how it would be to life a normal life, having a fixed school and not three where you are from time to time depending in which country you are. I might have friends, normal friends that would study with me at the library and that would go to a BBQ after studying and rant about the professors. Until 8th class I had no one and after that I just had Mai. It's not that I don't like it with Mai, but on the other side I never experienced to have a friend group. No one ever wanted to be friends with me, at first it was because of my father who always sent me to school with one the bodyguards that worked for us. Out of all bodyguards we had he chased the one with the most scars and the most tattoos so everyone was to scared to eben talk to me. He was the first person that I ever killed.
As I got older I got sick a lot and I started to gain weight, so no one wanted to be friends with the 'fat'-girl. I never had friends.
Would I even be able to cope with such a life? I definitely did not love this life I was living, but I didn't hated it either. Maybe because that was the only life I ever had, I never lived different. I woke up from gunshots and shoutings and screaming of people that were tortured by the guys my dad paired, I grew up with violence and I myself grew up too soon to be the violence.
What would I do if I didn't had to go out at night and shoot people that pissed my Uncle off? Who would I be if I had been noticed and appreciated by my father, if someone actually cared for me? I didn't know who I would be, maybe I wouldn't be someone at all. My whole personality was based on greave, desperation for love and that dark part of me that enjoyed seeing people suffer like I did.
Everyone had something to be described with, Mai was beautiful and she was a genius when it came to technical things, Sony probably got described as lively and always talking, as being the mood maker. I was just Loui, most people forgot me the second the turn away from me, they mostly don't know that I'm the daughter of the man they feared. My father never introduced me, for once because I was one of the shooters and second- I was just his daughter.
Sometimes I wanted to be a boy, then I would be so precious to my father.....
This story is also available to read on Wattpad @cocosunny